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Hispanic Creative Greats Highlight Great Hispanic Creative


There's not much to say about an ad:tech session that focuses on creative since its so subjective. However, during the Creative Showcase: The Best of Latin America moderated by AHAA Immediate Past Chairman and Parliamentarian Carl Kravetz, Media 8 Digital Marketing Executive Creative Director Gustavo Garcia presented work his agency did which maximized the notion Hispanic women love to talk about beauty and all the product that go along with beautifying oneself.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-27-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Industry Events

Panty Swappers' Morning After Stench Proves Need For 911Panties


No doubt we've all experienced that horrific morning after when we roll over in bed to discover the thing we spent last night with and wished we'd just not shared that last bottle of wine. An evening's romp, a morning's regret, swapped underwear, morning biological functions and you've got yourself a scheevy commercial for Tagalong Panties and it's 911panties.com emergency panty replacement service.

by Steve Hall    Jun-27-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy, Strange

ad:tech Miami: Multi-Platform World Simplifies Consumption, Not Our Jobs


It's my opinion that multi-platform marketing, despite its maddening number of nuances, has made a lot of advertisers lazy. Consider how many brands settled for a CGM contest during the last Super Bowl instead of sitting down to think of something genuinely unique and thrilling.

But lest we tread too far down the path of least resistance, it merits noting that while a two-way discourse between ourselves and The Consumer is nice, it's hardly made our job easier. And it isn't supposed to.

Multi-platform marketing suggests a much broader responsibility than just throwing your brand onto every medium you can imagine. You're not engaging in viral marketing, for example, if all you're doing is loading your :30 spots onto YouTube.

Do you really think The Consumer is that stupid?

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-27-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Scion xD Has No Patience for Bleating Kind


Scion continues to woo us with weirdness, pushing its trademark customization aspect with this intro video to the new Little Deviants campaign for the xD. Like the occasionally cute Want 2 B Square effort, this too was put together by ATTIK.

We like the whole gratuitous decapitation thing, but what if you don't want to identify with the sheeple or the deviants? It's always hard to pick a side when there are no heroes. Plus, the head-hunting deviants are irredeemably ugly.

Has too much individualization made us all peer-snuffing monsters?

by Angela Natividad    Jun-27-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

Candystand Says 'Bend It' with New Soccer Game


Fresh off the heat of that spiffy Vector game they recently put together, Candystand hits us with this Free Kick game that challenges you to bend it like a certain Posh-loving soccer player we know.

It's simple and okay to play but just not as WoW as the previous offering. Plus we had to download a plug-in which is always annoying.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-27-07    
Topic: Games

Batanga Miami Party Quite Possibly the Best ad:tech Party Ever


During the evenings of most ad:tech conferences, we have to troll around the host city to make sure we cover the extensive party scene each night yields. Not so during the first night of ad:tech Miami. While there may have been smaller parties around town, none likely compared to the scale and quality of the Batanga-hosted opening night party held at the Royal Palm Hotel on Miami Beach.

Quite possibly, this was the best party we've attended in the four years we've covered ad:tech conferences. Firstly, the party planners made use of all the hotel had to offer: two pool bars, one long outdoor courtyard area on which food was served, one upper bar overlooking a pool with white linen covered tables and lounge beds, one conference/club room in which the band Tartara performed and several hallways with food stations. This was no Crobar.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-26-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Trends and Culture

ad:tech Miami Exhibit Hall Floor Has No More Landing Pages


While there haven't been any of the usual booth babes here at ad:tech Miami, which, some would say is a good thing, we were pleased to run into a fully-dressed team from No More Landing Pages, the group that protested outside the last ad:tech in San Francisco to advance their cause of "increasing online conversions and ROI." Oh, and its also a front for the agency that actually does the work that increases the efficiency of pages: Ion Interactive. Oh, and it's also an Adrants advertiser for all you full disclosure lovers.

by Steve Hall    Jun-26-07    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Online

In Argentina, Cell Phones Trump Credit Cards


With 380 million mobile user in Latin America and just 3 major carriers, monopoly-related problems are the norm to say the least. During the ad:tech Miami panel Mobile Advertising in Latin America: When Will it Be a Reality, the lack of a common platform, as is the case in other markets, is always a hurdle that must be jumped during mobile campaign creation.

On the panel were Moderator, Fernando Pafumi, director of business development for Pyramid Research, Victor Kong, VP of Strategy and New Media for MTVNetworks Latin America, Jorge Oartides, CEO of LatCel and Juan Saldivar.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-26-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Mobile/Wireless

Social Networking Perfect For Close Hispanic Family Ties


The gist of the Hispanic: The State of the Industry panel led by ADN Communications CEO Jose Lopez-Varela with Publicitas VP of Digital Media Paul Meyer, mun2 Director od Digital Media Jose Nestor Marquez and Machado , Garica, Serra Associate Media Director Stephen Paez was that the Hispanic market is both very much the same and very much different than the general market.

With many families splitting with some members coming to American and others staying in their home country, the strong family bonds built from that separation make social networking a big growth area. Facebook recent opening of its API to developers could be a boon to Hispanic-specific social network development. Also, services such as Ning, which provide drag and drop social network creation, lend hem serves perfectly to topic specific networks.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-26-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Research, Trends and Culture

Fashionably Late, Angela Hits ad:tech Miami - to Raucous Applause


So I've hit ad:tech Miami - a day late, mind you - and the vibe is totally different from San Francisco.

To start with, it's way hotter. And I think somebody with a salsa ghetto blaster is following me.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-26-07    
Topic: Industry Events

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