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To Combat True.com, Match.com Unleashes the Cleavage


Over the past few months, Copyranter has been diligently following the ever increasing cup size and revealing cleavage of True.com models who force you to stare at them every time you log into your MySpace page. Now, it seems, stodgy Match.com has had enough and has instructed its creative folks to unleash its own D+ cup cleavage upon us to attract eyeballs just as True.com does.

Copyranter notes the model in the ad is said to be an actual Match.com member (as opposed to True.com's hired models) but also questions the validity of her "Brody100" profile and posits she's a Match.com employee or a "paid plant." Who cares. Cleavage is cleavage after all so we're not going to be picky. What's that saying? "Bigger is better?"

UPDATE: We have been assured by Match.com's PR agency that Brody100 is, indeed, the real deal. She, along with 25 other Match.com members are featured in the company's just launched campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Racy

Domino's Knocks Off Lonelygirl with Spoiled Adolescent Brat


An Adrants reader points us to Mackenzieheartsu, a boring but strangely watchable spoiled rich girl whose travails over her father's choice of car colour culminate in her getting what she wants and selling the old car for $9.99 on Ebay.

The last video drops a link to Anything Goes Deal, the latest Domino's promotion, a less-than-subtle hint likely to fly over the heads of everyone involved. Nobody in her comments section seems the wiser, anyway.

The campaign ran a couple weeks in December and looks over, which is too bad because we thought Mackenzie more convincing than LonelyGirl15 (who had suspiciously clean production skills). The comments she received indicate she made a vivid impression with people riding the Laguna Beach and OC waves.

Our favourite comment was "I hope your father sells you on Ebay in $9.90 and some poor Norwegian baker family buy you to bake fish bread whole of your life." We're not sure what fish bread is, but it sounds uncute and we have serious doubts Mackenzie would like its shade. It might not match anything in her room.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Online, Promotions, Video

Agency Exec Gets 'Dukes of Hazzard' Style Death In Agency Promo


We all know traditional advertising is dead. We all know the traditional agency is dead. We all know agencies love to tell us that as if we didn't already know it somehow setting the one doing the telling apart from the rest when, in most cases, it's just words. Because, after all, when the blatherific, attempt-to-differentiate pontification is brushed aside, everyone does the same thing: make ads.But, somehow, we like this "we're different" promotional video for new agency Tattoo Projects which has done recent work for Dodge, Charles Schwab and Midwest Airlines.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Agencies, Commercials, Video

Girl Puts Her Box in Box For Justin Timberlake


This is just too hilarious not to mention. It's not really ad-related but nods are made to brands in this video called My Box in a Box, a song by a Philadelphia girl that's about a certain "box" nicely wrapped inside another box that pokes fun at cheesy pop videos and parodies the recent Justin Timberlake Andy Samberg SNL "Dick in a Box" skit. The song has become somewhat of a hit since its December 28 launch getting air play on New York's Z100, Los Angeles' KLOS, San Antonio's KFOX and others. The My Box in a Box weblog, with the tagline "Britney showed the world her box...but my box is just for you," claims the video has been viewed by a million people and, apparently, the girl wants Justin Timberlake as she keeps pointing to stories about Justin's reported breakup with Cameron Diaz. Of course, there's the ubiquitous accompanying MySpace page to go along with all of this.

The girl, who, with good reason, highlights her chest quite prominently in the video is, apparently, an up and coming singer who leveraging YouTube, MySpace and blogging for all it's worth. Apparently this social media shit works.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Spoofs, Strange

Stena Lines Interchanges Roles Between Parents and Kids


This somewhat creepy campaign is by Stena Lines, a major international ferry line. Apparently parents travel free if they bring at least two children.

Coolz0r points out it's typically kids who travel free when parents bring them on trips, but in this case the rules are reversed: kids become, in effect, authority figures as they're in control of the dollars being spent. (Don't they do that anyway though?)

These ads do a good job of illustrating that notion. There's just something unfailingly Mini-Me about them that rings funny. Check out another version here.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 4-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Poster

Geeky Tech Blog Goes Web 2.0 With Flickr Chic


Now here's an interesting way to promote your geeky tech blog. Find an attractive female friend, have her hold signs with witty tech double entendre's like "charlielive.com gives great ajax" and "charlielive.com bigger is better" and upload the images to Flickr leading unsuspecting viewers to believe Charlie Live is some sort of cross between Engadget and Fleshbot. It's neither and it'll only be of interest if you understand that ajax isn't a cleaning product when it comes to programming.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 4-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Weblogs

E-Governor Bush Includes Blackberry in Official Portrait


The alleged first e-governor, Jeb Bush, had his beloved Blackberry included in a portrait that'll go down in Florida governor history.

If you're curious about the whole e-gov moniker it's because he often responds to his thousands of e-mails, which is pretty rare for our high-profile political chums.

We don't think anybody should be called an e-anything until they've started a blog of some sort but we're sure Jebbie probably has some officially sanctioned one somewhere.

Thanks Boing Boing for tipping us off on the Blackberry thing.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 4-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Trends and Culture

Condoms Are Armor, Dress Wisely, Says Condom Shop


Condom Shop says "Don't be stupid" with some print that illustrates how forgetting a condom is the same as leaping into the line of fire wearing nothing but your bare ass. Sounds logical to us. We thank Ad Arena for this one.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 4-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Poster

Bodega Bronxites Fill Us in on Budget Survival


Show us somebody who's not concerned about saving some money in this economic climate, and we'll show you a liar. The Daily Reel lends help by pointing us to its Bodega spotlight, an online film by Casimir Nozkowski of Crying While Eating.

"Bodega" is a tongue-in-cheek pseudo-documentary on surviving in the Bronx, the poorest urban county in our fair nation. Coloured with tips on adequate dietary requirements for survival on a budget, hosts drop occasional profundities like "The economy is fucked the fuck up" and less-than-known tidbits like the fact that Nutz pork rinds have zero carbs. Clever. We enjoyed it even if their tonal repetitions of "Bodega" drove us the fuck crazy.

Update: As of 1/10, Oh Word releases a full version that includes another 2.5 minutes of the Bronx duo's street wisdom.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 4-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Social, Video

Mono Says Happy New Year with Godlike Feature-Mix Game


An odd new year greeting from Mono invited us to play a game of mix-and-match with facial features, a lot like getting to play with Mr. Potato Head without having to buy him.

The site includes a gallery where you can look at all the possibilities thrown together thus far. Apparently there are over 750,000.

Trouble with the site or our computers made it so we could only screw around with the lower part of the face and not the top. This got in the way of our fun-having, and we dislike anything that gets in the way of our fun-having. Oh, well. How much could a Mr. Potato Head possibly be?

Update: The darlings at Mono fixed the bug. We are happy.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 4-07    
Topic: Games, Online, Strange

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