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There's No Time For Health Talk When You're Selling Nesquik


Good nutrition? Healthy food? Bah. Who has time for those minor details when you're creating a commercial for Nestle Nesquik? OK, so the stuff now has 25 percent less sugar but awarding kids chocolate milk in response to their finicky dislike of vegetables, whole grain bread, fruit and fish is questionable at best. "It's OK Susie, you don't have to eat that awful, healthy stuff, Just have some Nestle's chocolate milk and by the time you're 13, that muffin top you'll be sporting will totally be in style."

We think the food police will be giving Nestle a call soon.

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Worst

Bogusky? Palmer? Verklin? Consumers? Effie Wants to Know


A new Effie ad asks the industry to cast there vote indicating where they think "next year's most effective idea will come from?" With comic-laden choices such as "Alex Bogusky and the inventive powerhouses of advertising" to "David Verklin and the pioneering media agencies to "A consumer or someone else you've never even heard of," the ad points people to a site on which they can place their vote.

While the votes currently point to the consumer, we voted for Alex because, well, he's just so cool and we're a huge trend whore we couldn't help ourselves. Oh wait, that trend is over, right?

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Agencies, Consumer Created, Good, Industry Events, Research

Famous 'Die Hard' Line...Well, Part of It...Emblazons Buss Sides


Recently, Entertainment Weekly anointed Bruce Willis' Die Hard the best action movie of all time. It's 19 years later and the man is again returning to the role of John McClane for a fourth time. To promote the movie, buses have been plastered with large posters - images of which sent to us by Adrants reader Dario Meli - that read "Yippe Ki Yay Mo" with half of the "o" cut off in a nod to the famous line in the movie which opens June 27.

The few who haven't seen the movie might react with the poster-worthy response, "What the Fu"

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Arnold Explores Cannes Because You Cannes't


This could be, by far, the best coverage of Cannes this side of the pond. Four folks from Arnold Worldwide have headed out to Cannes, launched a site called Cannes't and are publishing videos for the sole purpose of "figuring out what the hell this thing is all about." They're staying in a flat and already adopted a fifth Arnold employee who they found staying in a trashy hotel and invited to move in with them. There's interviews. There's "man on the street" coverage. There's wit. There's humor. There's small dogs. There's scootering. There's the beach! It's all good. Very nice work. For anyone who wishes they were there (uh, me) this is the best way to vicariously be there.

Oh, and they've given the gutter bar perhaps the best nickname of all time: The United Nations on Crack.

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events

Samsung Upstage Lip Sync Contest Gets Impressive Entries


Last month, Samsung launched its Upstage Contest which asked people to submit videos of themselves lip syncing Melody Club's Destiny Calling. The judging will begin next week and the lengths to which peole will go to win a video contest is impressive as indicated by these two submissions. Nice work. See them here and here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Social, Video

Reyka Vodka Offers Chance to Win Trip to Iceland


Who knew things could be so exciting in Iceland? They've got giant marionettes. They've got sweater-clad (yes, you read that right. Not bikini-clad) cuties in the form of former GusGus singer Hafdis Huld promoting vodka. And they've got a contest in which you and nine of your closest friends can travel to the country for the Iceland Airwaves Music Festival. There, you can explore puffins, volcanoes and amazing good (we've tasted) vodka.

We can't think of a better way to get out of the soon to be oppressively hot city, take in some music and drink vodka. And Hafdis Huld would be quite the pleasure too.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Good, Promotions

One Generation Promises Another It Will Care For Environment in PSA


Created by Brainchild Creative and given the XFX treatment by Phoenix Editorial & Designs comes a campaign for California's Flex Your Muscles energy efficiency PSA. Employing non-professionals and using a loose scripts, the "California" spot features parents promising to leave their children the beauty they know to be California. Closing with the tag, Global warming isn't just a fact. It's a choice, the spot urges people to realize what they do today has a serious effect on future generations. Three other spots, Climate, Drought and Floods complete the campaign.

The first two spots, California and Climate broke June 11. The second two spots, Drought and Floods will break July 2

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Good, Television

Watches Fall From Sky in New VodaPhone Campaign


Last Sunday at 9:20PM, all 200 UK television stations aired a :90 commercial for Vodaphone which likened the provider's mobile Internet service to saving time by dropping watches and watch parts from London and Glascow's sky. The commercial, voiced by Dame Judy Dench, was created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty.

Also part of the campaign is a homepage takeover effort that, at the same time, the pages of eBay, Google, Pricerunner, MSN, Rightmove and YouTube fold up and turn into a single image of a phone. Digital outdoor boards simultaneously flickered on with the campaign's message at 9PM, 20 minutes prior to the broadcast of the commercial. BBH creative and blogger Simon Veksner brought the campaign to our attention.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Brokaw Tells Cleveland to Take Public Transportation


For all of you who think we do nothing around here but heap praise on agency-of-the minute Crispin Porter + Bogusky, we have news for you. We have a new favorite agency and you've probably never heard of it. It's in Cleveland - which many a New Yorker may never have heard of either - and it's called Brokaw. In existence for 15 years, the place just drips with wit.

Tossing political correctness aside, Brokaw created a campaign for Horton Crossbow which proudly proclaimed "Hunters really aren't so different from other environmentalists. We just like to keep souvenirs." Then, the agency released a 15th anniversary video highlighting its work but, eschewing all sense of normalcy, self-mocked itself with a montage and song that was so bad it was good. Following that, it did some really nice work for the Cleveland Art Institute.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Opinion

Radio Billboard Uses Britney Spears' Shaved Head, Lawyers Not Amused


Yet another idiotic morning radio team has been chastised by lawyers for their mindless attempt at humor. While it's all kind of fun to crap all over Britney Spears and her recent head shaving event, Spears' lawyers are not amused by Clear Channel Communications' use of Britney's image for Florida station WFLZ. Her crazed head shaved image appears next to WFLZ morning show host Todd Schnitt under the headlines "Total Nut Jobs," "Shock Therapy" and "Certifiable." A letter was sent to Clear Channel from Spears' legal team, Lavely & Singer demanding the removal of the boards or a law suit may follow.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor, Radio

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