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Movie Trailer Will Rip Your Mouth Off

In this trailer for the Lions Gate horror movie, "Saw," an erie voice drones, "The device you are wearing is hooked into your jaws. When the timer in the back goes off, your mouth will be ripped open." Horror movies used to be scary. This one looks like it might bring back edge of your seat fear. With the flash graphics, "How Messed Up Is That?" this is clearly one messed up movie. Coming this fall.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 5-04    

AdWeek Screws Up Gawker Contract Publishing Story

Oh, the joys of sticking it to mainstream media. Yesterday Gawker Media launched Gawker Media Contract Publishing. It's debut effort is a weblog for Nike called Art of Speed that features film shorts from digital artists were asked to create their visions of speed.

Of the Art of Speed writer, AdWeek says, "Remy Stern of NewYorkish.com, one of six online titles published by Gawker, will write the blog." Yes, and no. Stern will indeed write the blog. However, NewYorkish is not part of Gawker publishing. Alright, this is petty, but file it away under "fact checking."

Really though. Love AdWeek. Love 'em.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

Cleveland Morning DJ Goes Drag For Billboard Campaign

Cleveland's WAKS morning DJ Valentine, who's not bad looking, has gone drag for a billboard campaign and is far from the handsome guy he is in real life. Scary. Thanks to Adrants reader Charlie Brough for the tip. Click the pic to see a bigger version of Valentine's ugly drag ass.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

Maxim and FHM Crush Competition

It doesn't much matter to the average male magazine reader that Esquire won four Ellie awards last month. What does matter are near naked women and that's what Maxim and FHM deliver. Even as the GQ's and Esquire's try to spice up their offerings, they are no match for the dramatic growth Maxim and FHM have seen recently. The Spring 2004 MRI study puts Maxim's audience at 12.8 million and FHM's at 4.3 million - both very healthy when compared to GQ or Esquire. The new new is nudity. Simple.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

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Harvard's 'H Bomb' Magazine Not That Great

The long awaited porn magazine from Harvard, "H Bomb," is out and the general opinion boils down to, "What was all the fuss about?" From standard sex-ed pieces to so-so layouts, no one's clamoring to get their hands on this one.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

FTC Tells KFC It's Not Healthy

You probably remember that KFC commercial that tried to claim KFC was healthy food in comparison to Burger King's Whopper. You also laughed, right? Well, you can laugh again because the FTC has issued a bitch slap to KFC telling they can no longer claim there chicken is either low-carb or healthier than other foods.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

Famous Footwear Launches Dry Cleaner Advertising

In support of a recent store opening on 250 W. 34th Street in New York City, Famous Footwear has launched a campaign that consists of branded dry cleaning bags to be distributed to customers of 100 dry cleaners in the area. The branded bags will include a $10 off coupon.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

Skid Marks Kill Hot Date

When you are planning a romantic evening with your date and you will be "dressing down," you might want to make sure your underwear has been properly washed. Don't let your hot date slip away like this guy did. Use Tide. At least that's what this spec spot - which you'll most likely never see on TV but Tide, without admitting it, would love you to view - is trying to tell us.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 4-04    

Defamer Insider Gives Thumbs Up to 'Six Feet Under' Premier

While Defamer couldn't quite negotiate their way through the fakey-fake crowd of pseudo important Hollywood wanna-be's to check out HBO's "Six Feet Under" premiere party, several insiders did write in with positive reports. From mushroom appetizers to anti-social loner Rachel Griffith to social butterfly James Cromwell, both the party ad the premiere seemed to be a hit. The rest of us schlubs will have to wait until Sunday to find out.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

Absolut Hung Hunk Sues For Mis-Use of Ad

The male model who appeared in a ficticious Absolut Vodka ad called "Absolut Hunk" in the July 27, 2003 HBO series "Sex and the City" has sued the vodka company claiming it distributed the ad outside the agreed upon usage within the episode. The model, Jason Lewis, and his legal counsel, Dancing Girls Production, state Absolut sent the ad out to many websites without indicating it was a spoof thereby damaging Lewis' modeling career. Strangely, you don't hear many female models lodging the same complaints. Perhaps it's because their likenesses have been mistreated for so long they don't even bother dealing with it.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-04    

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