Coming to the aid of Croatia which currently suffers 50% unemployment among the country's youngest workers and the other 50% who are doing all they can to stay afloat, Orangina, with help from Achtung, has brought its brand of crazy to the workplace Dollar Shave Club-style.
There's a guy. And he's walking and talking. There's gymnists. There's midgets. There's bikini-clad hotties. There's a marching band. There's a Llama. There's puppies. There's a guy cut in half. There's a magician. There's a mini marachi. There's a kissing booth.
We didn't read all the subtitles but it sure looks like an awesome work productivity effort. Hope it works.
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The Gunn Report has gathered together the 20 films it thinks will win Lions at Cannes this year. The publication is asking for your votes. Will each film will a Bronze, a Silver, a Gold, a Grand Prix or no Lion at all.
Head over to their site and take a look at the 20 films. There's some awesome ones in there like the New Zealand Transport Agency's "Mistakes", Turkish Airlines "Dream", John Lewis "Bear and Hare", Volvo Trucks "The Epic Split" and other greats.
What will you win if you are one of the top 5 guessers? Wait for it. Wait for it. Yes! A free one year subscription to The Gunn Report. Or a free two year extension if you already subscribe.
Poor Eva Green. A great actress who, along with Jessica Alba, will appear in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Pretty awesome. So why poor Eva Green? Because she's too hot for the Motion Picture Association of America which has banned one of the movie's posters which, it seems, reveals a bit too much Eva Green boob.
Specifically, the MPAA banned the poster "for nudity, curve of under breast and dark nipple areola circle visible through sheer gown." Well thanks for being so specific, MPAA. Guess we don't even need to look at the poster to know how awesome it is.
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This ploy from Russian telecom brand MTS by BBDO Moscow recalls the early days of internet porn and 24K baud rate dial-up modems. But since no one knows what that experience is like these days, MTS took it upon themselves to frustrate the heck out of people to tout its 4G service.
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So perhaps you've all heard Google overtook Apple as the most valuable brand according to BrandZ. Many believe that happened because Google is more willing for try and fail with products that might not quite be ready for market whereas Apple tends to wait for perfection.
So why did Google overtake Apple?
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In an ingenious stunt to call attention to its digital offerings, outdoor company JCDecaux, working with BBDO Belgium, sent 53 of Belgium's largest advertisers a framed picture of their billboards as viewable on Google Street View -- and an invoice for all that free media they have received over the years.
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All we can say is thank God there was no turbulence during this flight. Otherwise Alexander's plan to ask for her hand and marry Marieke mid-flight wouldn't have ended up and beautiful as it did.
Under the guise of winning a girls-only trip for two, Marieke takes a trip with her friend courtesy of Thomas Cook Travel Belgium. What, you thought this was just an organic stunt? Not a chance. Not with all the planning that had to go into it. Thomas Cook funded it and the airline and family were in on the whole stunt. Even the ring and the dress were picked out for Marieke.
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