This session razed the Richter Scale of Awkward for too many reasons.
To start with, I don't think reps from Facebook and MySpace were supposed to speak together. They were placed on the same panel in the interest of saving time.
Everyone was anxious for lunch -- which, it turns out, was more of an appetite-whetter than a satisfier; moderator Fred Cavazza spent most of the panel talking about other stuff; Damien Vincent of FB expressed a Freudian allegiance for the other team; and -- oh yeah! -- Cavazza conducted makeshift photo ops during the presentation.
MySpace's Olivier Hascoat was cool though, except for that moment where he reluctantly poses for an iPhone shot while Vincent's talking. Way to be a sport.
In the event that you didn't catch all that, take an audio/visual tour:
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Maybe it's true what they say about Paris: You get a mite more existential while here.
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Marketing 2.0 took place at ESCP-EAP University in Paris this year. It spanned both Monday and Tuesday.
I moderated a few panels and the wifi was down both days, so there was no way to cover the event in the detail I would've liked. Before my camera died though, I tried this thing where I just recorded random snippets of speaker talks.
This post is devoted entirely to Paula Berg, Manager of Emerging Media at Southwest.
I don't have particularly strong feelings about Southwest, but seeing her discuss its approach to consumers -- in both good times and bad -- made me wanna do the cattle call after all. She's good people, and it seems like she addresses situations with humility and openness instead of just reacting. Her presence at Southwest speaks more for its corporate culture than for any social media strategem.
See the goods below.
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Liberty Mutual continues its ongoing Responsibility Project with this :60 ad. You get the gist: a kid talks about doing the right thing while a melange of intimate family images scroll by in soft light.
See previous work, which is equally sappy but for the most part well-produced. We may be over this idea, but LibMu's commitment to the Responsibility Project will probably go a long way toward making it the Coca-Cola of insurance.
Really. Give it a couple of years; it may be a one-way conversation, but for work like this, consistency is key.
Work by Hill Holliday in partnership with Harmony Korine, which -- oddly enough -- wrote and directed Gummo, another film with a sympathetic kid whose environment may or may not convince you to invest in a little bit of insurance.
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Yawn. Another award show/ad industry event. Snooze..... Wait, what? What just happened on stage? A nude dude? Audience members stripping down as well? What's going on here? Oh, right. It's a non-American advertising event where, you know, nudity is...normal. Or at least not frowned upon as it is so intensely in America.
Anyway, it's all for ad community site XIPAX which encourages people to show off their best bits and the stunt occurred at Creative Clubs Austria's annual gala event. See the video here which is NSFW.
"We really click because we get each other."Say what? Oh wait. Yea. That's the definition of a BFF. Well, at least according to MySpace which has launched an online game show called BFF. No need for a lengthy explanation here. It's exactly the same thing as The Dating Game or The Newlyweds. Just more bubbleheaded.
Of course the questions really have nothing to do with the relationship between BFFs, rather what pop preferences each has and whether or not one half of the other BFF knows what the other likes. Deep, man. Really deep.
Bikinis. Cheerleaders. Baby oil. And a slip and slide. What's not to love about that combination? Not much but this is advertising we're talking about here so there's gotta be a product in here somewhere. Hmm. Where is it? Oh, there it is. Yogisip, a South African drinkable yogurt. Yea, there it is.
So what does a drinkable yogurt have to do with girls in bikinis throwing themselves down a slip and slide? When the baby oil and water supply run out, you will have your answer. Watch.
And watch the hundreds of other videos submitted to this video competition which asks people to show how the drink keeps them going all day long.
Are you a young creative trying to make a name for yourself in the business? Though we have no idea why you'd want to enter a business that's in such turmoil, it is our duty to share with you an opportunity that just might set you on the path to become the next Alex Bogusky. Or, more pessimistically, a frustrated former ad guy who currently has nothing better to do than bitch about advertising on an ad blog that's getting killed by the economy while he attempts to maintain some semblance of order as his world crumbles around him.
OK, that was dark. You don't want that. You want optimism! Hope! A bright future! Of course you do. So get off your ass and submit your best work to the Art Director's Club Young Guns creative competition which aims to "identify today's vanguard of young creative professionals." And do it soon because the early bird deadline is fast approaching; tax day April 15. Regular dealine is May 13. Get all the details here.
By now, you've all seen the Boost Mobile television campaign in which things are, well, just wrong. and, in some cases, really gross.
It is with great relief we share with you another phase of the campiagn that is, well, not gross at all and, in fact, makes a whole lot more sense than the television campaign. With a 180LA-created 3D transit campaign in Chicago, Boost Mobile is getting to the heart of the matter; it doesn't do contracts. And the shelter installation illustrate that by shredding actual phone contracts before our very eyes.
Now that's way kinder than subjecting us to visuals of a coroner dropping his lunch into a corpse and a girl riding a bike who hasn't shaved her armpits since she was born.
It's a sad fact infomercials work. They scream at you. They assault you with cheesy graphics. They pummel you over and over again with a call to action.
Know what else is a sad fact? That the Catholic Church has to use the shtick to get people to confess their sins during Holy Week. Yes, the Catholic Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Center has kooked up with the Forza Migliozzi agency to create Soul Wow which aims to fill confessional booths in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island Monday, April 6.
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