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Sony Ericsson: Be the Star of Your Own YouTube Video!


Because everyone knows that's tough to do.*

Check out Ericsson's Darkside campaign, where you plug your likeness into a pre-made spooky YouTube video.

Brando, the left-of-center agency responsible, even provided one-click ways to "viral it out" via Facebook and email. So, like, wow, you don't have to do jack to get your face on the front of the internets.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions

Draft/FCB Shake Up Coming, DirecTV Gets Ideas, Enfatico'd Ethics


- George Parker's spies have informed him there may be a "major shake up" coming soon to a Draft/FCB office near you.

- You've seen all those DirecTV ads, right? The ones that play off the scenes of various movies? The current one pays homage to Poltergeist. Tirico Suave has plenty of suggestions for more.

- With Guns 'N Roses releasing its Chinese Democracy album soon, Dr. Pepper, who claimed they couldn't get it done this year (and if they did, would give a free bottle of Dr. Pepper to everyone in America) must now live up to its promise.

- Audi asks you to Meet the Beckers.

- If you want to hear a bunch of experts on the topic of the internet benefiting small businesses, sign up for the Solution Stars Video Conference. Apparently, I'm an expert because I'm one of the speakers. But, you'll have to watch and decide.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns

Friday Racy: Breasts Enforce Danish Speed Limits


From 11.17.06. Apparently those living in Denmark have a care free attitude about a lot of things including speeding so the Danish Road Safety Council thought it was time for a different approach to enforce speed limits. The country now has Speed Control Bikini Bandits. Yes. It's exactly what it sounds like except the Bandits seem to have forgotten to wear their bikini tops when holding speed limit signs and urging drivers to obey the limits. Have fun with this witty campaign approach to speed control but if your boss doesn't like you watching naked women holding speed limit signs while shaking their boobs, you might want to properly angle your monitor before viewing.

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Racy, Strange, Video

Obama Goes Green. No, Not That Kind of Green


Hyping Obama in the "battleground state" of North Carolina, BooneOakley has launched a guerrilla campaign. The agency printed decals of the Obama sunrise logo, each, at a diameter of 9.25 inches, sized perfectly to fit over the green circle in a stoplight sign. Of course, it's all supposed to mean "GObama."

As of this week, the decals have begun to appear on street signs throughout the states of North Carolina and neighboring Georgia and Virginia, placed by agency staff and by friends. Additional decals are available at no charge from GObamaNC.com.

Not overly concerned with the potential illegalities of such a stunt, BooneOakley President david Oakley said, "Well, it's not like we're putting them on actual stoplights. We don't even know anyone with an SUV tall enough to reach that high."

Hmm. Tell that to the police when they knock on your door, David;)

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Guerilla, Political

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Hippies Long For the Sixties, Get Slapped Upside the Head by VW


In this commercial for the Volkswagen Routan mini-van, you can identify with the pain these hippies feel as if you lived your life right alongside theirs in the heady days of the sixties. Reminiscing by looking at old pictures and movies, they long for the days when things were simpler. Or at least more fun and there was a purpose to their lives. When they fought for causes. When they changed the world. And...when they drove the VS Bus.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Good

Hmm. Maybe America Should Be More Hip-Hop.


Mos Def joins a whole train wreck of celebrities encouraging everyone in their sphere of influence to get out and vote. Unlike Hayden Panettiere and Serena Vanderwoodsen, however, he doesn't make the case for McCain or Obama.

Here he explains what he'd do as President.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Political, Promotions, Video

'Dream of a Truly Free Marketplace' Can be Realized -- with Gas Masks


And if you're willing to buy that, also consider Anarkon's Molotov cocktails and concert series DVDs. Options include revolutionary titans like (suck in your scoff!) Anthrax and Rage Against the Machine.

Finally, an affiliate network with imagination. Just wish it were clearer what the service offering is. But I guess that's the kind of thing you telephone for.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Specialty

Rubicon Project Mocks its Own Merits


The Rubicon Project tapped its "LA movie friends" to create this spoof vid, in which Channel 3 News goes behind the scenes to pinpoint the company's awesomeness.

I was told this would be "a tongue-and-cheek take on the magic" behind Rubicon's success, but until 1:25 it's nothing but pure pitch.

That was irritating. But afterward the whole thing was kinda funny.

Frank Addante is awesome as the young, arrogant startup douchebag. Know how Rubicon screens for talent and makes VC cash? Chugging contests. Not that that's a secret; anybody who's been to one of their parties could've figured that out.

Just wish I'd seen the hilarity coming before Minute One was up. Because seriously, I thought I'd been tricked into sitting for a demo. Actually, I still kinda suspect that I did.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Promotions, Spoofs, Video

Great Milk Comes from Happy Cows. And the Happy Cows are Casting!


The California Milk Advisory Board is screening for its next bovine star. And guess who gets to pick her? You! Between October 13 and September 30, trawl audition vids and cast your vote.

Of 10 total, only two videos, "Alicia" and "Jenn," are currently available to view. Alicia reeks of The Real World, and little Jenn's being constantly goaded on by her attention-starved mom.

Videos of the hopeful heifers will be repurposed as TV spots. I hope one of Silk's renegade soy cows enters, because no audition series is complete without some wacked-out anti-establishment radical.

Now You Don't Have to Wonder What the Mirror Thinks


I can't help thinking Snow White's childhood would have been less tragic if her evil stepmother was fed marketing propaganda, and not beauty validation, from her enchanted mirror:

"Mirror mirror, who's the fairest?"

"You're very close! Here's a projection of what La Mer can do about those unsightly crow's feet."

If, like other emotionally unavailable moms, she spent all her free time working on herself, she would probably never have gotten hip to the "fact" Snow White was -- le gasp! -- prettier than she was.

I'm thinking these thoughts because Alpay Kasal and Interference Inc. created something called the Interactive Mirror, which lets people "draw" across reflective surfaces or interact with stuff that's already there (like ads!).

See a demo. I like it when the girl runs her finger down the mirror and flowers bloom along the trail. Oh, it's also neat when the guy customizes a shirt. The photo-viewing feature is cool too.

This is pretty nifty all around, actually. I can imagine it seeing it in "ambiance" stores like Virgin.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Outdoor, Promotions

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