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Naked Juice Protests Fake Ingredients


Michael Shostack has the scoop on last week's launch a Naked Juice campaign which began with a street protest with Kiwi and green shirted women holding signs that read, "Say no to added sugar" and "Down with free radicals." The street stunt was a precursor to an outdoor campaign consisting of billboards, transit posters, wild postings and cab ads. Thirty of the 60 cabs will be fully wrapped with Naked Juice Branding. Unfortunately, there was no actual nudity promoting Naked Juice but what's up with that guy in the bannana suit? Is he hung or what?

by Steve Hall    Sep-18-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor

Cemetery Offers Better Ways to Visit


A cometary isn't something one normally would se promoted with an ad campaign but Philadelphia's Laurel Hill Cometary, with help from Red Tettemer, has launched a promotional campaign with the tagline, "The Underground Museum." The campaign includes print, guerilla and outdoor. We especially like the toaster the agency tossed into various ponds and fountains throughout the city which included the copy, "For an easier way to get to Laurel Hill Cemetery, visit theundergoundmuseum.org.

by Steve Hall    Sep-18-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Guerilla

'Mysterious' Flying Cars Promote GM's 100,000 Warranty


Oh how we love a fun viral campaign. Especially when it comes from the biggest of big boys, GM. They've had three amateur videos floating around since the beginning of the month that, while capturing seemingly innocent events, reveal flying cars in the background. Will Video For Food has a good analysis of the campaign and points out an accompanying Anglefire (that company is still around?) website called Future Technology Today which delves deeper into the videos. The whole thing became very obvious once GM began running ads promoting its 100,000 warranty on Jalopnik showing flying cars in the banners.

While we in the industry love to analyze this stuff to death, we wonder how effective virals like this are once it becomes obvious it's a GM commercial. At first glance, one might not notice all the cars in the videos are GM. But anyone with a web connection and Google can quickly find all the answers they want about these videos. We're not complaining. We're just wondering.

by Steve Hall    Sep-18-06    
Topic: Video, Viral

Elaborate TiVo Viral Continues


A couple weeks ago Davis Freeberg sent us a link to a video called Blue Moon, a 50's-style video explaining an important scentific discovery that turned out to be, yes, a TiVo. Of course, the whole things just a viral campaign and theres a website, TiVoisAliens to go along with it as well. Now, Freeberg dug deeper and found what he claims was some hacking into his computer after tracking down the IP address of the person running the TiVoisAliens site. He even claims subtle imagery of the Ogilvy logo is present in one of the spoof images on the site. Rather than going to all this trouble, perhaps TiVo should just stop playing nice with marketers and make a product that actually does what consumers want: skip commercials.

by Steve Hall    Sep-18-06    
Topic: Viral

Harvey Nichols Fashion Ads Deliver High Fashion Messaging


We're sure there's many different levels of inner meaning to these Harvey Nichols ads for its Beauty, Womenswear and Menswear lines sent to us by Adrants reader, Susannah, but we won't bore you with our analysis. Rather, we'll just point you to them and you can interpret them yourselves. DDB London did the ads.

by Steve Hall    Sep-18-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

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