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Monster Works at Finding Work by Asking Why We Work


Asking for consumer opinions and airing them as ads is super trendy, and Monster hops on the clue train with Monster Works for Me, a campaign running on just about all iterations of traditional media to ask us why we do what we do.

Created by Brand|Content out of Boston, it "recognizes the multiple reasons why people work and the passion that drives them," says agency CEO Doug Gladstone. "In short, no matter what you do, or what you'd like to do, Monster has the tools and resources that can help you find the right match, so you can be successful at whatever you pursue."

While we can't claim it pulls much creative weight it certainly moves the long-dormant Monster in the right direction as people are more interested in what they have to say than what companies have to say anyway. And it definitely helps to play mirror. So cheers to Monster.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 3-07    
Topic: Cable, Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Online, Outdoor, Radio, Television

Top Secret Ford Ad Not So Secret


AdFreak wonders if this "top secret" Ford Ranger ad which popped up on YouTube yesterday will make an appearance in this year's Super Bowl and whether or not it is even intended to run in the U.S. We think not. Predictably, the YouTube user that uploaded the video is new and the video is the only one in the member's profile. The member is also from Portugal which means the ad could be a commercial emanating out of that country or it could mean nothing at all. One commenter notes the truck's steering wheel is on the right side, a pretty clear indication this is a non-American ad. And the tagline at the end of the ad, "Make Every Day Exciting" is one we haven't seen before. Guess we'll just have to wait for the press release for more details.

Oh, and can we stop with the ridiculous pickup-truck-in-peril scenarios that, clearly, no truck could ever escape from without massive damage or water-induced stalling? But wait, it is kind of a cool ad isn't it?

by Steve Hall    Jan- 3-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2007

Hotpants + Cleavage + Wal-Mart Git 'R Done For Country Singer


If you're into the whole cowboy-up, redneck, git 'r done scene and want to assume Danny Griego's new Wal-Mart Girls single is just a marketing ploy by his record label, Miramonte Records, to get his new album into Wal-Mart, you just might like this music video (does not seem to work with Firefox) featuring the sort of Wal-Mart girls you will certainly never see in an actual Wal-Mart. Except for the ones that dolled themselves up for Playboy. Ad Age couldn't help themselves.

The video aired twice as an ad during last week's Independence Bowl and is said to be a ploy to boost consumer demand at Wal-Mart forcing the overtly conservative retailer to allow hotpants and boobs onto their CD racks. Of course, the record label denies it's a ploy, Wal-Mart has distanced itself but did say it may carry the album if demand warrants.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 3-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Racy, Television, Video

Dog Training Ads Don't Have to Be Borring


Now isn't this much better than some "only $19.99 a month" small space ad in the back of K9 Magazine or in some obscure local newspaper? We certainly think so. And, apparently, so does the dog.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 3-07    
Topic: Good

France Lifts 30-Year Supermarket TV Ad Ban


Ad Freak contends France made serious media history yesterday when at the stroke of midnight they officially lifted a ban preventing gaudy supermarket ads from chafing the eyes of its chic denizens. The moment was consummated when, moments after the ball drop into '07, an ad for cheap Systeme U washing powder debuted on the TF1 and M6 channels.

Opinions range from optimism as France makes a friendly leap toward the 21st century, and outraged notions of culture bastardization and handicaps for small businesses.

Cheery allies for the lift include Serge Papin, chairman of Systeme U. "This is a great opportunity," he said. "We have everything to gain from it." Well, obviously.

The release of the ban comes shortly after publicized concerns over the rampant commercialization of the Champs-Elysees, a wonderstreet rapidly devolving into strip mall fare. Looks like the charmed sophisticate haven is losing ground to, dare we say it? McDonaldization? Or is that a battle that's already been lost? Sometimes we fall behind.

Saddam Gets Last Laugh: Contextual Advertising


There were certainly things Saddam Hussein did many would say justified his recent hanging but it's Saddam who's left us with the last word. In that blather of pontification he shared with us prior to his neck being broken, some say he uttered the words "beware of the contextual advertising." As if to deliver on that warning from the afterlife, next to a video of Saddam's death appears an ad for another famed dictator, Idi Amin...or rather Forrest Whitaker playing Idi Amin in his new movie, The Last King of Scotland.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 2-07    
Topic: Strange

Linda Locke Gets Boot From Leo Burnett Singapore


Our Singapore correspondent tells us there's drama over at Leo Burnett Asia-Pacific writing, "Linda Locke, the award winning Regional Creative Director and so-called 'Dragon Lady' of Leo Burnett Asia-Pacific has been ousted from her perch high atop the network's creative ladder. Based in Singapore, Locke has been with Leo Burnett for nearly a decade - first as the ECD of the network's Singapore office after which she was vaulted to Chairman\ Executive Creative Director. Locke added the Regional CD title to her card shortly thereafter.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jan- 2-07    
Topic: Agencies

2006 Viral Video Moments Remembered, 2007 Moments Predicted


Kevin Nalty from Will Video for Food has created two fantastic lists. The first, Top 10 Viral Video Moments of 2006 gathers together 2006's shining moments in viral video from Google's purchase of YouTube to the LonelyGirl 15 sensation to the Diet Coke Mentos craze. The second, Top 10 Online Video Predictions for 2007 offers up some insightful crystal balling about what's in store for video in 2007. From the convergence of online video and television to YouTube killers to six-figure amateur online videographers to citizens reporting news live via video, the year is sure to be an exciting one.

Remember, hardly anyone had heard of YouTube this time last year. For those hopelessly out of the loop, that's former Rocketboomer and current ABC'er Amanda Congdon in the picture.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 2-07    
Topic: Online, Video, Viral

Canada Convicts Inebriated Excuse-Makers in Youtube Ad Effort


Canadians always have clever drunk-driving PSAs. That's one thing they consistently destroy us over.

A series of shorts on Youtube encompasses their CounterAttack effort, which highlights excuses typical of drunk drivers in a disturbing setting: the situation when things go awry. Excuses are scrawled like last words across gravestones or on street signs beside totaled vehicles, for example.

The campaign is subtly clever and not garish or too obviously impressions-hungry, a typical characteristic of Youtube efforts by other major entities. Experience the savvy here, here and here.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 2-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Video

Best Ad Music of 2006 Highlighted


AdTunes, the site that tracks music used in advertising has highlighted what it believes to be the Top Ad Music of 2006. From the odd combination of that haunting Gary Jules rendition of Tears for Fear's Mad World featured in the movie Donnie Darko with a Gears of War commercial to that elevator music-ish tune by Royksopp called Remind Me featured in the Caveman Geico Airport commercial, the list brings together some of the best musical choices of the year.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 2-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Radio, Television

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