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Bruins Vs. Canadiens Playoffs Comes With Strict Rules


When it comes to sports, there are rules. RULES! And they must, at all costs, be followed. No, we're not talking about a sport's *actual* rules. Rather the rules sports fans must follow lest they be...um...attacked my a huge guy in a bear suit?

And what are these all-important rules? Let us share with you:

1. Don't date within the Division.
2. Never, under any circumstances, tuck in your jersey.
3. Never take a call when all you should be doing is watching the game.

Simple, right?

The work was created by Mullen and shot by Station Films Director Harold Einstein

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

QUALCOMM's Tomorrow Starts with Your Awkward Doodles, Today.


"Claudio from Thailand" sent us this online video for QUALCOMM, which pulls the curtain back on its R&D department for your eyes only. Turns out the guys back there are a lot like Napoleon Dynamite, except with more of a preference for hybrid shark fowl than cross-bred felines.

Then there was that whole crockett eagle tangent, and we just didn't know what to do with that.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Norwegian Parkinson's Association Pokes Fun at, Uh, Parkinson's.


Rather than focus on fractured families and the slow, tragic waltz toward death, the Norwegian Parkinson's Association (Norges Parkinsonforbund) decided to add a little jazz to its disease awareness campaign.

And by "jazz" we mean you'll probably release an involuntary smirk, then put on your Serious Creative Face and soberly acknowledge the work's incendiary nature, the poor taste, etc etc.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Television

Suitehotel Courts Best Bed-Jumping Photos


With help from Vincenzo Castrogiovanni of The Viral Factory, Accor's Suitehotel orchestrated The Suite Jump Games -- the largest international bed-jumping contest ever held.

The Suite Jump Games launched on April 4th at the Stade de France near Paris. Five villages were arranged in front of the stadium and equipped with beds for anyone achin' to do some mattress-leaping. (At the time, a rugby match was taking place between Stade Francais and Clermont-Ferrand, so 80,000 spectators were on-hand to both watch the festivities and potentially convert into bed-jumping contest entrants.)

This is the kind of thing that gives us chills, even if we cracked our heads open as kids while engaged in this specific activity. (12 stitches! But for the joy of the jump, possibly worth it.)

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions

Nothing Warms the Heart Like a Sponsored BFF Pledge.


Why tote a friendship bracelet when you can upload pictures of your friends, make promises and broadcast them to the world, all on Downy's tab?

The "Feel more" fabric softener is on the prowl for pledges. Think Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants or, if you're old-school like that, Baby-Sitters Club chain letters. When you enter your pledge to a far-off friend (complete with photo and touchy-feely headline), you're automatically entered to win The Ultimate Reunion Trip. Just pray it's not in Missouri.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions

New Energy Drink Suffers Serious MTV Envy


There's a hot new energy drink on the block. It's called Guru, and it boasts clean energy for dirty minds.

We don't know about all that, but the spot's a solipsistic mashup between The Real World circa 1995 and Girls Gone Wild, shortly after Mean Girls gave it brand equity with the under-13 crowd. All it needed, really, was an LFO song -- and possibly a bored American Apparel photographer looking for an extracurricular portfolio opp.

Lovin' the random incorporation of product -- as if those saucy co-eds really are running on Guru as opposed to, say, poorly-mixed drinks and hot Chee-tos.

Derivative treacle, brought to you by Virtue Worldwide. (Oh yeah, and Kanye's a fan,* if that means anything to you.)

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Commercials

AT&T Helps Hype the TOMS Cause


AT&T makes a deposit into karmic collections in this collaboration with TOMS Shoes, a cause-based shoe firm that gives one pair of shoes to a child in need every time you -- yes, you! -- buy a pair.

The spot features Blake Mycoskie, and the format's familiar: he's the TOMS founder, a character of apparent integrity, talking in somber, stilting tones about his company's cause while hugging children and citing the need for dependable network coverage.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Ska Brewing Introduces Rotgutzen, A Beer For Babies


Yes, you read that right. Beer for babies. "Hand-crafted by robots, every can comes with the promise that you won't be able to tell the difference between it and the one before it.With no measurable taste of distinct flavor, you can enjoy Rotgutzen without ever wondering if it tastes 'good' or 'bad' or even 'OK.'"

Specially formulated to helps kids transition from womb to barroom, the benefits are numerous for the little ones: lower alcohol content to teach responsible drinking, small bottles for small hands, great for teething, mixes great with processed mush, scientifically proven sleep aid, better for babies than whiskey and helps delay angry teen years.

What's not to love?

Oh, and yea, if you haven't already figured it out, the whole things an interesting Red Tettemer-created anti-campaign for Ska Brewing...which makes actual real beer for grownups. And which has an actual, real website.

by Steve Hall    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Good, Packaging, Strange

Bikinis, Bondage and Bikes. Now There's An Ad Campaign


Alrighty then. All women wear bikinis, sundresses and short shorts while exploring the world on a bicycle, right? Oh, and let's not forget engaging in a little bit of bondage, too. Um, WTF? This, to sell a bike? Johnny Loco bikes. Yea, loco is right.

Created by New Message Amsterdam, the campaign will run in outdoor, print and online in The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, South Africa and Australia. It was shot in South Africa by advertising and fashion photographer Rene Kramers.

OK, then. Now back to our regularly schedule ad campaigns.

by Steve Hall    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Strange

As If There Aren't Already Enough Ice Cream Flavors


Really. How many flavors of ice cream do we really need? Apparently, there is no end in sight for Ben & Jerry's which, in the UK, has launched a contest to help the company come up with yet another flavor.

The prize? One winner from each country gets to go to the Dominican Republic to check out the "benefits of Fairtrade" on a cocoa farm. Well, damn, that sounds exciting! We all better enter right now! Oh, and the grand prize winner will have their flavor idea become part of Ben & Jerry's collection in 2010.

Of course there's a YouTube video.

by Steve Hall    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Promotions

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