Buzz Marketing Myths Cloud Practice

Writing in MarketingProfs, Author Emanuel Rosen offers insightful, experiential buzz marketing tips and five common misconceptions. Rosnen debunks the myths that buzz automatically spreads, that good products create their own buzz, that additional marketing is not needed, that evangelists are the only key to proliferation of buzz and that buzz only works online.

Buzz marketing. Viral marketing, Word of mouth. Call it what you will, it's not the panacea of marketing. It's one element and it's not new. It's just wearing fancy, new clothes.

by Steve Hall    May-18-05    
Topic: Viral, Word of Mouth

Massachusetts Bill Would Legislate Word of Mouth Marketing

Democratic State Representative Michal E. Festa has introduced a bill which, if passed, would require children under 16 to obtain permission from their parents before becoming part of word of mouth campaign or network such as Boston-based BzzAgent.

BzzAgent spokeswoman Kelly Hulme told the Boston Globe the company's current business model mirrors Festa's goal, saying, "The way that our model works, it's not asking people to go out and talk to strangers. It's asking people to share their opinions with their friends. It's not like trying to sell a product. We notify parents (of kids under 16). We send them a separate letter telling them 'Your teens have decided to participate in this program.'" While that really amounts to obtaining permission after the fact, Hulme indicated the BzzAgent would work with lawmakers to create legislation protecting children.

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-05    
Topic: Word of Mouth

Prize Offered For Most Contagious Media

ContagiousMedia, an organization that embraces consumer-created, contagious media, has launched a Showdown where prizes are offered for various categories including the creation of a site with the most unique visitors, the first site to reach an Alexa rating higher than 20,000, a Technorati prize for the site with the most links from blogs and a creative commons prize for the most popular site under an attribution ShareAlike license. Go at it all you creative types.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-05    
Topic: Word of Mouth