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Bob Garfield Wrong About 'Rolling Stones' Half Time Show


While we've been in the ad biz since before Loyd Dobler held that radio over his head in Say Anything, we don't pretend to have the knowledge or insight Ad Age Editor Hoag Levins or black-turtlenecked Ad Age Man-At-Large Bob Garfield possess, except, perhaps when it comes to Garfield's commentary on why the Rolling Stones are bad choice as a Half Time Super Bowl act. Calling the Stones "114 year olds" who have "been around since the early Jurassic period," Garfield can't seem to understand why the Stones are still relevant cavalierly claiming they "have one foot in the grave," their appearance in the Super Bowl is a "last surrender to commercialism" and they're on their way to "Hollywood Squares." Calling them a "commercialized pop act," Garfield is so out of touch with culture, he, in perhaps an apparent attempt to appear hip, can't seem to grasp that fact the Stones still are "hip."

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Opinion, Super Bowl 2006, Television

Direct Mail Piece Gets Edited For Truth


Ad-Verse's Eric Weaver recently received a piece of direct mail, as we all have, and it, apparently, was one too many. Weaver took the DM piece and made a few comments and edits altering the piece to make it more truthful. Poking fun at everything from the promised credit line to the ever-so-important "respond by" date to attempts at personalization to unmasking what the marketer would really say if they were honest

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-06    
Topic: Direct

Beacher's Madhouse Goes to Miami With 'Ocean Drive' Magazine


South Florida lifestyle magazine, Ocean Drive, according to MediaBuyerPlanner, has partnered with Vegas' celebu-bash Beacher's Madhouse hosting their appearance February 13 at Miami's Mansion nightclub. The mag will also celebrate their anniversary with a Grey Goose, Just Like Me by Parris Hilton and PURE nightclub-sponsored invitation-only party at the St. Regis Bal Harbour. Someone please invite us.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Events, Magazine, Sponsorship

NBC Takes 'American Idol'-Like Show Online


NBC is launching an online show called Star Tomorrow which will follow 100 bands for 16 weeks beginning this summer as they compete for a record deal. Tommy Mottola will be the shows's Simon. Somehow we don't think will make a dent in American Idol's ratings.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-06    
Topic: Online

TV Isn't The Only Place to Find Super Bowl Advertising


While everyone's buzzing about the upcoming Super Bowl Commercial Orgasm on TV, the industry seems to have forgotten that there are other media carrying Super Bowl related advertising. Thanks to Adverlicio.us which put together a collection of Super Bowl-related online advertising, we can re-direct our attention, if only for a few minutes, to this upstart little medium called the Internet. Unfortunately, most of the ads aren't very good so after you take a look, you can go back to worshiping the :30.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-06    
Topic: Online, Super Bowl 2006

Adland Ties Super Bowl Spots In A Bow


Neatly organizing the known players for Sunday's Super Bowl Advertising extravaganza, Adland has compiled a list of advertisers, what they plan to air and when during the game the ads will run. Budweiser will dominate with ten spots during the game. GoDaddy has finally made the list. All the other regulars will be there as well from FedX to Subway to ESPN to MasterCard to Emerald to Burger King (with Brooke Burke) to Pepsi to...well....just go read the list.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-06    
Topic: Commercials, Super Bowl 2006

Shocker! GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial Gets Approved


Conveniently, with just three days left and milking every last bit of publicity, GoDaddy today received approval to place a commercial in the Super Bowl this Sunday. It took fourteen tries but the fourteenth was the charm. GoDaddy CEO says the spot will appear as the second ad in the sixth break, likely at the end of the first quarter or the beginning of the second. A second position has been purchased as well.

GoDaddy has created a time line of its dealing with NFL with an explanation, screenshots and video for each of the 14 attempts. The approved version reallu isn't all that exciting or funny for that matter but, as always, Parsons promises an Internet-only version to be released Super Bowl Sunday.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-06    
Topic: Online, Super Bowl 2006, Television

Religious Right Uppity Over Britney Spears' 'Will & Grace' Appearance

Not realizing it was lack of advertisers instead of their religious whinings that caused NBC to cancel its Book of Daniel, The American Family Association is all hot and bothered again over Britney Spears' appearance on the NBC sitcom Will & Grace in which she plays a co-host during a new cooking segment called "Cruci-fixin's" on the show's fictitious TV network, recently purchased by a Christian TV network.

AFA Special Projects Director Randy Sharp blathered, "They would not be making fun of Mohammed or Buddha. It's almost sacrilegious. I wonder who is at the helm of NBC that they are not getting the message. NBC doesn't seem concerned that they are tanking because they are offending their viewers and running them off." Though it's in its last season, Will & Grace is hardly tanking.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Television, Worst

Gawker Media Launches Silicon Valley Gossip Blog


The bow's untied. The password protection has been removed. Today, Gawker media launches another gossip blog, this time, focusing on Silicon Valley. Called Valley Wag and described as a tech gossip rag for Silicon Valley tech types who are too busy changing the world to have time for "sex, greed and Hypocrisy" but who Gawker knows needs, like everyone else, some good dirt. The blog is written by West Coast newcomber Nick Douglas who, because of his newness, won't be burdened with having to be polite to anyone unlucky enough to find themselves maligned on the pages of Valley Wag.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-06    
Topic: Publishing, Weblogs

Animals Audition For Spike Jonze Miller Commercials


In the works since last Summer, Miller, along with Spike Jonze and Y&R Chicago, has created six commercials featuring talking animals that mock all the animals Budweiser has used in its ads over the years. The "auditions" for the ads, which feature animals babbling on frustrated actor-style, can be viewed here. Who knows. Perhaps they'll appear in the Super Bowl.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Television

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