VAIO Chick Joins PC, Mac Dudes


The Silly Girl points us to some fun Sony is having in a newish VAIO laptop campiagn. Calling the line "the non-pc pc," Sony has made a threesome of the PC Guy/Mac Guy Apple ads and added an "I'm a VAIO" hipster chick to the equation. As engadget correctly ponders, the message is a bit confusing since, after all, the VAIO is, in fact, a PC whether it wants to be or not. Details aside, a little flash ad lets you choose who you want to "play with." Choose the girl, she giggles. Choose the Mac, he says "hey." Choose the PC and, well, he farts. Go figure.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Moses Parts Sea to Nasty Surprise


A detail-rich image, coupled with a story almost everybody knows from childhood, do heavy-handed justice to the usual "don't litter" message. We can just hear the chosen ones complaining about the litter as they trot across, kicking debris out of the way with their sandals, as Moses clutches his temples in consternation.

Brentter points us to this ad by Young and Rubicam, Paris for social-minded and trendy Surfrider. We think it's clever and a touch risque, especially in this political climate, but for an Echo Boomer grassroots organization it's an interesting break from the "let's ignite the young/zealous/psychotic!" guerilla campaigns and cut-outs of dead people. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 4-06    
Topic: Cable, Good, Magazine, Poster

GoDaddy Swaps Out Big Breasts For Sleek Breasts


In early October we wrote an open letter to GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons suggesting he "retire breasts that don't bounce" meaning it's time for plastic-breasted Candice Michelle to go. Of the long-running campaign, we wrote, "It was mildly funny when she rubbed her boobs against the window while on that window washing scaffolding. But it's hardly funny at all to watch her run through sprinklers across a golf course while an old dude gawks 'Oh, the GoDaddy Girl!'"

While it's not clear whether Michelle is gone for good, a deal, in the works for a long time, with Andretti Green Racing IndyCar racing star Danica Patrick will become official tomorrow when Patrick is officially introduced as the new GoDaddy spokesperson at Victory Lane in Avondale Arizona. As part of the deal, GoDaddy is a sponsor of Andretti Green Racing.

During the event tomorrow, Parsons will interview the sleeker, highly-unlikely-to-bust-a-shirt-strap Patrick and it's expected he'll make his Super Bowl advertising plans known. With Patrick in the GoDaddy house, breasts will, apparently, take a back seat for a while.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Super Bowl 2007

Publicis Plunders, Butt Banned, Santa Subserves


- Publicis Groupe wants to be advertising's God. Yes, it want full reign over the industry and is on it's way to accomplishing that goal by having acquisition discussions with Interpublic Group. George Parker thinks it's all a "giant fuck up."

_ Maine doesn't want to look at Santa's Butt while drinking beer. Yes, we know. It's strange.

- Here's a little holiday time-waster from Signature Marketing Solutions: Subservient Santa.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-06    
Topic: Agencies, Policy, Strange

Crunch Uses Couch Potatoes to Inspire Gym Attendance

November 2006 048.jpg

In general gym ads tend to be pretty weird and there's a good reason why - inviting your target to do a bit of self-demeaning self-reflection can be tricky and requires a light touch, like a pickpocket or a safe-cracker.

Crunch ads are no different. They feature a series of conversations between unstudly spuds whose punchline is the campaign slogan: "Don't be a potato." Catch another variation here.

It made us laugh but needless to say we didn't extract our asses from these chairs. And really, who needs to when there's Wii in the world? - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 4-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Poster

Benjamin Moore Targets Women with 'Enticing' Paint

November 2006 047.jpg

Here's a gift for the vixen in your life. Invite her to discover her Aura, a new line Benjamin Moore calls "the finest paint we've ever made." According to the copy Aura is deeper, richer and more enticing than normal.

The campaign features the usual gimmicks intended to appeal to the senses of the yoga mama: soft nude graphics, colours that look like writhing bodies under satin, and flowers.

We've seen the ad in the train station for weeks without actually knowing what it was for. In fact, we had to kneel over the tracks and really look at it, thus risking our lives, before we worked it out. From a distance it looks like it's for tomato soup, maybe with a breast cancer awareness thing going on. A sexy soup. A sexy paint. Does there really a difference make? - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 4-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Poster