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Penex Solves Perpetual Penile Distention


Over at Maxim TV, a video is pushing Penex, a nifty little drug for those of you suffering from Perpetual Penile Distention or Hyper Erectile Bloat. While some might enjoy flaunting their manhood, Penex is there for those who find it more convenient if it's tucked away until needed. The video, filmed like that freaky instructional video on Lost, was created by Night Agency.

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-06    
Topic: Spoofs

Bongo Grabs 'Laguna Beach' Cast For Campaign


Taking over for Nicole Ritchie and DJ AM, the cast of MTV's Laguna Beach will be featured in the Spring 2006 ad campaign for fashion label Bongo. Cast members Alex Murrel, Jason Wahler, Lauren Conrad, Stephan Colletti, Kristin Cavallari and Tallan Torriero will begin appearing in print ads in Seventeen, Teen People, Us Weekly, Star and Teen Vogue among others. Online will accompany print.

Dari Marder, Creative Director, BONGO, explains the campaign, "The Bongo demographic is the MTV viewer, so we could not think of a better way to reach our consumer. The concept behind the campaign is a party. So we rented an amazing mansion on PCH in Santa Monica, hired an Orange County band, 'The Colour' and let the gang do what came naturally. Alex, Jason, Lauren, Stephan, Kristin and Tallan had a blast on set and it comes through in the campaign. Alex who has an album coming out this spring got on stage with the band and sang, while the boys got a little carried away by pushing each other in the pool."

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Online

Lynx Wants You to Wash Her


We know Lynx. You know Lynx. Oh, maybe you don't. In the U.K., it's Lynx. It's Axe here in the States. But you know their deal. Hotness sells. Now, we guess dirty women do too.

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine

Adrants Fails to Notice Brooke Burke Burger King Viral


Perhaps we should consider being a bit less jaded around the Adrants offices since it seems to be causing us to ignore what, at times, turns out to be a pretty good story. A day or two ago, like many other people, we received some strange images of Brooke Burke with the Burger King king and we figured...screw it...just another one of the hundreds of pieces of crap passing through the bloated Adrants Inbox so we, religiously, deleted them and went on with our day. Now, we see AdFreak put one of the pix up and has pointed to some sites that have combined the images to hokey music. Well, once you have more than one offbeat image it simply has to be...yup...yet another Burger King viral effort from the beloved Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

Because of our overly jaded viewpoint, we apologize for bringing you sloppy seconds but, even Adrants has to suck once in a while, right? So enjoy. There's are image/music collages here and here. And here's a collection of the images over at Buzznet. We promise to check our jaded pompousity at the door each morning now and be sure to look twice when we receive these witty viral teasers. Of course, we could have been right all along and this really is just a bunch of random Burger King, Brooke Burke pix.

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Viral

Americans A Bunch of Materialistic Hogs But That's OK


According to American Demographics Founder Peter Francese, Americans out pace the rest of the world, by far, in weekly spending on the consumption of goods. He says Americans, each week, spend more than the gross domestic product of Finland. Francese wonders just how necessary it is for many Americans to "need two homes, three vehicles and four TVs" but he's not complaining acknowledging that world-beating consumption keeps the ad industry afloat. In fact, if consumer spending, over the past ten years, rose at a rate equal to the increase of households (14 percent) rather than 23 percent, people would have spent $640 billion less altering the current American economy orders of considerable magnitude.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-10-06    
Topic: Research, Trends and Culture

village Voice is Into Whatever You Are


We make no claims as the the recency of this little clip promoting Village Voice classifieds with a bunch of hipster wannabes but we were a little freaked out by the masked, dancing fat guy at the end. The "Click Right. Think Left" tagline is great though.

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Viral

Hip-Hop Dominates Top 2005 Ringtone Downloads


Mobile entertainment firm Moderati has released its year-end wrap-up of ringtones including an analysis of regional preferences. Without surprise, hip-hop dominated top spots on the list again this year, with 60 percent of the songs from hip-hop artists.

Video game themes (Super Mario Brothers) and evergreen movie themes (Halloween) ranked high as well, with five top finishes. Cracking the top 20, a bit out of left field, was "Scotty Doesn't Know" by Lustra, a song from the 2004 movie Eurotrip.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Research, Trends and Culture

Speed-Talking Cheerleader Tests T-Mobile Service


We simply must agree with our friends over at Copyranter who loved T-Mobile's speed-talking, whatever-spewing, stereotype-enforcing, bubble-brained, chic-squeaking cheerleader in a commercial promoting the company's ability to keep up with teens who like to ponder the topics like boycotting tuna, matching swimsuits and getting one's head stuck in a sunroof. We've watched it five times and still can't stop laughing. Make sure you catch that last "whatever."

The agency behind this masterpiece are Publicis, the production company was Epoch Films and the director was Stacy Wall.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

Intel Joins Three Billion Other Oval-Logoed Brands


Thanks to Hurt Elbow, we now have visual proof the new Intel logo leaps ahead of nothing and simply joins the "logo ovalation" crowd. Check out all the unoriginal, copy-cat insanity here in one gigantic, orgasmic ovalistic circular logo-fest that either proves originality is dead or that all these brands used the same focus group.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Worst

McCann Hires Jesus And Fidel Castro For Agency Campaign


Advertising Goodness calls our attention to a couple self-promotional ads that McCann-Eriskson created. With imagery that features well known icons, the ads, very simply, make a powerful and convincing statement. We like.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Magazine

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