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Toy Maker Uses Flip Books to Demonstrate Smart Train Tracks


Wooden toy maker BRIO Corporation is using Flippies flip books to demonstrate unique features of its Smart Track products for the BRIO Wooden Railway System. BRIO will use the flip books to show its Smart Track train rails which make a train do different things such as blow its whistle or back up, depending on which Smart Track the train is passing over.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Guerilla

NBC Promotes Olympics With 'Las Vegas' Mini-Movie


NBC is leveraging its Monday night show Las Vegas to help promote the network's Olympic coverage. A two and a half minute mini-movie will appear in tonight's episode as well as appear on 10,000 movie screens. Chevy's in on the deal two and will feature several of its vehicles in tonight's episode and in the movie which follows fans of Olympic medalists from Vegas to Torino. The mini-movie morphs from a real storyline in the episode.

It appears to be one of the most integrated promotions/product placement in recent memory and, as is always the case with these things, it'll either bomb or succeed seamlessly. I guess we'll be watching Las Vegas tonight.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Product Placement, Promotions, Television

Million Dollar Homepage Concept Moves to Weblog


I'm loathe to cover this or anything else million dollar homepage-related but, now doubt, someone else will and Adrants will have missed the boat. So here we go. Yijun Sun has ported the million dollar homepage concept to the weblog format and plans to sell blog posts by the character.

Surely, this is just another lame, stupid attempt to latch onto the one and only true and successful million dollar homepage but there's this thing with blogs. They seem to find their way into search engine results a lot better than flat sites. They seem to more effectively lend themselves to link-love. They are Technorati and RSS friendly which serves to spread the existence of the site even further. It's not that anyone's going to run out an subscribe to the RSS feed of this site but that's not the point. The site's content - advertisers who choose to buy posts - will self populate and automatically find there way into the discourse of the blogoshpere and beyond.

Call me stupid - I have already for even giving consideration to this - but it just might have legs. Either that or everyone can point to it as the dumbest thing the blogoshere offered this year and the stupidest thing Adrants ever covered. You decide.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Weblogs

Desperate Housewife Makes Fictitious Career A Reality


Perhaps in a nod to her 'Desperate Housewives' based former career as model or perhaps simply because she looks good near hot cars, Chrysler had Eva Longoria on hand Sunday to introduce its new concept car Imperial. She joined Chrysler big wigs on stage in the new car uttering the words, "I'm desperate for one of these cars." So cute. Now go back to the 'Desperate Housewives' and do what you do best: lie, cheat and kiss other wive's husbands.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Promotions

Holidays Are Over, Now You Can Get Divorced


Our Canadian correspondent, Sanj, sends us this ad for ezdivorce, a company that specializes in, as the name indicates, divorces. The ad, which appeared in the Toronto Metro paper, carries the ingenious headline, "Holidays Are Over - You Can Stop Pretending Now," giving nod to the perpetual postponement of all thing painful during the Holiday season. Simple. Witty. We like.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Newspaper

Nike Equates Soccer to Brazilian Booty

In an entrancing footwork and booty-fest, Nike's Ginga spot, featured on Ad Age's TV Spots of the Week but out, apparently, since March, promotes an hour-long show about the country and the sport. The trailer which intermixes images of Brazilian rythym with phrases like "Brazilians Move Unlike Anyone Else in the World" was created by Wieden + Kennedy and O2 Films.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials

The Usual Suspects Make Up Super Bowl Advertisers


It's that time of year again. From FedEx to Cadillac to Sprint to Subway to ESPN to Burger King to CareerBuilder to Ford, Ad Age has compiled a comprehensive list of Super Bowl 2006 advertising activity reporting who's buying what, what creative will be run, ans what agencies are behind the brands. Oddly, GoDaddy is missing from the list but we know they'll make s showing.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials, Super Bowl 2006, Television

Four Hour Erections No Longer Topic During NFL Games


How we went from a society that used to just go to their doctor when they couldn't get a hard on to one which, apparently, no one can get hard and everyone wants to talk about it, one will never know. Perhaps the NFL's recent move to end its $18 million contract with erectile dysfunction company Levitra will help the country alleviate its obsession with the four hour hard on and the penis as the only redeeming quality in men. Without belittling a very serious and unfortunate situation, the whole erectile dysfunction thing has gone from offering serious medical solutions to making a joke out of the situation along with turning some perfectly healthy men into pill-popping, 24 hour-a-day marathon pelvic thrusters.

In announcing this move, we've got to hand it to Ad Age for its cheeky third paragraph reporting that the NFL's decision "is a blow to Schering-Plough, which co-markets Levitra in the U.S. with Bayer..." Cute.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Policy, Sponsorship, Television

Adrants Makes Podcast Debut on 'Across the Sound'


So we've finally jumped on the podcasting bandwagon or, at least, we've hitched a test drive with an appearance as guest host on Across the Sound. A few months ago, Joe Jaffe and Steve Rubel launched Across the Sound which covers new marketing, media and PR. In late December, Steve Rubel had to back out to focus on other commitments and Jaffe decided to bring on some guests hosts. Timidly, we raised our hand while, at the same time, cringing at the thought of hearing our own voice uttering non-sequitors and pointless blather we so often relish trashing here on Adrants.

During the podcast, we rambled on about the genesis of Adrants, Brandweek's fascinating insight into the apparent pointlessness of blogs, those three year old PUMA spoof ads (more here, here, here and here), Sprint's Ambassador Program, cable news network screw ups, Stormhoek wineries who doubled sales in less than 12 months by leveraging a blog campaign in the sales process and Intel's poor choice of tagline.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-06    
Topic: Opinion, Podcast

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