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'Apprentice' Product Placement Collides With VW Crash Ad


Here's a humorous mash up of the over bearing product placement on The Apprentice and the recent crash commercial from VW.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Product Placement, Television

HBO Promotes 'Entourage' On Sports Club Network


Adding to its already unique collection of promotions for Entourage, HBO is promoting season three and the season two DVD by airing season two over the New York Sports Club's television network. An additional 150 gyms and 135 bars will be reached via Zoom Network with billboards and posters.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Cable, Good

Pepsi Tricks People Into Downloading Music Site Promotion


In what BBDO Canada calls inventive, the agency has created a campaign for Pepsi's Pepsi Access Canada, a site that provides people with "access to ultra exclusive music, downloads, concerts, merchandise and events." To promote the site, BBDO Canada seeded will seed (although BBDO, as of June 8, says the client has not yet given approval) peer to peer sites like Acquisition and Kazaa with MP3s that appear to be unreleased tracks from major artists but when the user downloads the song, this (removed from YouTube at the request of BBDO Canada) is what they hear. Basically, BBDO and Pepsi are tricking people into believing they are downloading new music when, in fact, they are downloading an ad promoting Pepsi and its association with really cutting edge groups like...oh...INXS which almost may have been cutting edge about 20 years ago.

Anyway, less "inventive" are several (1, 2, 3, 4) ads BBDO created to promote the site which humorously follow the actions of a couple guys as they try to obtain access to popular Canadian groups such as Kardinal Offishal, Swollen Members, and Dashboard Confessional.

UPDATE: The MP3 file that was to have been seeded has been removed from YouTube at the request of BBDO Canada who claims (or had to based on the choices YouTube provides when a cancellation request is made) they were used without permission even though they were sent to us by someone from BBDO Canada to be featured here on Adrants. Twisted. Consequently, because of this and other companies who have sent in content and then had other entities with the company or partner companies make complaints, our YouTube account has been closed. With bandwidth constraints in mind, we'll host what we can here or we will rely on the marketer/agency to host things themselves. The frustrating thing here is everyone wants there work seen by everyone - and we want to show it - until those nasty usage fees and other issues come into play.

UPDATE II: We've been told the file that will be seeded has not yet been approved by Pepsi and that is why BBDO Canada asked YouTube to remove the file and has asked us to clarify that here.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Online, Viral

Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie In MTV Music Award Ads


While everyone's probably already seen these, Adrants being all about advertising, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention them here for posterity. Anyone who has a brain knows Jessica Alba is hosting this year's MTV Movie Awards. She's also appeared in three commercial to promote the show. They're intentionally cheesy, she has all her clothes on, Nicole Richie makes a cameo and you can watch them here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Cable, Celebrity, Commercials, Good

Gas Pumps Get TV Programming And Advertising


Given that there's not usually a whole lot of eye candy at the gas station as, say, there is on the sidewalks of New York during a hot summer day, the launch of Gas Station TV, currently testing in Dallas, sounds like a really great idea. After all, for the 3-5 minutes it takes to pump your tank full of gas, there's not a whole lot to do other than watch the numbers roll on the pump or marvel at just how far over the belt line the stomach of the guy in the car next to you hangs as he waddles back from the convenient mart with yet another bag of twinkies and a 64 once bottle of sugar and chemicals.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Point of Purchase, Television

Coors Targets Gays With New Ad Campaign


Here's a collection of ads from the recent gay-themed Coors campaign which hopes to expand its market share by, well, going after those that live the gay lifestyle and portraying that lifestyle in their ads. It's an intelligent approach and one that, intended or not, captures the attention of all sexual persuasions. After all, straight girls like to look at ripped guys in bathing suits and straight guys, well, they'll look at any attractive woman, gay or straight, in any situation

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-06    

Wonderbra Campaign Reverses Perspective of Wearing Push Up Bra


Now here's a different approach to bra advertising. Rather than show a hot model with miles of cleavage bursting forth, change the perspective and show the reaction of the people when presented with what a bra can do for a woman...and to the people around her. That's exactly what Wonderbra has done in this campaign that illustrates what it is like to be a woman wearing a Wonderbra. Or, for that matter, what it must be like to a sexy woman wearing just about anything. It's almost creepy.

Oddly, the campaign, without intending to do so, illustrates to those of us who can't keep our eyes off an attractive woman that being stared at just might not be all it's cracked up to be. Men, take note. On the other hand, women, if you're going to hoist your boobs up and out for all to see, expect to get what you see in these ads and don't complain about it.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Good, Magazine

Old Navy Chick Wants You to Check Her Out


AdJab doesn't like it and thinks it's annoying but we'd be happy to follow the advice in this new Old Navy commercial in which we are urged to "check it out." After all the model, behind whom, other plaid-clad dancers appear is definitely worth checking out. I guess all the dancers have to appear from behind because that's where her check it out assets reside. There's certainly no assets up front. Oh wait, she has a face. And she's really pretty. OK, fine, we'll check her out all over. But, we not sure we're going to kick it with the return of the whole 80's preppy plaid thing.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-06    
Topic: Good

'Snakes On A Plne' Get Bono-Like Spoof Treatment


AdFreak points to yet another homage to the buzz-o-meter busting Snakes on a Plane in which DC Luigi portrays U2's Bono and sings, "Someone Tell Sam Jackson He's My Bro." Funny, funny and more funny.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-06    
Topic: Good, Spoofs

Scion Animation Campaign Makes Debut


ATTIK SF and LA have, today, launched an in-cinema and broadcast animation-fest for their client, Scion. There are three :30's in the campaign, xA Shadow, xB Swarm and tC Shark. Each was directed by ATTIK Creative Director Simon Needham with animation help from Shilo Design, Stardust Studios and Blind. It's something we wouldn't mind watching prior to a movie.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

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