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Boards Magazine Hosts Advertising Women of Excellence Contest


For a second, we thought this Advertising Women of Excellence contest from Boards Magazine was some sort of new bikini contest for the advertising industry but then we kicked ourselves in the head and said "Quit being a sexist Neanderthal, you insensitive idiot." After that, we were all better and realized it's no bikini contest at all. It's an appreciation of women who have "made significant creative and business contributions in the international advertising and commercial production communities." Far more important than some mindless bikini contest.

The competition accepts nominations in four categories: Creativity in Advertising/Creative Risk Taking, Business Leaders, Contribution to the Advertising Industry and Contribution to the Production Community.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Friends Don't Let Friends Play Soccer Drunk


It's always funny to watch a fat drunk guy try to make his limbs obey his head and that's exactly what Mullen and the Ad Council have given us in this Hispanic-focused Buzzed Driving campaign. The campaign, which focuses on driving while not quite drunk but buzzed, broke just prior to the July 4th weekend. Apparently, according to the NHTSA, lots of Hispanics drive drunk and motor vehicle addcidents are the leading cause of death for Hispanics ages one through 44.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Vodafone Mobile Office Stretches Concept of Mobile Office


We're not quite sure a vehicle tricked out to look like an office with Vodafone branding all over it does a very good job promoting 3G wireless services. After all, if all those 3G features are so great, why would anyone need an office in the first place? Yea, yea, yea...we get the whole "Gee, look...it's a mobile office" thing but all it does is...oh screw it...it's kinda cool. Don't listen to us.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-06    
Topic: Guerilla

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