We'd All Be Happier If Julie Roehm Was Still At Wal-Mart


You know what this whole Wal-Roehm scandal is all about? Nothing. She just got caught. Hundreds of agency and client-side executives do exactly what she allegedly did and no one ever hears about it. We're not saying that makes it right. We're just saying.

But let's examine further. She's accused of having dinner with agency execs. What marketing director hasn't done that? She's accused of taking rides in ad execs fancy cars. Who wouldn't want to do that it offered? She accused of indicating to an agency exec said agency had the upper hand. Who hasn't been optimistic when discussing business with a potential partner? She's accused of accepting gifts from ad agencies courting the Wal-Mart account. Oh please. What agency on this earth doesn't do that when trying to win an account and what marketing director doesn't slide them into their briefcase before anyone notices?

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion

Lego Ads Fake. Creators Apologize, Agency Fires Their Asses


Well, so much for those Lego ads. And so much for their creators. Today, the creators of the ads, Black Wu and Darren Cheung have acknowledged the ads are, in fact, fake, and that they were created as a "personal trial to challenge creativity." Commenting on the creation of these ads, they state, "We got so carried away that we came out with the stupidest idea that upset a broad audience. This was obviously done without the knowledge of any of the Saatchi & Saatchi managers."

Another letter from Saatchi & Saatchi Guangzhou China Head of Admin Ms. Cherry Yang clarifies the ads did not officially emanate from Saatchi, no one inside the organization was aware of their existence and that Wu and Cheung "have been dismissed today as their irresponsible personal behavior have severely affected our company's professional image." Well, there you have it. Pair creates spec ads to gain notoriety. Stupidly attaches employer's name to ads. Piss off employer. Get fired.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Spoofs, Worst

Talking About Sex Makes For Better (And Safer) Sex


Before the wonders of the Internet, we never had the pleasure of experiencing how open other countries are about the subject of sex. In America, we toss the subject into a box, throw away the key and hope no one ever finds it. Caffeine Marketing points us to a Belgium-based sex and AIDS awareness campaign by Sensoa. There are several versions of the ad that were developed for both the general public as well as specific audiences such as school children and homosexuals. Translated, one of the ads reads, "Oral, vaginal, anal. How about verbal? Say what you like, what you expect, how far you will go. And expect the same from your partner. Because good agreements makes good sex."

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Newspaper, Racy

Lego Commits 'Advertising Crimes Against Humanity'


Less than one day after a set of Lego ads appeared out of Saatchi & Saatchi China which bluntly belittled major world catastrophes, a video entitled Advertising Crimes Against Humanity has appeared on YouTube that doesn't paint a pretty picture for Lego or Saatchi. The video shows each of the three ads in the series and zooms in on the Lego logo. At the end, Saatchi's China phone number is provided and viewers are urged to direct their concerns to the ad's creators whose name are provided. We've placed a call but it's the middle of the night over there and no one answered.

We're hoping these are fake ads. If not, Lego may find itself in a bit of a PR fiasco.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Brands, Video, Worst

New York is Banning Everything


Copyranter wonders whether or not the recent new York City Health Board law to ban trans fats in all foods found in New York will lead to the banning of street food carts, deli salad carst or even farting. One cause group, Consumer Freedom thinks the law goes too far and asks in a USA Today ad if pizza, hot dogs, corned beef and coffee should be banned as well since, ya know, they're kinda bad for you too. Next: miniskirts and halter tops because, ya know, they're distracting.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Bad, Newspaper, Strange

Calling A Helio A Phone Underwater Causes Death


Created by Deutsch LA, directed by Napoleon Dynamite's Jared Hess and visually effected by A52, this spot for the company that refuses to be referred to as a phone company, Helio, makes that point very clear. Not that large, underwater animals aren't dangerous all the time but, apparently, they're particularly dangerous when you call a Helio a phone.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Commercials

Greenpeace Admits Its Guilty in New Campaign


Acknowledging it's "guilt" in such "crimes" as "convincing the EU to outlaw development of all genetically modified organisms" and "helping ban corporations from dumping radioactive waste into the ocean," Greenpeace has launched a newish Zig-created print campaign that aims to call attention to its work. Five print executions are here.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Newspaper

Arnold Schwarzenegger Blogs!


We have no idea who's behind this (cough, Animax) or what it's purpose is but we really don't care. It's always funny to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonators poke fun at the man and this site is full of cartoonish videos that do just that.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Weblogs

Via is the S.H.I.T


With the appropriate acronym, S.H.I.T, Via's Santa Hunters Investigative Team is a collection of videos that documents the agency's search for the elusive Santa Clause. It's the agency's version of its holiday card for clients and friends. Our favorite is the downloadable "We are the S.H.I.T" buddy icon.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online, Video

Best Buy Makes It Easy to Shop For Christmas


Best Buy has done a fantastic job making it easier for people to choose the right gift this holiday season. Called the Wow Factor Finder, this website offers gift ideas based on a short survey about the person the purchased gift will be for. There is also a large collection of videos that have been placed on YouTube that detail particular products and for whom they might make a good gift. It's well thought out. It's not fancy. It's just straight forward advice many people need at this time of year.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Best, Online, Video