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Fergie Hooks Up With Vanity For Album Promotion


Fergie, aka Stacy Ferguson, is getting some help from Retail Entertainment Design which has put together an in-store promotion with retail chain Vanity to promote her new album, The Dutchess. From September 19 through October 23, in-store and online promotions will promote the album as well as offer a chance to win a trip to meet Fergie. Those who have participated in prior Vanity promotions will receive a text message with the offer.

by Steve Hall    Sep-20-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Point of Purchase

Army of Marching Robots Lock Step For Hyundai Santa Fe


Los Angeles-based SWAY Studio crafted the marching band-like precision CGI in this spot for the new Hyundai Santa Fe dreated by Dalls-based The Richards Group. In the ad, 362 robots movie with marching band finesse in acknowledgment of the 300 or so actual robots in the new Alabama Hyundai manufacturing plant. The spot broke yesterday.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-20-06    

Logitech Turns Up the Volume

Here's one of the better online ads we've seen in a while. Coming from Y&R Interactive Israel for Logitech, it capitalizes on the fact that when you see video online, you expect to hear sound. With this ad, you don't at first but with each increase of the volume slider in the ad, the guy peering into the webcam gets increasingly more active until he gets blown away and Logitech speakers come into the frame. The ad does a nice job involving the viewer, relating the ad to the product's purpose and showing the product.
by Steve Hall    Sep-20-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online

Effie's Ad Campaign Analyzes Competing Awards Shows


The Effie Awards is running comparative a ad campaign to promote its revamped awards show. Created by New York-based Anomaly, the campaign pokes fun at other award shows with charts humorously describing the focus of the other shows. Citing the Clios' obsession with the hot agency of the moment, D&AD's focus on any Guinness spot, the Andys' love of anything that has to do with agency anniversaries or agency Chritmas parties and Cannes' fixation on ads that make no sense, the Effie's hopes to remind people it's only concerned with awarding ads that actually work.

Oh, and the whole rebranding using charts and graphs created in Excel is intended to further instill the show's focus on results versus fluff. Check out the full ad here. It's a big jpeg so you'll be able to see all the details of each of the charts in the ad.

by Steve Hall    Sep-20-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Strange

Volvo Wants Something For Nothing


Yesterday during lunch, Nathan Burke checked out a promotion on the Volvo website that contained the headline, "Who Would You Give A Volvo To?" So he checked out the site which asks people to submit stories and/or videos about special people in their lives and why he'd like them to have a Volvo. While car manufacturers don't give cars aways every day, the wording of the promotion certainly might lead someone to believe one would be. But, buried deep in the FAQ is this: "Is there a Volvo vehicle being given away as part of the 'Who Would You Give A Volvo To?' campaign? No. The WWYGAVT campaign is intended to make people think about the safety initiatives Volvo has taken in vehicle development and therefore why they would consider a Volvo for the special individuals in their lives."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-20-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Promotions

Gorilla Eats Jeep


You don't normally see gorillas in car ads. At first, we thought this was another one of those GE Dancing Elephant spots but no, it turned out to be a BBDO-created ad for the new, four door Jeep Wrangler...not exactly a tasty treat for an other worldly-huge gorilla to snack on. There's two more spots coming in the campaign.

by Steve Hall    Sep-20-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

World Peace PSA Tells Uptight Cause Groups to Get Sense of Humor


We're told this is supposed to be a PSA for World Peace but we think it's better suited as a campaign to silence all those cause groups that have lost their sense of humor and have nothing better to do than ruin life for the rest of us by dumbing down and softening the edges of everything so much it all becomes pitifully bland and unmoving.

by Steve Hall    Sep-19-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Cordant Technologies Ad An Odd Premonition of 9/11


Appearing in Business Week a couple months prior to 9/11, Adrants reader Jim Lolis wonders if the creative team on this Cordant Technologies ad for its Howmet Castings division's jet engine airfoil technology was Al Qaeda. It looks pretty foretelling to us. Of course, yes, it's just another coincidence.

by Steve Hall    Sep-19-06    
Topic: Magazine, Strange

Reader Wonders Why Crispin Stingy On Sharing Glory


Just after writing an article about a recent piece of work for Slim Jim done by Crispin Porter + Bogsky, we received this email from an Adrants reader who wonders why Crispin has so much trouble giving credit where credit is due:

"I just think it's interesting that CP+B has so much trouble giving credit to those with whom they collaborate on their campaigns. I was just reading some coverage of the iMedia Connection Brand Summit and found the following sentence a little disturbing, 'CPB also created a GTI Configurator that let online visitors customize their GTIs with all the available features, after which they could take a virtual joyride with the beautiful German Engineer, Helga.' I'm pretty sure IQ Interactive actually created the Configurator."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-06    
Topic: Agencies

Snapalope Hunting Association Offer Slim Jim Tips


With a website called Snapalope Hunting Association of America, Crispin Porter + Bogusky has done some funny work for that convenience store oddity, Slim Jim. Is it meat? Is it flavored cardboard? Whatever. We'll let the food magazines figure that out. On the site, comparison charts make it easy to spot a Snapalope, a hand signal guide makes it easier to team hunt the beast, tip on hiding, using decoys, trapping and some ads in which Zoic Studios created the visual effects of the Snapalope.

by Steve Hall    Sep-19-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Strange

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