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Crash Test Humans get Their Due in Finnish Seat Belt Ad


In an intriguing role reversal, a world of crash test dummies wakes up, gets ready for work and begins the workday by launching crash test humans down a path toward an immobile cement wall. It's all part of a Finnish Ministry of Transport campaign created by Publicis Helsinki to combat "the growing attitude problem amongst youth" or the rise of increasingly belligerent idiots called teens. The campaign's goal is to get kids to wear their seat belts

The beginning is oddly reminiscent of Jim Carrey's The Truman Show but we're thinking the ending isn't violent enough. If adver-death is becoming the norm, we'd expect to see far more blood and guts from these sorts of "wear your seatbelt campaigns."

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by Steve Hall    May- 9-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Nine Reasons Not to Use Stock Photography


For years we've made fun of stock photography and the marketers that use it pointing out the pitfalls such as the same models appearing at the same time for different advertisers and the poses that are completely devoid of anything resembling real life but we've never gone so far as to dedicate and entire web page to them.

Now we have "9 things I learned about the world according to anonymous stock photo models." From creepy parents to "curly haired black women 'going moist' for wireless broadband routers" to "People who sit in cramped cubicles answering customer service calls in drab corporate call centers are overjoyed to help fix your DSL modem" to the over representation of African Americans to stupid laptop poses to "Random-ass white dudes should be placed all over your corporate website for no fucking reason," this site cuts through all the crap and tells it like it is. Check it our before you choose your next stock photo

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Strange

Orbitz: Ruining Memories, One Botched Farewell at a Time


To push TLC, its on-the-go flight update function, Orbitz gets behind YouTube in these ads which, if nothing else, show the perfect good-bye depends as much on the timeliness of your beloved's leaving as on your demonstration of suicide-inducing sadness.

Funny funny. We like how the gay one is labeled LGBT. It really led us to believe the spot would be racier than it was.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

Tanqueray Transfixes with Far-East Adventure Show


There's just something about the phrase "master of disguise" that dissolves us into giggles.

Grey Worldwide and Asabailey Viral Advertising put together an explorer-style "branded entertainment feature" (not viral) to showcase Tanqueray's adventurous new Rangpur gin. Created for the Globe Probe and set in mystery-ridden India, the show has an Austin Powerness to it that's inexpicably appealing.

Take a seat for The Hidden Lime Groves of Rangpur. It's actually almost worth it until the Tanqueray comes out of the snake basket and you realize that you just lost 10 minutes of your life to a gin ad.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

Ray Ban Appeals to the Uncool Cool


Alongside that chic McBride run for its Never Hide campaign, Ray Ban is also pushing this funny little YouTube effort that both laughs at and laughs with the hipsters.

Really. It's a pair of dudes wandering around catching Wayfarers with their faces.

But that aside, it does a good job of taking the occasional stodginess associated with Ray Ban and demonstrating how the post-post-modern uncool-cool kids have invested it with new life.

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by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Video

Saatchi, Company X Redesign the PSA


How do you make cancer funny? With tighty whities and hairy men, which make most everything funny.

For Olay's Skin Cancer Takes Friends, effort, which encourages watchers to get free screenings, Company X and Saatchi and Saatchi put together a spot about a screening station on the streets of New York. Only one man balls up to take the exam and he strips all the way down to his briefs, to the horror of passers-by.

Check it out on the Company X website.

The ad was shot with a set of hidden cameras and reactions were for the most part genuine. Company X editor Barney Miller gushes, "Every friend I play it for says something along the lines of, 'Wow, that's funny. I really need to get a skin cancer screening.'"

Hrm. Okay, then.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Television

Stoli Comes In From Cold, Opens Stoli Hotel in LA


In an effort to put all those overpriced, hipsteresque pussy vodkas back in their place, the grand daddy of vodka, Stolichnaya, constructed a 10,000 square foot traveling hotel and gave it a celebu-gasmic opening in LA May 2. With everyone from Bai Ling to Apple Guy Justin Long to ER's Shane West to Andy Dick to Devon Aoki to Bijou Phillips to James Blunt and even Paris Hilton who looked bored out of her mind, Stoli did the pop up store thing in high style. What, you expect more? There's only so much you can say about celebrities and LA.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Guerilla

Tootsie Pop Redo, Ageism Wrong, Verizon Tickets, MySpace Photobuckets


- Classic "How many licks does it take?" Tootsie Pop commercial gets a makeover. not sure we like.

- With rampant ageism in this industry, here's a few reasons why it isn't always such a great idea to cast out over 40s.

- Cynopsis reports, "MySpace agreed to acquire PhotoBucket for a reported $250 million in cash and bonuses. Photobucket, one of the darlings of the Web 2.0 phenomenon, is the web's dominant photo sharing site with 41 million registered users."

- ABC will air Lost three more seasons ending in 2010. That's two seasons too many.

- Do you design movie posters? Do you think they are stupid/ Think you can do better? now you can design your own with Movie Poster Toolbox.

- Verizon and Fergie have teamed to offer mobile phone-based wireless tickets to her upcoming tour.

- MySpace is said to be purchasing Photobucket for $250 million.

- Fewer and fewer people may not be watching your TV ads but if your target audience is kids under 2, you're in luck. Ninety percent watch.

Now You Too Can Be Emo


Apparently there's art to emo. Positing that faking sexual androgyny and and crying into your pillow is a legit lifestyle (who said it wasn't?), self-proclaimed "o.g. emophiliacs" Leslie Simon and Trevor Kelley push their new novel Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide to Emo Culture.

Learn how to interact with the world through unwashed hair and red-rimmed eyes. Jasus. How much Linkin park can one really take in a day?

The book's getting a push on MySpace. Users thus far have given it a rating of 53.3 percent. And lest you be confused, that's not sub-par, that's failure. Sing about that, baby.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Publishing

Fast Food Causes Stupidity


Perhaps they do put drugs in fast food. How else can one explain the stupidity of two zoo workers who are so enamored with their Arby's Barbecue Bacon and Jack Melt they are oblivious to the mass exodus occurring right before their eyes. Damn, we'd love to be that distracted while in a Monday morning traffic meeting.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

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