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Time Warner Cable Kills Band's Career With Horrible Commercial


We're hoping the geniuses behind this Time Warner 1-800-OKcable commercial knew, in advance, they were creating something fully intended to be "wink, wink, nudge, nudge, we know this is horrible but we're doing it anyway." We also hope the Tri-State band Future 86 was paid a whole lot of money for the privilege of never being taken seriously again.

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Cable, Commercials, Strange, Worst

Agency Wants to Get Into Your Pants


Purportedly, this was created to sell something. What, we have no idea. Created by Traction and called Institute for Practical Underpants, the site goes the route of institutional professor as expert and has goofy little characters which introduce you to various styles of underpants.

After an elaborate tour of the underwear making process, the underwear-faced cartoon dude sums up saying the purpose of underwear is to "cover your ass and make your package look good...kind of like advertising." All of which, yes - this does promote something - points to Traction's website which proudly states it wants to get into your pants. In terms of agency new business effort, we have to admit, we've never seen anything like this before and we actually like it.

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions, Strange

Double Standard Alive And Well With Les Shoppeneboys


Wouldn't it be nice if, when you walked in to Victoria's Secret (as a guy) and hot, lingerie-clad models where there to help you choose the perfect thing and cleavage-revealing bra for the women in your life? Of course, that's never going to happen because some cause group would get all pissy accusing Victoria's Secret of treating women like sex objects. Oh, and the fact shopping would be the last thing a man would be thinking about in a situation like that.

But, it's perfectly OK for (sort of) hot looking men to dress up in red boxers to help women shop for the man in their life as French clothing store Celio does. No double standard here, right? Oh wait, their French. They have an entirely different set of rules when it comes to the perfectly normal attraction each sex has for the other. In fact, rather than hiding, they celebrate it.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Point of Purchase, Racy, Trends and Culture, Video

Wegman's LPGA Obesity Prevention PSAs Urge Exercise


We're not quite sure this creative is very good...at all, but the message is an important one: get your lazy ass off the couch, off the Wii and out from behind your Webkinz and MySpace pages and exercise your lard-laden, muffin top-sporting, double chinned body for an hour a day. Of course, they said it a lot nicer than we just did so take a look.

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials

Former JWT Toronto Creative Wins Lion, Needs Money to Buy It


Former JWT Toronto creative Sean Gallagher just won a Cannes Bronze Lion for his work on Wash Your Hands. Some of you may be familiar with the whacked Cannes oddity which requires you to actually buy the award you just won so Sean, who is no longer employed at JWT Toronto, is looking to raise money to buy the Lion. Which, itself is whacked, because we're sure JWT Toronto will be more than kind enough to pick up the tab. If not, well, that's just whacked too. Did we mention this business is whacked?

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Strange

R/GA, O&M, Farfar, CP+B, Saatchi Win At Cannes


- Advertising Age reports, "R/GA, New York, today won the Cyber Grand Prix for Nike Plus for best online advertising, and Unilever's "Evolution" by Ogilvy & Mather, Toronto, won the Grand Prix for best viral execution. The third Cyber Grand Prix, for best website, went to "Heidies," Diesel's spoof takeover of its site by two girls who supposedly hold a Diesel exec hostage, done by Aegis Group's Farfar, Stockholm."

- Crispin Porter + Bogusky was named Interactive Agency of the Year at Cannes

- Saatchi & Saatchi New York pulled in the Cannes Press Grand Prix for their Ultra Tide Stain Remover work.

- View all the winners here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Triumph Remixed, Cannes Blathers, Cannes Blows, Cannes Wins


- Indie rock bad The Marvis has remixed one of the Jonas Moore Triumph videos.

- Be sure to check out all the blatherific Cannes video coverage AdWeek is providing this week.

- MediaBuys has has launched Media Campaign Wizard, a tool that manages the purchase of discounted media without commoditizing it auction-style.

- Focus Features is promoting its upcoming film Talk to Me, starring Don Cheadle, with a social network. Focus has partnered with Going.com to its 300,000 members free tickets to special advance preview screenings of the film starting Wednesday, June 27, in New York, Boston, and San Francisco.

- Dubbing Cannes the "International Ad Men Falling Over Each Other to Give Award-Winning Blow Jobs To Each Other" event, Copyranter is proud he's "live blogging from Cannes.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Video

'Lost' Gets Found With TomTom


If you're head is about to explode because you can't follow the increasingly insane Lost plot twists. If you're sick of the Jack/Sawyer/Kate will they/won't they crap. If you can't figure out whether the show is biblically purgatory-based or some kind of time travel experiment gone wrong. If you think the Dharma Initiative is run by Bill Gates' detached-at-birth twin, TomTom has all the answers for you inside it's Lost in 30 Seconds video.

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Television, Video

Nokia Wants Your Creativity For Its Young Creatives Competition


If you're sick of the awards, sick of out of shape body types in Speedos, sick of guttural gutter bar talk, check out Nokia's Young Creatives Competition:Film. It's a promotion that pits 20 two-person teams against each other in a 48-hour competition to shoot, edit, produce and deliver a :30. One tool is allowed in the competition: the Nokia N931i. It's all here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Promotions

British Bum Society Examines Lee Cooper Jean-Clad Asses


Lee Cooper Denim has launched the Gyro Worldwide-created Bottom Inspectors, a cheeky, British examination of the female posterior all to promote the company's Denim Xfit Lycra jeans. In the videos, British Bum Society's Inspector Flemming does man on the street gigs measuring up women's butts and having them slim into a pair of jeans while inside a "bum cam"-enabled booth. If your into ass, you just might like what this campaign has to offer. Links to vids below.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video, Viral

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