Relying on clicks to drive conversions for display advertising is often a dead end. Consumers most likely to click on display ads are often vastly different from your best-performing customers. This Quantcast report, part of the Adrants whitepaper series, examines why optimizing display campaigns for clicks often means anti-optimizing for sales and why conversion optimization is what really matters for ad effectiveness.
Download the report now and learn how to optimize your display campains for conversions.
I don't know. Commercializing a wedding? Even if it is handled as beautifully and as generously as Honda did for Mairead and Kevin's wedding? The brand brought cars, the couple's first date band, an Irish dance troupe (family is from Ireland)), $2,000 from Macy's, family messages from Ireland...and actual family from Ireland.
It was a grand gesture to a couple of brand aficionados. But isn't a wedding a sacred affair to be shared with family and friends? Not broadcast on YouTube to the ultimate benefit of Honda who in a sense, "used" Mairead and Kevin for their own publicity purposes?
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Really? Really? Have we not seen enough silly iterations of the whole "what if the real world were like social media" stunts? This latest "social media buffoon in public" schtick comes to us from South African mobile provider Cell C which thinks, well, we're not even quite sure.
We suppose the Ogilvy Johannesburg-created ad asks the question "what would happen if you ran out of data?" Well, you'd probably run around town like an idiot slapping Like stickies on everything and creepily following girls down the sidewalk. Or maybe plastering the wall with Polaroids. Or poking complete strangers.
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Well this is kind of a stretch. In an effort to convince us life can be so much better if you can get a handle on what you need to do to insure you will be able to retire comfortably, Swedish pension company SPP handed a starving musician an audience.
Now, we have nothing against starving musicians making it in the brutally difficult world of commercial music and the notion of a corporation helping an individual achieve success is laudable but corporations can't do this for every single individual.
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