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Politically Correct, Sexually Closeted Attitude Causes Urinal Removal

Leave it to the politically correct, sexually squeamish mind of an American to become so offended by those red-lipped, mouth-shaped urinals in a Netherlands McDonald's, the person's complaints caused the owner to remove them. Yes, we Americans are, for the most part, an oversensitive bunch so caught up in our fervent desire not to do anything that might remotely cause bad vibes for a person or a particular group of people, we read negativity into almost everything. The designer of the toilets, Meike van Schijndel, said the toilets were designed to be cartoonish and not represent a woman's mouth. Of course, way back in 2004 when they first appeared at New York's JFK airport, we didn't know how to react either.

by Steve Hall    Jul-13-06    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Strange, Trends and Culture

Women Love Nike, Bestow Award


Apparently, Nike's celebration of female body parts such as big butts, thunder thighs and tomboy knees has pleased the Women's Image Network so much they've named the brand 2006 Advertiser of the year. WIN Founder Phyllis Stuart praised Nike, saying, "Nike advertising makes women feel good about being female. Since The WIN Awards celebrate film, television and advertising that dispels female media stereotypes, Nike is an ideal honoree. Their advertising has always encouraged women to participate in sports, which significantly improves women's self-esteem and enhances their chances of success in all areas. When women see a NIKE ad we feel more capable".

One or more Nike athletes will be on hand to present The 2006 Advertiser of The Year award to Nike's Associate Director of U.S. Advertising, Saga Shossne. The WIN Awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 from 7 P.M. to 11 P.M. in Los Angeles.

by Steve Hall    Jul-13-06    
Topic: Industry Events

Billboards Offer Lubricated Entry


Racy is not a strong enough word to describe these two billboards created by Grey Worldwide for some kind of lubricated cream. And that's a good thing. This ad is daring. This ad is great. This ad is a cacophony of euphemisms and sexual innuendo. It's also brilliant at capturing attention. No wonder there's a traffic jam.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Advergirl Skewers Coke's Move Into Consumer Generated Media


Advergirl, fast becoming my new favorite ad blog (if she keeps writing things like this), has offered up, in reaction to reading a Church of the Customer post about Coke's apparent knee jerk foray into consumer generated media, a hilarious but ever so realistic meeting scenario between Big Agency and Big Client on New Media. Give it a read and it will sound like every meeting you've ever been.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Good

Agency Offers Internship to Best Head Butt Subtitle Writer


Quickly capitalizing on that whole World Cup head butt thing, Belgian communications agency Mortierbrigade has created a site where people can subtitle the video of what Materazzi said to Zidane prior to the head butt. The agency will offer a copywriting internship to the person who they think writes the best subs.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

Stupid Questions Work in McDonald's Campaign


I don't know. There's just something funny about these Canadian McDonald's spots created by Cossette Communication Marketing. The spots raise the interesting sort of questions most of us wouldn't ask out loud but would love to if given the chance. These spots offer the chance. The "I wonder why" scenario is not a new one, it's just done fairly well here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

PC Guy Puts Mac Dude In His Place


It's a rule in the advertising industry that All Apple Ads Must Be Parodied so it is without surprise that our friends over at Gizmodo have created several spoofs of their ow. This time, though, the spoofs aren't all warm and fuzzy for Apple but a bit more bluntly honest about those "dudes" who use a Mac.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Good, Spoofs

Bluelithium Named Top Innovator of the Year by Always On


Two year old ad network Bluelithium has received a Top Innovator of the Year Award from technology publisher AlwaysOn as well as being named for the second year a Top Private Company Innovator. Bluelithiums's claim to fame is its network of 100 million people reached through 1,200 sites and its ability to target those people through demographics, geographics, behavior and context. Recently, Bluelithium added the ability to deliver targeted video ads either within banner or pre-roll.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    

Holiday Inn Campaign Highlights Strange Behavior


Every once in a while a campaign comes around that's so good you don't notice you're watching a commercial while at the same time you do. Yes, I know that's weird but this Holiday Inn campaign fits that description. The eight spots feature a group of guys on a business trip at a Holiday Inn and touches on all the odd, weird, embarrassing, squirmy things that can happen when a bunch of guys get together on a business trip. From awkward hot tub moments to odd fanboy moments to no one's here so we can be weird moments to moments mistakenly observed to be homosexual. View the whole campaign here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Youth Encouraged to Vote With Purposefully Stupid Ads


We all know no one pays attention to political ads and so does WestWayne and the Ad Council which, together, have launched a PSA campaign to encourage young voters to get out and vote during the midterm elections. Maximizing the over usage of pointless political platitudes, the ads call attention to the very thing many political ads generate: apathy. At the same time, the ads point out the downside of apathy with the tagline, "If you're not voting then who are you electing?" See them all here.

The television PSAs are accompanied by radio ads as well as a website which will host all sorts of goodies such as ringtones, podcasts, e-cards and blogs for each of the mock candidates.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Podcast, Radio, Television, Weblogs

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