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Late to Party, GoDaddy Ad Production Company Gloms Publicity

We just received a press release touting the involvement of a company in the production of the GoDaddy Strapless Super Bowl commercial.

Hello? The Super Bowl was two days ago. If the production company was after awareness by association, there was plenty of controversy surrounding the GoDaddy ad prior to its airing into which the production company could have inserted itself without having to resort to this post-event, oh wait, me too, plea for inclusion. It's like Joe Simpson using Jessica's populartity to sell Ashlee. We all know how that turned out. We're not mentioning the PR agency which sent the release because we hope they tried to talk the production company out of it but were ultimately bullied into this desperate attempt to milk every last drop of GoDaddy publicity.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Jane Magazine Needs to Move Out

Writing in mediaPost's Magazine Rack, Larry Dobrow comments on girly-mag Jane has gone downhill resorting to Paris Hilton covers, out of date Gwyneth references and non-sensical Jude Law references. Dobrow thinks Jane needs to move on writing, "... it doesn't take someone in the mag's demographic crosshairs to notice that lethargy seems to have set in.

This magazine once thrived owing to its cool-older-sister persona, yet the February issue suggests that this cool older sister hasn't found her way out of the bedroom above mom and dad's garage."

We can't really comment as we don't routinely read Jane but we'll take Dobrow's word for it. We here the new teen cool can be found in old standby Seventeen.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Oxygen Promotes Reality Series With 'Select A Hunk' Valentine

With a "Select A Hunk" site, Oxygen Network is promoting Mr. Romance, Oxygen's new reality series that culminates in America's First Annual Man-pageant hosted by Fred Willard and uber-hunk Fabio. Visitors to the valentine video/egreeting site can view and listen to the schmaltzy come-on lines the Mr. Romance hunks utter into the camera. The best line comes from the guy dressed in a police uniform who says, "I know how to make you spread 'em." The series premieres on the Oxygen Network March 14th at 10pm.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Online Dinner Date Promotes KY Lubricant

KY is capitalizing on Valentines Day to promote their KY Warming Ultragel with a kooky "Warm Up Date" online dating skills test. Visitors first choose their date, then experience a dinner date sprinkled with dilemmas. Navigating through the dilemmas properly shoots the dating thermometer upwards and gets you into bed - with KY Warming Ultragel, of course.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Kathleen Turner Provides Voice For Citymeals 'Silence' Ad

In a new commercial, entitled, "Silence," Kathleen Turner lent her distinctive voice to New York's Citymeals-on-Wheels. Indicating the loneliness some homebound seniors face, the spot shows an elederly woman sitting alone at her table in silence. Half way through, Turner's voice is heard saying, "There are 86,400 seconds in her day. These are only 30 of them."

The pro-bono work was created by New York based Urban Advertising.

Urban Advertising President Bernard Urban explained the creative process. "Having Kathleen Turner's voice adds another layer of depth and urgency to the spot", he said. "Not only did she do an incredible job, but she also waived her fee, which is what makes PSA's like this possible. She was amazing, actually the whole team that made this happen was amazing. Everyone donated their time and talent, the producers Sherri Hollander and Hillary Cutter, the sound people at Tonic, editor Rich Rosenbaum at Convergence, they were all moved by the cause and wanted to help out."

Citymeals is currently negotiating with local outlets for airtime and also investigating the option of having thespot shown in movie theaters.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Pepsi Girl Spawns Fan Site

Another commercial model fan site has reared its freaky head. Just as the Old Navy Girl did a month or so ago, so has the Pepsi Girl who appeared in the Pepsi/iTunes "Pop the Music" spot aired during the Super Bowl. It's the same spot in which Gwen Stefani appeared wearing a skirt smaller than a bandana. Justin, creator of That Pepsi Girl, writes, "Oh Pepsi Girl. I wish i knew your name. Because i'm in love with you Pepsi Girl. Your eyes, that smile, they way you unscrew that bottle of Pepsi... you're so hot. I love you. Please marry me. I'll buy you all the Pepsi in the world. And maybe an iPod too. I'll try to score one for you by doing that free iPods thing." OK, now that's obsessive.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Fury Anti-Fur Ad Blankets Chicago

In an less celebu-focused ad campaign than Dennis Rodman's recent nude appearance in a PETA anti-fur ad, this month In Defense of Animals and the Humane Society have teamed to blanket Chicago's red line with a Valentine’s Day message for Chicago cupids. The oh-so-cuddly-but-looks-like-it-was-created-by-fifth-graders ad reads "Beavers and foxes have as much right to live as cats and dogs" aims to remind Chicago residents to treat all animals with the same kindness they would there on dog or cat. The campaign, by artist Peter Max, was originally launched last September.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

Dennis Rodman Gets Nude For PETA

Dennis Rodman was in New York City for Fashion Week yesterday to unveil his a new PETA ad, part of the anti-everything group's "Rather Go Naked Than Wear" campaign. In the ad, Rodman appears nude, except for his tattoos, alongside the caption, "Think Ink, Not Mink," and urges: "Be comfortable in your own skin and let animals keep theirs."

Rodman is the first man and the first sports star to pose for PETA's anti-fur campaign, which has featured Pamela Anderson, Kim Basinger, and Christy Turlington. When the basketball oddity, whose own Dennis Rodman Foundation helps the homeless, heard about PETA's program that donates thousands of castoff fur coats to homeless shelters across the country, he agreed to pose for the cause, explaining that furriers have pushed free furs on him over the years and he’s always refused to take them. He claims he has only worn fake fur.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-05    

GoDaddy Crushes Adrants

GoDaddy's oversized, unrestrained breasts unleashed upon Adrants a torrent of visitors and crushed our servers this morning as the entire world just had to see what all the fuss was about. Being listed the second result for search term "GoDaddy" on Google Search and Google News for the headline, "See the Banned GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial," pummeled our operation and we've had to move to a more industrial strength server. We can't imaging a worse moment for an advertising site to be down. Oh well. The price of popularity. Or maybe it was just a well written headline.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 7-05    

Second Airing of GoDaddy Spot Pulled During Super Bowl

GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons explains on his blog why the second airing of the company's busty-babe-in-the-courtroom spot was pulled. Apparently, uptight NFL officials saw it, confered with FOX and said "Uh, uh, that ain't running again." The company's closing billboard was pulled as well. Oddly, this spot that did air struck us as more "racy" than the one that was banned prior to the game. In all, it's just a stunt marketing strategy that worked. Everyone is talking about it and will be for a long time.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 7-05    

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