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Steve Irwin Appears at Satan's Halloween Bash on South Park


Old hat at nipping at current events that rile people up, South Park works its boat-rocking magic in an October 25th episode featuring a smiling Steve Irwin, who shows up at Satan's Halloween party with a stingray hanging out of his chest.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-30-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Strange, Television

PS3 Capitalizes on Fact that Naked Baby Dolls Are Always Scary


As members of a generation haunted by films like Child's Play and Puppet Master, as opposed to those weirded out by the non-sensical ending of 2001:A Space Odessey, it's only natural that we feel unduly sensitive to the new ad for Playstation 3, in which a naked doll laughs and cries in unsettling ways while alone with the new console.

Fuck that, man. We're not taking it home to wreak havoc with our toys. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-30-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Wine Vendors Make Festive Ads Without Grapes or Sun-Kissed Leaves

rabais mystere homme.jpg

In the spirit of Halloween, Quebecois wine purveyor SAQ is conducting a rabais mystere (mystery reduction) promotion. We think the print ads are satisfyingly creepy considering other wine companies hedge their bets with shots of vineyards that go on forever and that's about all. See another version of the ad here. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-30-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Poster, Promotions

Candystand Flirts with Slightly Sexier Animation in Mini Putt


Candystand may not feature a sex-ridden, Adrants-inspired carwashing game featuring the blonde Wrigley's twins anytime soon, but after seeing the trailer they sent us for the Mini Putt game that's coming out we're more certain than ever we can convince them.

Video game females are so unrealistically, deliciously contorted. Better still, you can change their outfits before they get out on the green. Oh, and the music is cool too. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-30-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Marketers Will Not Destroy Second Life


Much negativity has surrounded the launch of a new marketing company called Crayon. The company chose to make their launch announcement within Second Life where they established an island outpost. Some seem to think it's the end of Second Life because Crayon, along with all kinds of other marketers, will enter Second Life with no respect for the world's current residents. To coin a Second Lifers anti-marketing sentiment, it's all a gallery of lies. Second Life will be just fine with or without marketers.

First of all, Crayon is not a company whose sole purpose is to create marketing programs within Second Life. The company created the outpost as an efficient place to conduct business. Sure, some of the work they do may be Second Life-related but that is not the focus of the company. We don't profess to know anything more than what a couple months-worth of visits to Second Life have provided but, as far as we can see, no one is forcing Second Life residents to pay any attention at all to brands entering the world. In fact. most have been set up on islands which can easily be ignored or never discovered in the first place.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-29-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Online, Opinion, Social, Trends and Culture

Dominos' Oreo Desert Pizza the New Obesity Drug


It's official. Burger King and McDonald's are no longer the whipping boys for obesity. If pizza alone weren't enough to add mass to your body, Dominos, with help from JWT, has created a serious food oddity: the Oreo Desert Pizza, which, along with adding to one's body mass, will also, according to this commercial, give one an Oreo Desert Pizza Mustache. Or goatee. Or beard. Or whatever. Gross. Probably tastes really good though and the commercial's funny. Directed by The Perlorian Brothers.

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Dancing Stars Tour, Political Ads Collected, Carbon Emissions Examined


- Slim-Fast has hooked up with ABC's Dancing with the Stars for a promotion that will bring the show's stars and dancers from seasons 1-3 to 38 cities for a tour which will allow people to see the show in action and meet the stars.

- Advertising Age's Ken Wheaton has collected all the political ads floating around the web and put them in one place or easy viewing and dissection.

- Ralston360's Laura Wegner, in a podcast, interviews former Linden Labs (Second Life) Chief Evangelist and current Millions of Us Founder Reuben Steiger.

- The emission of carbon as it relates the production of paper used for newspapers, magazines and all the other forms of collateral is now becoming a hot topic and publishers such as Time Inc., Hearst and others are examining the effect the production of their products have on the environment as well as means to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

- Bishop's Finger gives women pleasure. Some not amused.

- Once things are in full swing with Draft/FCB and Wal-Mart, the already on-the-outs smiley face logo is likely to be retired for good.

- Paris Hilton's Carl's Jr. Bentley lather fest imagery is now being used to sell...dry cleaning services.

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-06    
Topic: Commercials, Events, Magazine, Newspaper, Podcast, Promotions, Social

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