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Absolut Games, Pepsi Plugs, Kittens Stick, Mexicans Invade


- Similar to Virgin's find the bands game, Absolut has launched a game in which the player has to find 82 bottles in a busy streetscape. It's sort of like that guy that wrote all those Busy Town kid books.

- Everyone's buzzing about Pepsi' interactive outdoor/transit ad which allows people to plug their headphones right into the poster to sample tunes from Pepsi Access.

- Adopt a kitten door sticker campaign copies begging children door sticker campaign.

- Well, this is one way to get a lot of attention for your average warehouse sale.

- Here's one ad campaign that doesn't paint Mexicans in a very respectful manner.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Games, Online, Outdoor

Not All PlayStation2 Ads Are Freakish And Violent


In contrast to the many freakish and violent themed PlayStation2 ads that have been the norm for a while, Coolz0r calls attention to this PlayStation2 ad that is quite the opposite. Still weird, it's very calming and gentle in comparison to most of the other ads. Just thought we'd share.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good

First Buckin', Now Huckin' Chicken Sells Burger King Sandwiches


We are tired. So tired. Tired of typing the words "Burger King," "Chicken" and "Crispin Porter + Bogusky." But, it is our duty, as one who conveys the latest in advertising goodies, to tell you that, yes, CP+B has launched yet another chicken-themed campaign to promote Burger King Chicken sandwiches. We've seen everything from the Whopperettes to CoqRoq to Subservient Chicken to Big Buckin' Chicken. Now, there's this site called Huckin' Chicken on which a guy in a chicken suit does increasingly more daring motorcycle stunts based on how many people visit the site. It's a nice twist on a viral campaign but maybe CP+B should just move on to Big Fuckin' Chicken and close the book on the man in a chicken suit approach to selling sandwiches. Oh wait, there's still Suckin' Chicken to endure.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange, Viral

Cox Cock Blocks Craigslist


Silicon Valley Watcher digs into a situation whereby Cox Interactive is throttling its customer's access to Craigslist because, perhaps, Cox Interactive parent company Cox Enterprises feels people should read classified ads in Cox Media newspapers instead of on Craigslist. It appears Cox Interactive has been working with security software from Authentium since April 2005 and on February 23 of 2006 Authentium did acknowledge it was, in fact, blocking Craiglist from Cox Interactive users. Craigslist has asked Authentium several times to stop blocking their site to no avail. It's one thing to get competitive when your business is on the way to the toilet. It's entirely another thing when that competitive spirit turns nasty and wreaks of illegal activity.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Policy

'Entourage' Boys On Valet Parking Tickets


The marketing folks behind HBO's Entourage have the boys very busy these day days drumming up excitement for the upcoming third season. This time, there they're all over valet tickets in L.A. Dallas-based AdverTickets developed a campaign to hand out 369,000 full-color valet tickets in LA featuring each of the five characters on the show. The valet ticket campaign started May 15th and continues through June 15th. The tickets have received positive attention for the show, including attention from one of its stars - Kevin Connolly (Eric on the show). He got one of the tickets at an L.A. valet and loved it so much that he requested a stack of them for his own personal use. Shouldn't smug fuck Ari be all over this one?

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Cable, Good, Specialty

Voice in Urinal Urges Men Not to Drive Drunk


Acknowledging the men's room is one of the last places a guy visits before driving home after a long night of drinking, Nassau County traffic safety officials have launched a talking urinal campaign using the Wizmark Urinal Communicator. The device is being distributed free to all bars located in the county. DWI fines paid for the campaign.

The message potential drunk drivers will hear is, "Hey you Yea You, having a few drinks? Then listen up! Think you had one to many then it's time to call a cab or call a sober friend for a ride home. It sure is safer and a hell of a lot cheaper than a DWI. Make the smart choice tonight, don't drink and drive."

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

S&M Imagery Sells High Tech Products


Adland points us to a fetish-focused site for electronics distributor Cosmos on which the usual arty images of perfect males and female bodies are adorned with links to products available from Cosmos. What this has to do with selling technology we don't know but, oh wait. Silly us. Sorry. We lost the mantra for a moment there. OK, now it's back. Sex sells. Sex sells. Sex sells. Repeat after us. Sex sells. Sex sells. Sex sells. OK, we feel better now. Sorry for that brief lapse in knowledge on our part. We'll try not to let it happen again. There is some nudity on the site.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Viral

Muddy Asian Hotties Offer World Cup Excitement


We asked our friend over at Adland to help translate this find for us but there wasn't much to translate. (She did the translation prior to someone doing it in Comments but we chose not to include it because it didn't really explain much. Credit where credit is due) We don't know if it's a real promotion for something, a nod to the Super bowl Lingerie Bowl or just some art director's Asian football wet dream. In any event, here are some very well done visuals featuring barely dressed Asian women playing football. Anyone can feel free to explain further.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 8-06    
Topic: Good, Online

Cows Say Stop Squeezing Us, Drink Soy


First there was the Raging Cow and now there's Cows for Silk. To promote Silk, a soy milk product, the company has decided to use cows in its ad campaign and to create a site/blog where cows named Frank, Connie and Amanda can babble on endlessly about why it's better to drink soy than to have their own tits (yes, that is the term farmers openly use to describe that particular piece of cow anatomy) squeezed for milk. We pity the poor marketing people/copywriters who have to write cow hottie stuff like this:

"Drinking Silk was my first step to the "wow Amanda is so fine" comments. I eat healthy because I can. I get herbal swamp mud and fragrant sea cucumber body wraps at the spa because I can. And I drink Silk because I can. I know that this is the only Amanda I get - you better believe I flaunt it."

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Television, Weblogs

YouTube May Become Biggest Medium For Presidential Candidates


The last presidential election was all about weblogs. Who had them. Who wrote about the election. Which ones uncovered the scandals. This time, it's going to be all about YouTube. An organization called YouPrez is urging anyone to upload a presidential speech to YouTube and tag it "youprez." Of, course it's just a big joke right now but it's entirely conceivable that a presidential candidate would have just as much reach through YouTube as they might through television or any other medium. If a candidate is after an audience that is largely unreachable through traditional media, YouTube certainly offers a viable alternative.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 7-06    
Topic: Good, Online

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