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Ballpark Frank's Third Arm Solves One-Handed Typing Problem


Wow. This definitely falls into the "so bad it's good" category. Or is it just the "so bad it's bad" category? Anyway, as AdFreak points out, Ballpark Franks has a new TBWA/Chiat/Day-created Alien-style commercial running in which an apparently very hungry stomach manifests an arm of its own because this kid's other two arms are too busy chatting online or fapping to the latest celebrity nipple slip. Hmm. A third arm? Now that would do wonders for those moments when only one arm is available for typing.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

MasterCard Makes Your MLB Dreams Come True


Here's a new spot called "Live Your Dreams" that's part of MasterCard's MLB Dreams campaign. Somehow cementing the notion nine innings of boredom is more exciting than the two halves of amazing footwork the rest of the world seems to worship, the spot's got all the usual baseball fanaticism and emotion including curse-reversing Red Sox action.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-07    
Topic: Commercials

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