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It Was Hot But It Was Smart: The ad:tech Miami Speaker Party


We found it. We finally found it. Not that you care but we finally found the ad:tech Miami Speaker Party. It wasn't at 5PM Monday night as some said but at 7PM at the second floor, indoor/outdoor bar where, unlike most continental U.S. ad:tech shows, English was, by far, the least spoken language in the room as speakers from Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela and countless other Hispanic and Latin American countries congregated to meet, greet and motivate for the following day's conference kick off.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Nintendo Wants Us to Know Nicole Kidman Has a Brain


You'd think after getting paid $12 million to appear in a Chanel ad, Nicole Kidman would have sucked enough money out of th ad industry but no. She had to go and suck more out of Nintendo to promote its Brain Training software. She's also doing it to keep smart, saying., "I've quickly found that training my brain is a great way to keep my mind feeling young."

We are told Nicole joins over 10 million people who have made Brain Training part of their lives. Ms Kidman was chosen by Nintendo because of her universal appeal to mainstream audiences of all ages and backgrounds, as well as her reputation for being intelligent, entertaining and genuine.

The new commercial will debut Monday night on the Nintendo UK site.

by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Giant Smiling Asses to Attack Times Square


On July 1, giant, naked asses with smiles on them will emblazon a two-story, three-sided bollboard in New York's Times Square for toilet maker Toto Washlet. It's all to promote the company's miraculous toilet, bidet and ass blow dryer contraption. Apparenly Europe loves this sort of ass treatment while Americans opt for the more simplistic dump and wipe. Toto hopes to change that mindset with this campaign. Whatever the outcome, giant asses in times Square will be a joy to behold.

by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Gigantic Pepsi Beach Ball Gets Tossed Around the World


Well this is apropos to our current location, sunny (sort of) Miami Beach Florida. Occasionally at the beach (or waiting in line at Disney for that matter) impromptu games of beach ball break out and that's exactly what happens in this BBDO-created Pepsi commercial but on a grander scale. Waaaay grander. As in the world's biggest beach ball ( have a thing for large, round , moving Pepsi logos) getting tossed around the world like some kind of touchy feely United Nations event.

But that isn't to crap on it. No. We like it. We just wonder how what would certainly be a multi-ton aerial ball wouldn't instantly crush the people beneath it as it bounced downward. Oh yea. CGI. Thank God for realism in advertising.

by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

People Do the Strangest Thing When No One's Looking


Here's (links after more) some kind of weird video campaign for some kind of weird new HBO show called Voyeur which basically looks like an updated HBO-style take on the classic Jimmy Stewart flick Rear Window. Distributed by Jung Group, the videos are fairly non-nonsensical but, then again, what most people do when they think no one is looking - the premise of the show - can very often be nonsensical. So, we guess it all makes sense.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Video, Viral

Designer's Dark Side Illuminated in AIGA Campaign


Gleefully celebrating the seemingly unintentional dark side of graphic designers what with terminology such as bleed, ghosting, muting and more, Colle+McVoy created a campaign for the American Institute of Graphic Arts, a part of which is a picture riddle game to find 25 dark pieces of terminology.

In addition to the micro site, posters of the ad have been developed and are being sent to design schools to enhance recruitment efforts. T-shirts are also available to those who purchase them by clicking on the bottom left corner of the screen in the "shop" section.

by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good

Miami is Hot But Happy Hour Prevails


On the eve of ad:tech Miami, it is hot. Seriously hot. Soak through your shirt in ten minutes hot. Of course, that didn't keep us off Miami beach. On a Monday, it was uncrowded but there were the occasional sites to see here and there. Even in 90 plus and humid weather, a guy was having an afternoon jog...in full sweats... down the beach like it was fall in New York. Guess you get used to it. Even the water is unrefreshingly bath water warm. Oh but we're not complaining. It's one of the nicest beaches around and there are never enough opportunities to appreciate the barely-dressed human form so we're just going to appreciate it for what it is.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Microsoft is Still Not Funny, But We're Down to Launch Balls at Cubicle Cogs


To help drive its mobile effort and maybe loosen the white collar a little, Microsoft puts together Work Wherever, where you can distract some mildly neurotic, unfunny suited dude and even shoot him in the balls. Kind of.

Exciting. Aside from that, ho-hum.

We wish they'd done more with Clearification.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Online

Trojan Gets Orwellian on Our Asses


While other condom-pushers go voodoo and the French go ... French, Trojan has decided to Evolve - a new campaign that takes on an uncharacteristically serious tack to turn condoms into a de facto aspect of the casual encounter.

The ad takes an Animal Farm kinda twist, except in reverse, depicting boys as pigs until one buys a condom and turns into a yummy hipster man-thing.

It does strike us as a little lopsided, though. Men out there probably couldn't even count on one hand how often a woman has said, "I don't like how it feels with a condom on..."

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions

NBCU Goes Whor- er, Networking to Push Cheadle


These days it's not enough to appear on a social networking site; you have to be, like, married to one.

On that note, NBC Universal has inked an agreement with Going.com to promote Talk to Me, a new Don Cheadle film.

And like all online community courtships, the hope is to build a loyal network of people that will hopefully lift their asses off their ergonomic computer chairs and schmooze at prearranged promotional gatherings in cities like New York, Boston and San Francisco.

But unlike MingleNow, which is pretty loyal to Anheuser-Busch, Going.com is a promiscuous bedfellow. Le gasp.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Social

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