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Coffee Intake Reduced With FedEx/Kinkos' Print Online


You've got to wonder about a person who would accept money to sleep on a desk...in public..all day long. On second thought, what's to wonder? It's a perfect gig. Get paid to sleep. That's what FedEx Kinko's did as part of its No More Allnighters promotion which promotes the company's Print Online service. There's also an "explore the cubicle" website and a video in which a guy consumes the necessary liquid to perform an allnighter. Good stuff.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Online

Lexus Sponsors Digital Green Edition of 'The Week'


The New York Times' Stuart Elliott reports The Week will publish an issue that focuses on environmental issues and in true tree hugger fashion, the issue will only be published online. On April 20, the issue will be available to all, not just subscribers to the magazine. Lexus is sponsoring it and will use the site to promote its hybrid vehicles.

In true fashion, Stuart goes on endlessly so if you're interested in how this will affect the magazine's readership, what other print publications have taken to online either by choice or out of sheer economics, how Lexus is challenging other media to change their game, the pop up stores Lexus created last fall in tandem with Conde Nast and Hearst, the previous promotion The Week did with Philips and this gem: "Single sponsorships, in print and on TV, are becoming popular among marketers as they seek to stand out from the commercial clutter," be sure to read the article in its entirety.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Online, Sponsorship

Stephen Colbert Gets Kidnapped!


What started as an innocent Youtube lookalike contest has escalated to a hostage situation. Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report has been taken - to wild and crazy Canada! Read hostage letter and blog, which lists various against-my-will! atrocities being committed against Colbert at this very moment. These include getting eaten by the Oshawa General and meeting the mayor. Those Canadians don't mess around - Stockholm Syndrome, here he comes.

Release can be arranged if somebody grants his captors the rights to produce a legit Stephen Colbert Action Figure. We are fervently pro-action figure and would love it if all our media friends could stare encouragingly down at us with frozen smiles (kind of like in real life) from a way-high-up shelf over our desk.

Thank the creeptacular toy-loving folk at Happy Worker, and now let us take hands and pray.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 5-07    
Topic: Agencies, Events, Strange

Criminals Featured on Anti-Gun Billboards


The Maryland EXILE program which aims to control gun use has launched a billboard campaign that features the names of actual convicted criminals. One board reads, "Solothal 'Itchy Man' Thomas got life in prison for carrying a gun. Wonder what his new nickname is?" and refers to Solothal Thomas who was convicted of shooting a man 15 times and is currently serving a life sentence. Want ad fame? Just go commit a crime. Oh wait, that's not what Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein says the message should be. According to him, "The purpose of the billboards is deterrence.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-07    
Topic: Outdoor

Prodigeous Pulchritude Required of Snorg Tees Models


To all you women who want a modeling job with Snorg Tees, one thing needs to be made clear. You must be at least a C, if not a D cup, and enjoy wearing tight t-shirts that stretch across your breasts and read, wittily, "I'm Kind of a Big Deal." OK, now that we've cleared that up, we can move on with our regularly scheduled news of the day. [Ed. Where the hell did this come from, dude?]

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-07    
Topic: Online

Over-Achieving Viral Makes CD Look a Fool, All While Generating Zero Site Visits


This time last year Jonathan Schoenberg of TDA Advertising & Design conducted a guest lecture in Boulder, CO and smashed the disruptive cell phone of a student with hardly a pause in his sentence. Naturally, somebody recorded it.

The video is startling but not nearly as exciting as the one of the UCLA student getting repeatedly tased. Even so, in 12 months it's made multiple public TV and news cameos on ABC Nightly News, MSNBC, CNN and O'Reilly Factor, not even counting appearances in New Zealand and Canada. To date it straddles nearly 3 million views and is the 16th most-discussed video ever.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 4-07    
Topic: Agencies, Super Bowl 2007, Video, Viral

Crunch Wraps Equal-Opp Arms Around Pop Stereotypes


For the "We All Crunch" campaign, Mother New York throws together an amalgamation of typical (but special!) Crunch regulars that defy the gym-obsessed bodybuilder stereotype characteristic of oh, say, Gold's.

We dig the no-nonsense grimacey grrr on Nancy at left.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 4-07    
Topic: Campaigns

Mentos Uses Poke-and-Pop Reflex to Boost Gum Sales


The sad horse at left is the fruit of a Mentos Gum campaign that brings literal meaning to "pop art," leveraging the delicious feeling we get when we poke holes through bubble wrap - or, in this case, gum out of tinfoil.

We dragged our cursor around for awhile before artistic inclination failed us. An Adrants reader notes, and we agree, that it leaves one wanting for a satisfying noise. Although granted the sound of tearing tinfoil is not as exciting as a momentous bubble wrap pop.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 4-07    
Topic: Games, Online

Joost Will Rock Your World


If you've been in the online industry longer than a day or two, you've certainly heard about a company called Joost which is, seemingly, about to turn the world of online video and television on its head. Still in private beta with an official launch date set for several months out, Joost describes itself as "free TV, with the choice to watch alone or with friends. Joost is packed with internet tools such as instant messaging and channel chat, allowing people to really share the TV experience. It's a completely secure platform for content owners that respects their rights, while protecting and enhancing their brands. And it's an incredibly flexible way for advertisers to reach a truly global audience, in ways that really work. Joost isn't just video on the internet - it's the next generation of television for viewers, content owners and advertisers everywhere."

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Television, Trends and Culture

Reebok Runs Easy With Route Sharing Site


Molecular and Carat Fusion have put together a site called Run Easy for Reebok. The site allows runners to enter and share their favorite running routes as well as discuss routes in a forum, view run route images and listen to play lists people have created for those routes. The site is smarlt designed and allows for the traditional use of the back button unlike most overly designed Flash sites. They get points alone just for that. Check it out. We like.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Social

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