Girl Scouts Enter Seedy World of MySpace


The Girl Scouts of America, that pristine organization of innocence and good values, at the end of January, stepped foot into the seedy world of MySpace with a site promoting this year's cookie drive. On the site you'll find pictures of the cookies and some of the cleanest, most fully-dressed pictures of people you'll ever find on MySpace. The MySpace presence, aside from our tasteless snark, makes perfect sense. Why not hang with the most concentrated collection of tweens and teens anywhere online to build awareness and to, perhaps, as a side benefit, encourage those tweens and teens to...put more clothes on while getting them to buy cookies and join the Girl Scouts...who don't let you wear low-cut, cleavage revealing belly shirts and low rider jeans to their den meetings. Wow. A Campaign With Benefits. Sell cookies and get American youth to fully dress themselves in the morning. Is this a new trend? If this campaign succeeds, will there be no more places online for teenage boys to drool over what they can't get in real life anyway?

Oh damn, our phone's ringing. It must be the Girls Scouts of America telling us to shut up and stop associating all this filth with their fine, upstanding organization. OK, fine. Besides, we have to take our daughter to a den meeting now.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Social

Newsflash! Read All About It! 'Aqua Teen' Terrorism Agency Speaks!


Just is case you aren't by now completely sick of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Boston Terrorism media orgasm, Brandweek scored an exclusive (did you hear that? exclusive! damn, they're good.) interview with Interference Inc. Founder Sam Ewen whose agency was behind the placement of the moonite/litebrite (or whatever the fuck you want to call them) bombs...oops...guerrilla marketing installations. There's a tease of the interview here which basically reveals nothing we didn't already know. The full interview will be published in Monday's printed Brandweek and online.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Agencies, Guerilla

Jerry Bruckheimer Music Addiction Instills Love of Video Game


With its classic Jerry Bruckheimer movie-sounding theme music (which draws us in every time for reasons we know not), Sony has released two new PlayStation sites created by Zugara. The two sites offer visitors mini Navy Seal Missions introduced by former real life Navy Seal Rob Roy. After viewing a brief explanation Roy about how a four-man team needs to work with a two-man team, visitors are asked to complete a reconnaissance mission on the FireTeam Bravo 2 site. Once the recon work is completed, a four-man assault mission on the Combined Assault site becomes unlocked, and players are automatically deep-linked back to that site's Crosstalk section so that you can lead the assault team.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

New Orleans Tells Chicago It's the Windier City


We suppose since a New Orleans entity created and placed this board on their own in Chicago claiming its famed status as the "windier city," it makes it all OK. Apparently the old adage holds true. Poking fun at your own misery is cool. Poking fun at other's ain't. All of those cultural/political/behavioral rules aside, this is a succinctly strong and powerful advertising message. See a bigger version of the image here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Banana Republic Has Disillusioned View of Architects


Gawker takes a look at a recent Banana Republic ad that features what, apparently, are architects all styled up with Banana Republic fashions. Gawker wonders, as we do too, if architects really dress like this. To discover the truth, Gawker spoke to an architect, "Frankie," who works at "a large firm downtown with an eccentric, megalomaniac starchitect at the helm." A taste:

Gawker: So what is it like being surrounded by nubile 23 year olds in khaki coordinates at all times?

Frankie: I am not really sure, to be honest with you. I think I may be involved in some different types of architecture than these people.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Strange

Bayer Gets Initiative, talent Zoo Gets Naked Again

- Bayer has consolidated its $200 million media buying and planning with Initiative. Previously, OMD handled planning.

- Talent Zoo is re-introducing the Naked Career with Sally Hogshead and the first interview will be with Seth Godin will discuss the industry's need for reinvention.

- Google buys in-game ad firm Adscape. Is there anything Google isn't going to buy?

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Agencies, Games, Podcast

Diversity in Advertising Conference Series Continues


Last Fall on November 8 in New York City, Adrants and the Business Development Institute held its first Advertising Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference. We had 500 job candidates show up to hear industry professionals talk about what life is like in advertising as a minority and how agencies are approaching the issue. The timing of the event was well planned as it closely followed hearings held by the New York Human Rights Commission at which New York City Councilman Larry Seabrook stated agencies "ran like chickens with their asses plucked clean" when asked to appear at the hearings during last Fall's Advertising Week.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-18-07    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events

Sexual Flexibility Improved With Thin Wet Suit


We're not too sure how many people would turn to a wet suit to improve their ability to contort into various sexual positions but, apparently, that's what Australian wet suit maker Radiator wants us to think. The campaign's tagline clinches it: "Not As Thick. Just As Warm. All the Rubber You'll Need." Innuendo much? This comes to us courtesy of Australian agency The Furnace. All fou of the as in the campaign are available here as a PDF file or here on AdPunch.

by Steve Hall    Feb-17-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Racy

Burt Reynolds Gets Naked Again! Send Him A Body Groomer!


Back in the dark ages of the seventies when women thought men with tons of body hair were sexy, the very hairy Burt Reynolds graced the pages of Cosmopolitan with his famed centerfold pose. If only Philips' Shave Everywhere could have been on the scene. My how times and styles have changed. Today, men and women can't seem to get enough hair off their bodies. In the seventies, hair ruled.

Acknowledging hair length and style never stops changing, perhaps DIRECTV thinks it's ahead of the curve here and we should expect some sort of Shave Everywhere backlash with chest and pubic hair making a rampant return after having been tamed for so long. Or, perhaps, as the "Everything should be seen in DERECTV HD. Well not everything" headline indicates, the satellite company just wants to grossly counteract the usual satisfaction one feels when paging through the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue in which this Burt Reynolds ad appears.

This hairy seventies freak show comes to us courtesy of Deutsch LA.

by Steve Hall    Feb-16-07    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity, Good, Magazine, Racy

Bye Says Hands Make Good Headgear


Bye Helmets is running a print series under the tagline "Change your head." After staring for a very long time, we shook off the impending agoraphobia and concluded they're trying to say their helmets lend the same kind of protection you perceive you're getting when you reflexively throw your hands around your head before an impact.

Later in life a pessimistic teacher told us that strategy doesn't actually work when there's shit falling on you, so the best thing to do is crawl under a doorway or desk. But maybe lots of hands offset the risk. It would be hard to wrap doorways or desks around our heads.

Work by 1861 United, Milan. Clearly the Milanese are more playful with bodies than we are.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-16-07    
Topic: Magazine, Poster