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Heinz Two Minute Soups Celebrate Man's Staying Power


In yet another stab at the unfortunate fact whomever created mankind was distracted the day time-to-orgasm was programmed for men and women, this commercial for Heinz Microwaveable Soups celebrates what can be accomplished within two minutes. The work was created by an all-male creative team from Leo Burnett London. Come on guys, Verizon's already diminished men to clueless idiots. The least you could have done was give us back our manliness. Not every one of us carries a two minute warning sign on or head.

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy

Breast Cancer Radio Ads. Ho Hum


John St. has just launched a campaign for Rethink Breast Cancer. The idea is to get you thinking about assumptions you make about shirts people wear and ultimately convince you it would be awesome to buy a breast cancer tee.

Radio spots by shirt type: Camouflage, Chinese symbol, Bride.

The ads do a decent job of helping you jump the proper cognitive hoops but overall we felt chafed by the processed vanilla yogurt feel. Sitting through this felt like Homestar Runner's Marzipan come to life and singing us one of her insufferable folk songs.

by Angela Natividad    May-21-07    
Topic: Bad, Cause, Radio

Brands Lauded, Bitch Slapped For Gay, Lesbian Portayal in Ads


Speaking of there being an organization for every cause known to man, the Commercial Closet Association, a group that makes sure the ad industry responsibly includes gays and lesbians in advertising, has announced the nominees for its third Annual Images in Advertising Awards. Another awards show, you say? Yes, indeed.

Nominated for the night's top honor of Outstanding Commercial are Subaru, IKEA, Nissan, Lifetime, and Sunsilk, along with their respective ad agencies.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Giant Uses Renault to Lure Humans For Breakfast


Now here's a commercial you'll likely never see in America because we'd somehow find an allegory to 9/11 claiming giants tossing lures into the city to catch and cook people is simply too reminiscent of planes crashing into building and killing people. A stretch? Hardly. If you've lived in America long enough, you know there's a cause group out there for everything and we're sure there's one out there that's offended by mythic giants casting a Renault into the city to lure people for breakfast.

Casting aside that bit of American lunacy aside for a minute, we have a beautiful Publicis Paris-created, Psyop-produced, MassMarket effected car company commercial which is pleasantly devoid of winding, mountaintop roads, violent crashes, celebrity endorsement, ride-pimping and price/item boredom. [Ed. No actual human beings were harmed in the creation of this commercial]

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Schweppes Fruit Carbs Sophisticates Texas Cowboy


Now this is just weird. But leave it to an American to change things up while at a formal equestrian event. Created by one of our favorite agencies, Duval Guillaume Antwerp, this Schweppes Fruit Carbs commercial praises the "slightly more sophisticated cowboy."

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

VW Golf Gets Dark and Stormy


If you're into dark (so dark you can't see the product), brooding spots voiced by a Richard Burton reading of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood, you're gonna love this DDB London-created, Biscuit-produced spot for the VW Golf. Yes, we're talking econocar Golf here, not luxury flop Phaeton. Way too much hipsteresque intensity here for this kind of vehicle.

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials

Toronto's AdBands to Raise Money For Autism


Toronto-based AdBands, a collection of rock bands made up of some of the advertising industries most talented creative people, are coming together on May 31st for a third year to raise funds and awareness for one little girl with autism.

The 'Adbands' concept was conceived by Craig Brownrigg, Director at Radke and former agency Art Director and uncle to five year old Tennyson, who is affected with autism. The event aims to raise funds for Tennyson's costly IBI Autism therapy and the Geneva Center.

It's a nice cause but we do have to question the use of the death-focused skull and crossbones logo on the organization's site when the cause is all about helping a person live.

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Industry Events

Belgian Senate Candidate Offers 40,000 Blowjobs


Belgian NEE party senate candidate, Tania Derveaux, in an effort to thwart the efforts of candidates who were making what she claims to be ridiculous job opportunity promises, launched a campaign in which she posed nude and promised she'd create 400,000 new jobs. Men, being who men are, immediately responded to the campaign by emailing Tania to ask her for a blowjob. (Hey, it's got the word "job" in it after all.)

Ever the one to capitalize on the chance at more publicity for her cause, Tania plans to oblige her supporter's wishes and has promised to offer 40,000 actual blowjobs to those who sign up. Humorously, she's offering the shy and married ones a virtual blowjob in Second Life. All one has to do is sign up and agree to the terms of service.

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by Steve Hall    May-20-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Racy, Strange

'American Copywriter' Rebrands, Slaughters Sheep


A couple years ago, Tug McTighe and John January, creatives at Kansas City-based Sullivan Higdon & Sink launched a facetious banter fest called American Copywriter, a podcast everyone who works in advertising should be listening to. Initially, the podcast was linked closely with SHS because everyone involved with it worked at the agency. Since Tug has moved on to another agency and others have become involved, the pair thought it was time to to kill off the sheep (SHS's logo) and introduce a logo of their own.

John describes the new logo writing, "Ugly? Sure. Poorly designed? Without a doubt. But that's just what we like about it." And after you listen to a few American Copywriter podcasts you won't care what the logo looks like because these two guys are not just experts at what they do but exceptionally talented entertainers. Give it a listen or two.

by Steve Hall    May-20-07    

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