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Burger King Burger So big Only A Snake Can Eat It


While George Parker doesn't like the new Eat Like A Snake Commercial for the new Burger King Triple Whopper, we think there was no other possible way to promote a fatburger than with a freaky commercial like this. Atfer all, who in their right mind would want to suck down this 1,000 calorie plus, four inch high burger than a snake? Oh wait, that McDonald's fat kid would love this thing and could probably suck it down in one bite too.

But anyway, Ariel's right when she says "Burger King has successfully spent the last few years integrating itself with pop culture. Nay... BK IS part of pop culture. Unlike the majority of companies...BK refuses to merely be a reaction of what is already taking place. They choose to create the reaction, and fairly intelligently." It's perhaps true the wackiness of all recent Burger King advertising is simply aimed more at creating an odd brand persona than actually trying to sell a burger. But, given the upcoming generation's hatred of "being sold," the odd approach Burger King is taking seems to be an appropriate one.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 8-06    
Topic: Commercials, Opinion, Strange

Do Your Part, Attend the Advertising Industry Diversity Conference


Adrants, along with Business Development Institute, is presenting the Advertising Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference, an event that aims to tackle, head on, the hot issue of diversity in the advertising industry. With recent legal wranglings and diversity basically taking a back seat since, well, ever, we though it time to get a conversation going about what, if anything, the industry can do to address the topic.

The conference will take place Wednesday, November 8 from 8:30A to 5:30P at the NYU Helen & Martin Kimmel Center for University Life. The first half of the day will feature speakers and panels consisting of industry professional who are knowledgeable about the industry's diversity issues. The keynote will be given by Burrell Communications C0-CEO McGhee Williams. The second half of the day will be set up as an actual job fair where those interested in joining the advertising industry can speak with prospective employers.

How can you get involved? If you, as an individual, have strong feelings about this issue, you can participate by speaking at the event or simply showing up to hear what others have to say. If you, as an agency or brand organization, have strong feelings about this issue, you can participate as an event sponsor and/or exhibit at the event. If you, as a student or someone interested in advertising, want to consider working in the industry, you can come talk to people who work for ad agencies and brand organizations.

It's been swept under the carpet long enough. Do something. Get involved. Don't run like a chicken with its ass plucked clean. Check it all out here.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

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