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Martin Williams Agency Launches Intern Campaign

To promote its paid, post-graduate, 18 week intern program, Velocity, the Martin Williams agency has launched a website and corresponding offline poster campaign. The posters have been placed on the walls of student unions, career centers and dormitories on campuses across the country. View a larger image of the poster here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-05    

Burger King Chicken Burger Gets Pimped With Viral

Apparently, Burger King is going viral again with PimpMyBurger, a site which contains a video featuring some dudes rapping about a chicken burger getting pimped. Some Whois research revealed the site is registered to Munchen, Germany-based Omnicom agency start-munich which list as one of its clients Burger King. At the end of the video, the date of March 1 is mentioned indicating, perhaps, the date all will be revealed.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-05    

Portfolios Launches Virtual Schmooze Fest

Portfolios.com, a clearing house for creative people's portfolios and the companies looking to hire creatives, has launched "Work The Room," a virtual advertising schmooze fest where you can interact with stuffy ad types. It's all part of the company's upcoming 2nd Annual Awards Show a show for killer portfolio work.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-05    

Blogger Founder to Launch Podcasting Service

Today, Blogger Founder Evan Williams will unveil his newest venture: Odeo.

Odeo is an all-in-one podcasting application which is said to make the creation, finding, organizing and listening to digital audio files as easy as Blogger made blogging. The application is said to be advertiser friendly following a model similar to radio. Williams predicts the adoption rate of podcasting will mirror that of blogging which grew from nothing in 1999 to 7.3 million today.

Acknowledging it's a lot easier to listen to something than to read something, the podcasting model is destined to experience rapid growth.

Already, there are close to 4,000 podcast available. Evan tells the story of how he came up with the idea for Odeo on his blog.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-05    

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Walmart Poem Makes Good Ad

Adrants reader Sue Graham sent us this Wal-Mart love poem. Perhaps Walmart should consider hiring her as a copywriter.

Hurry, Hurry .....Dont delay, rush to Walmart buy today.

Have a baby? Need a crib? THEY have blue to match the bib.

Change the oil in the Car. Dont forget the roofing tar.

Take the battery for exchange, buy that handy outdoor range.

Give the gift that lasts forever! Diamond rings, aren't they clever? Milk, Bread and for a treat, sample turkey deli meat.

Get your pills and your meds, dont forget the full sized bed.

Shampoo, sheets, carrots, beets, cozy footies for those feets.

Cut your hair, buy a bear, visit at their summer fair. Dont forget that sappy movie, Isn't walmart just so groovy?

They have SOMETHING that you need, grab some handy garden seed. Fill the tank with walmart gas. Dont forget the frozen bass.

Check your eyes, buy a cake, do you need a garden rake? Charge it on your Walmart card, it's slighty used.. not badly mared.

Hurry ..Hurry...they have more..Visit at their online store..

Super Center Shoping Store?....Walmart's at the very core.

By Sue Graham....proud Walmart shopper!

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-05    

Apple Rumored to Buy TiVo

Adrants reader John Brock points us to a CBS MarketWatch story in which rumors abound and are, of course, denied that Apple may be mulling a takeover of TiVo. Adding TiVo's capabilities to Apple's digital offerings would certainly advance Apple's capability in the digital delivery space. The company has done it to great success with iTunes. TiVo could be a great delivery device for Apple's iMovie. A move like this would not be all that surprising given Apple's success with the iPod and iTunes. Perhaps another success story similar to iPod/iTunes will make the fact that Apple computers are, unfortunately, never going to achieve wide adoption irrelevant.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-05    

Golden Palace Graces More Boobs

GoldenPalace.com, the online casino which simply can not keep its hands off other people's body parts, has found it way onto the chest/cleavage of LA actress and model Shaune Bagwell. She will wear "GoldenPalace.com" on her body for 30 days. Why is it that hot models always have names with double meaning?

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-05    

MSN Search Launches Viral Campaign

Microsoft has launched an online viral campaign called MSN Found to aid in promoting its new search engine, MSN Search. The viral collects together six characters with their own weblogs which link together and out to MSN Search via odd search terms...which then link back to the viral.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-05    

Cereal Cartoon Characters Turn Parents Into Helpless Idiots

Referring to a study his company, Which, completed finding 77 percent of people say cereal packaging that uses cartoon characters like Shrek and Scooby Doo, Nick Stace said, "Too many characters loved by children are being used to promote foods high in fat, sugar and salt, leaving parents feeling powerless to say no."

While the proliferation of cereal promotions might drive anyone mad, as far as we know, the boxes do not contain a device which prevents parent's mouths from forming the word "no."

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-05    

New York Post Text Link Ads A Mistake

The text link ads that appeared in the body of a New York Post article yesterday appeared in error. According to New York Post Spokesman Howard J. Rubenstein, as quoted in The New York Times today, the ads were not supposed to appear publicly. "That was a test of new technology that was not intended to be live. They have not debated or discussed it internally. They are not making any prediction whether they are going to use it."

Oops. Amusing that the mistake appeared in major, yet late, story on the launch of a $40 million, three year ad campaign by the Magazine Publishers of America - sure to be read by everyone in the advertising industry. The Post does not now how the ads appeared publicly and they were removed by 6PM yesterday.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-05    

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