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AAAA Summit Says 'Steal from the Best'


In a warped twist on identity theft ads, Pat Fallon and Fred Senn lounge languidly on a set of massage beds and spout a gossipy promotion for the upcoming AAAA Summit in female Texan drawls. Gabriel deGrood Bendt helped. Check out the video here.

The Summit's intention is in part a desperate plea to help "Position the Minneapolis ad community as vital, vibrant and cool" but judging from the naked, pleasantly glowing executives we're disinclined to miss the event. No one should be allowed to have that much fun in the nuddies without us. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 3-06    
Topic: Industry Events, Promotions, Strange

WOMMA Offers Blogger Contact Guidelines to Marketers


Perhaps in reaction to a recently launched company that pays bloggers to write positive things about brands without disclosure and the spread of stealth blogs and flogs, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association has released for industry discussion Ten Principles for Ethical Contact by Marketers, a document that basically amount to 1. Don't lie; 2. Be nice and 3. Don't manipulate. The ten points in full are below:

more »

by Steve Hall    Nov- 3-06    
Topic: Good, Policy, Weblogs

Back Seat Fear Motivates Purchase of Car With No Back Seat


With so many movies scaring the crap out of us with scenes of people in the back seats of cars accosting the drivers, it makes perfect sense to use those scenes in a commercial for a car that has no back seats: the Smart Car. Yes, fear is a powerful motivator.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Back Tattoo Sells Ink, Conjures 'Prison Break'


We're not sure how a tattoo on the back of an apparently attractive Asian woman encourages people to save money on ink at OfficeMax but...oh wait...yea...we get it. All the people in the office who have gigantic back tattoos like Michael Scofield on Prison Break now don't have to break the bank to afford to buy ink...or in Michael's case, purposefully break into an actual bank to get arrested to get sent to prison to save his brother by planing an elaborate prison break which has now turned into a less than exciting out of prison manhunt. Huh? How'd we get from office supplies to a man hunt? Blame it on DDB Chicago which created the ad.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Magazine

Restless Legs Kicks Off Domino Effect, Calls Attention to Disorder


After we stopped laughing and realized Restless Legs Syndrome is, in fact, a real affliction, we thought his DBM/Leeand Dan-created Honda Cog-like video which consist of an elaborate domino set up kicked off by a pair of restless legs wasn't half bad. It's sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline which means they must have some sort of drug for the affliction. Anyway, it's no Honda Cog but it is always fascinating to watch the domino effect and wonder if it's going to work all the way through.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Video

Intel Gives Laptops to Bloggers, Hopes For Nicey Nice


Intel has launched what it calls The Intel Centrino Duo Blogger Challenge. For Intel, Ogilvy PR gave six bloggers (Gothamist's Jen Chung, Popgadget's Mia Kim, Make Magazine's Bre Pettis, The Mommy Blogger's Mindy Roberts, Paul Stamatiou's Paul Stamatiou and Chezpim's Pim Techamuanvivit) Intel Centrino Duo laptops to seek their views. Like the Sprint Ambassador campaign and the many other blogger campaigns before, Intel hopes to get some grass roots juice and cred, none of which can usually be attained through traditional advertising excepting, of course, Apple's advertising.

The promotion also has a twist in that there's a mystery seventh blogger who supposed to be well know and will be unveiled at noon EST November 15th. Anyway, stay tuned to what the bloggers have to say and we'll see how this campaign goes.

UPDATE: Big fucking surprise. The mystery blogger is former Microsoft employee and famed blogger Robert Scoble.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Brands, Social, Weblogs

MINI Mail Makes Sending Email A Painfully Laborious Chore


Sure it's cool to have a send-to-a-friend feature on your site but when it take 30 to 60 seconds just to load, it's really not that much fun when a simple browser File > Send Link action will do just fine not to mention much faster. Yea, the creative and graphics on this Mini site are cool and all but sometimes practicality gets lost on one of the scraps of paper left on the floor of the creative conference room during concepting.

The funniest part of this whole feature is the copy which reads, in part, "Type in your friend's email address and the message you'd like to send. And wait for the smoke to clear. Like all things MINI, make it quick." Well, we'd love to make it quick but all of us don't have optical T1/T3/whatever Internet connections nor the site loaded into our cache because we've been obsessively viewing it over and over to make sure our creative work is perfect.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Bad, Online

Brand Identities Filled With Pedophilia, Faggots, Bodily Fluid


It seems a lot of businesses in this world need a slap in the face when it comes to the double meanings their company names and logos connote. First, we have pediatric doctor's office signage that alludes to pedophilia. Next, we have get rich quick wackos who like to embed their sexual preference in their logos. Now, we have a store in Brookline Massachusetts that likes to create visions of a certain bodily fluid with its unfortunate name KumOn. Perhaps everyone really is as bad at proofreading as we are.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Brands, Online, Poster, Strange, Worst

Spanky's Co-Star Shows Up in Domino's Chocolate Cookie Commercial


While the nervous laughter in this Perlorian Brothers-directed, JWT New York-created commercial for Domino's Pizza delivered-hot chocolate chip cookies goes on a bit long, the payoff works. And if you were wondering, the old lady in the ad is Beverly Polcyn who played a co-starring roles with Spanky and Alfalfa in the 1930's TV hit Our Gang. At least chocolate chip cookies aren't as freakishly gross as the Domino's Oreo Desert Pizza.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Jewish Social Network Gets James Bond-Style Promotion


Leveraging a little James Bond action, this promotional video for Jewish online social network Koolanoo from Keta Keta hits home literally and figuratively. This clip is a follow up to the initial clip which featured a bikinied hottie by the pool getting assistance from one of her "brothers." This second clip is playful and engaging enough to keep interest long enough for the payoff.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Video

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