Business Insurance Quotes has put together a list of what they consider ten of the best insurance commercials. We'd have to concur. Most are excellent. We particularly like the wry humor of the Australian 1st For Women commercial and it's commentary on why it doesn't insure men. And the "can I get a hot tub" State Farm ad. And, of course, the classic Kevin Federline commercial for Nationwide. See all the ads here.
Over eight nights in major cities across South Africa, interactive agency iLogic created large projections of race tracks to promote the BMW 1 Series. Passersby could sign up with promoters to race BMWs on projected screens by logging into Facebook on a tablet. People could then use the tablet as the steering wheel for the car that was projected onto the race track. Each person's race results were posted to their Facebook Wall.
Check out the video below.
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Weight Watchers. You know, that company that helps you lose weight by eating whatever you want as long as you don't go over your daily allotment? Yea, that Weight Watchers. In France they're having a bit of fun in a new commercial created by Fre & Farid Paris. Entitled Treat Yourself Better, the ad features a very full-lipped woman stuffing all manner of food from healthy to junk to weight loss pills into her mouth.
The message, of course, is Weight Watchers provides a better solution by not limiting the kinds of food you eat. We think it worl. In that weird French sort of way.
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If you've been in the advertising business for any length of time then you are certainly familiar with Leo Burnett's "When to Take My Name Off the Door" speech he gave in 1967, four years before he died at the age of 79. The speech, as the title implies, is about the certain circumstances under which Mr. Burnett would require his name be taken off the door.
Animation company Lobo had their way with the speech creating an animation to go along with Mr. Burnett's words. We like the finished product.
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Hmm. Not quite sure whether or not this Jolly Rancher commercial featuring a talking turtle who flies and has ray gun eyes is a veiled reference to the fact Jolly Ranchers are like hallucinatory drugs but Olivier Agnostini who created the spot just may have been on drugs when he dreamt up the concept.
Part of a PopTent crowdsourcing effort, Agnostini commented on the choice of turtle saying, "This could not just be any turtle. I had to give the turtle some sort of power. And since the turtle was limited in terms of mobility (turtles aren't very good at karate) I figured lasers would be an easy and funny defense mechanism. And who doesn't love lasers?"
OK then.
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To some, Rock Paper Scissors is a serious sport. In Canada, it's taken so seriously it's become a new lottery game. And to hype the launch of the new game who better than a rock paper scissors champion to do the honors? We're not quite sure what physical rock paper scissors skills has to do with winning a lottery game called Rock Paper Scissors but this is advertising and in advertising it's all about the analogies. Due North Communications created.
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This is kind of interesting. A new TBWA Paris-created commercial for McDonald's France pits a lumberjack against a farmer in an increasingly ridiculous competition of skills including bear fighting, field plowing, rock lifting, hay bale pressing and haybine lifting. All to promote two new sandwiches. You guessed it - the McTimber and the McFarmer. Quite amusing actually. Have a look.
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This seems like a lot of work just to make people aware of the fact you're a company that comers to your home and fixes your furnace, your leaky pipes and all other forms of home tragedy. But, then again, how much fun would a routine, mundane ad be for a company that comes to your home to fix your furnace, your leaky pipes and any other home malady you might have?
So we guess it's all good McCann Erickson and Rubber Republic took it upon themselves to create Who's Going to Stop Jack Frost, a short horror flick that tells the story of a family terrorized by a mysterious Jack Frost. You can view the teaser below and the reveal here January 19.
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After watching this promotional video for Lingerie Bowl IX we've come to the conclusion that the LFL is beginning to look a whole lot more like a real sport and a lot less like an excuse to watch women parade around a football field in their underwear. Maybe it's because we've only given the sport cursory attention come Super Bowl time. Maybe because it truly is becoming more of a real sport. Whatever the case may be, watching it seems to have become something you do in a bar...with the guys...while drinking a whole lot of ber. Instead of watching embarrassingly (excitedly?) in the privacy of your own home.
Anyway, watch the promotional video for yourself below and let us know what you think.
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Sophia Vergara is at it again for Diet Pepsi. This time, rather than creating a Twitter-fueled celebrity sighting, Vergara makes a beeline...or at least she attempts to...for a Diet Pepsi. She dances. She sashays. She smirks. She exudes. But, in the end, she gets the Pepsi. TBWA New York created.
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