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Gay/Hetro Video Mashup Sells...Hose Crank? Yes, It's True


You learn something new every day. For all these years we've been hand cranking our garden hose reel when we could have been lazily watching it neatly crank itself had we purchased a No-Crank Hose Reel. Thanks to the beauty of online video via YouTube, we now know we can be even lazier than we already are.

Now about the actual video that informed us of this wondrous contraption: it's weird. But, we'd expect nothing less from our friends over at Keta Keta who brought us the famed Make Love, Not Terror; Make Love, Not War; Vegas Red; the Israeli Holy Virals; the gay Holy Viral; the Koolanoo pool babe; the James Bond version of the Koolanoo babe; Network2's kinky voyeurism and the Propecia flying pool babe.

This particular video gives us a man who takes gardener out for a very gay day that's supposed to, perhaps, weird us out so much, we'll agree completely with the tagline, "There's a better way to make your gardener happy," and go run out and buy a No-Crank Hose Reel.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange, Video, Viral

3-Legged Rabbits Get New Lease on Life


This new spot for Traveler's Insurance lauds the surgical reattachment of rabbit feet to their hosts following a growing public realization that luck means little when you've got good insurance.

Fallon, Minneapolis did the spot. The PR girl was quick to note the rabbits' paws were dyed with a vegetable base and that the American Humane Association was on set along with the frolicking little extras. Well, we're sure PETA is too busy with other things to decry the loss of a potential pro-bunny crusade.

We smiled a bit and reflexively clutched at the string of hoodoo chicken legs around our necks. Hands off, Fallon.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Marvel Battles DC Apple Vs. PC-Style


Here's a fun nod to Marvel's continued success over DC when it comes to transforming its comics into movies. Following Spiderman 3's $150 million opening weekend, Superman and Spiderman dish about who's got more comic movie muscle Apple vs. PC commercial-style.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Good, Spoofs

Drink This And You Will Pee Flames


There's already enough horrific scenarios out there for men and their penises. We don't need yet another Bobbit, gallstone, STD or broken erection nightmare messing with our head (s). But some energy drink had to go and do it. Ow. Just ow.

We can't quite make out the brand of beverage here. For all we know it's just another spoof from some spiteful art director with penis envy.

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Bad

Newspaper Increases Circulation, Pigs Fly


"When pigs fly" would be the appropriate response to anyone discussing the notion of a newspaper increasing its circulation. Well, the Philadelphia Inquirer did increase its circ and pigs did, in fact, fly. Beginning last Thursday night, to celebrate the paper's 63,000 circulation increase and with help from Gyro Worldwide, flying pigs adorned the Philadelphia Inquirer building. Along with flying pigs, Gyro developed a print and radio campaign to celebrate the increase. Check out the video of flying pigs here. It's not something you see very often especially when it relates to newspapers.

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Newspaper, Outdoor, Radio

Pedestrian Death Crosswalk Ad Defeats Intended Purpose


While we think its a great idea to call attention to the number of pedestrian deaths by doing so at one potential point of death, the crosswalk, we don't think asking people to read the names of dead people and other "don't walk and die"-related messages while crossing the road is a smart move. One primary preventer of death is to simply pay attention to your surroundings. Distractions such as this would seem to increase the very problem it's trying to prevent. A perfect idea of creative conference room idea gone wrong.

Of course, following this line of logic, all forms of roadside advertising such as billboards should be banned since, when driving, people should be paying attention to the road, not reading billboards, right?

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor, Worst

Cheerleaders Aren't the Only Ones Who Need Saving


We love expansive thinking and chain-of-event style dramas such as NBC's Heroes so it is without surprise we think this newish campaign, Save the Monkeys, for Swedish carbohydrate supplement Gainomax is one of the wittiest we've seen in a long time. Borrowing Heroes' famed premise, "save the cheerleader, save the world," Gainomax, in a hilarious logic-taken-to-the-extreme video called Bananageddon, asks us to "save the monkys, save the world" by drinking Gainomax after exercise instead of eating a banana.

In the Bananageddon, a world without bananas becomes a world without moneys which, in turn, leads to a world full of lice and world leaders who can do nothing expect perpetuate the extinction of all human life...all because we eat bananas. Yes, it sounds very twisted so just watch the video and it will all make perfect sense. Well, sort of.

more »

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video

Caveman Sucks, Cool Chased, Doodles Published, 90210 Reborn


- Apparently, the much anticipated ABC Caveman sitcom based on the Geico ad campaign really sucks.

- But he gets to be an action figure.

- Cynopsis Digital reports, "American Eagle Outfitters is sponsoring It's a Mall World, its first original series for the web. Shorter three-minute versions of the comedy will premier on air during MTV's Real World from August 1."

- Publicis has re dubbed Modem Media Publicis Modem. OK, then.

- If you're cool enough to work in advertising then you're probably cool enough to read Chasing Cool.

- We've all spent countless hours wasting time in pointless meetings and have passed the time by, perhaps, doodling on the equally pointless meeting agenda. This guy turned his doodling into a business.

- Diet Pepsi does 90210. Anachronistically. And badly.

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Publishing, Television

Volvo Sets Scavengers on Typo - Er, Treasure Hunt


Volvo thinks it's the only vehicle sound enough to transport buried treasure from the Caribbean to your home. We would've guessed armored car, private jet or pirate ship, but you know, whatever.

Indulge the automaker by digging around for the gold doubloons and car key they hid for a campaign collabo with Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

If you're too jaded to do that, indulge us by playing Bill's game instead.

That's what we did. Why hunting down a stylistic inconsistency won out over doubloons, though, is anybody's guess.

Solving puzzles posited by cryptic voices just seemed like too much of a commitment. There are other things that demand our time.

Like Bloxie.

by Angela Natividad    May- 7-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Games, Online, Promotions

Bus Bears Condoms in Childless Austria


Adrants reader Tian is spending a couple weeks in Austria and conveying funny ads he's seeing along the way. One thing that caught his eye was this bus swathed in condoms for Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Come on, BMS. Think outside the box a little. You know what would be really awesome? A bus of that size that actually appeared encased in a condom. Preferably one on a route with a tunnel or two. There's a winner.

Not that Austria suffers from too much fertility. Apparently they're having a hell of a time trying to get their dwindling populace to reproduce. Maybe that condom bus is doing too good of a job as-is.

by Angela Natividad    May- 7-07    
Topic: Outdoor

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