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Jennifer Love Hewitt To Star in ABC's 'In The Game'

Defamer has previewed the new Jennifer Love Hewitt ABC midseason series "In The Game" and snarkishly labeled it a piece of "shitergy." In the series, Love-Hewitt plays some kind of sports reporter who interviews professional athletes for the sole purpose of dumbfounding them with her spilling cleavage. You might like the show if you are in the Jennifer Love Hewitt breast appreciation club. Otherwise, you'll likely pass on this one. On the other hand, the show may fair better than her failed effort to launch a specialty clothing line for top heavy women.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Young's Brewery Launches U.S. Ad Campaign

U.K. based Young's Brewery has launched its first North American ad campaign promoting the premium brewers product line. With the headline, "Leave it to the British to find a new way to contain themselves," the ads will appear in high-end publications "Ale Street News," "All About Beer" and other connoisseur magazines. The campaign was created by Providence, Rhode Island based J. Winsper & Co.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Gawker Media Launches Contract Weblog Publishing

In a unique weblog-for-hire enterprise, Gawker Media Publisher Nick Denton has launched Gawker Media Contract publications. Denton likens the division to other contracts publications groups such Conde Nast.

Denton says the new offering will provide marketers with weblog campaign conception, editorial talent and oversight, promotion from within Gawker Media websites, external promotion to other weblogs, creation of the weblog, syndication of the weblog and spotlight coverage of the campaign. The first contract weblog is for Nike and is called Art of Speed which will examine 15 short films made by Nike-commissioned filmmakers and artists.

Some weblog purists will call this a sellout. They will be wrong. It's just as much a sellout as a radio station carrying advertising or a sports arena renaming itself after corporate sponsors. It's marketing pure and simple but with a big difference. It's participatory marketing. Contract weblogs, done right, will allow marketers to get closer to consumers by allowing for the natural conversation that is the backbone of many well run weblogs.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Online PR Week to Examine Role of PR Bloggers

From July 12 to July 16, a group of online public relations professionals will hold an online seminar called Global PR Blog Week via The New PR Wiki to discuss how blogging affects public relations and how it is being used to advance the practice.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Virgin Mobile Provides Hands On Service

To help illustrate its excellent customer service, Virgin Mobile has launched a viral video showing a bathroom attendant taking attending to new levels of "hands on" assistance. Not the kind of help most of us would like while in the bathroom but, all the same, an interesting take on Virgin Mobile's customer service proposition.

The video was created by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R and is being seeding by London's DMC.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Media Fragmentation Requires New Approach to Media Planning

With the rise in media fragmentation and multi-task use of those media, a new outlook on media planning is required. Rather than viewing each medium for its effectiveness in achieving a particular media objective in combination with other media, that medium must now be examined based on how it relates to and works with other media used at the same time by a single consumer. This two fold approach requires a layering of one niche medium on top of other to achieve enough reach along with a plan that defines the inter-related flow of message across multi-tasked media. In essence, a definition of desired consumer actions from both medium to medium and within simultaneously used mediums must be clearly delineated and given seamless flow.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Disney Takes TV to the Web

Disney is adding FamilyFun TV to its collection of online video products. FamilyFun TV joins other online Disney video properties Disney Motion, ABC Motion, Movies.com Motion and ESPN Motion. The technology allows site visitors to experience a rich media video that is downloaded, not streamed, will range in length from one to two minutes and eventually carry 15 second ads.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Guerilla Marketing Gets Heavy Play

In this week's MediaPost Out to Launch column, Amy Corr takes a look at several guerilla marketing efforts currently in action. Bravo is promoting its upcoming beauty series "Blow Out" by turning Times Square and LA's 3rd Street Promenade into giant hair salons. Discovery Channel is placing a one and a half ton popcorn machine outside the Sony Loews IMAX Theater on Broadway and 68th Street in New York this Sunday to promote its news show "Big!" A "Do It Outdoors" campaign for Toyota Scion is traveling throughout major cities this summer with mobile billboards manned by street teams who will hand out CDs and other promotional information.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Trojan Orgasm Ad to Hit British Airwaves

While the Brits sort out their stand on political correctness, a television commercial for Trojan condoms featuring a woman having an orgasm has been approved to air during Friday's "Big Brother." While some jump for joy at the chance to see sex on commercial television, conservative group Mediawatch is calling the commercial "irresponsible" claiming some children may see the ad. We just think it's a good show of political correctness for Trojan to make sure the girl gets off too.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-04    

Melons of All Kinds Sell Skyy Melon Vodka

Skyy Vodka has resorted to using melons - all kinds - to promote its new Skyy Melon Vodka. At least for the male demo, this is a brilliant attempt at creating subliminal product attraction by associating the product with one of man's most absurd but inmate fixations - the female breast. It's an old and tired concept but then again, man never tires of that particular female body part so what the hell - might as well capitalize on it.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 2-04    

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