Working with Surfrider Fundation, Australia's Arnold Furnace has created a campaign to raise awareness of plastic pollution in the world's oceans. The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of waves and beaches.
The ads themselves are beautiful surfer shots married with shots of actual trash.
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In reaction to social media outrage over McDonald's discontinuing its Angus Third Pounder burger line, Carl's Jr and Hardee's CEO Andy Puzder offered his sympathy to McDonald's customers in an open letter that ran in USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. Coming to the aid of disgruntled and distraught McDonald's diners, Puzder is offering people a $1 off coupon for Carl's Jr.'s and Hardee's' 100% Black Angus Six Dollar Burger. The coupon can be downloaded at ReclaimYourAngus.
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Red Urban -- in collaboration with Untitled Films and Rooster Post -- has launched a new campaign for Toronto-based 23 Degrees Roastery which highlights a few awkward moments which resulted from people forgetting their morning cup of coffee.
Three online spots show coffee-deprived individuals yawning at very inappropriate times. In one spot, exhaustion prevents a doctor from delivering some terrible news in a sensitive manner. In another, a bomb squad lets the clock run out as their yawns become contagious. In the third, an overly sleepy Mohel about to perform a circumcision doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the baby's family. The spots end with an appeal from 23 Degrees: "Please don't forget your coffee."
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Working with 360i, Oscar Mayer is out with a hilarious spoof of our love for bacon. In the video, we hear from Phil Roudenbusch who is Oscar Mayer's "bacon cut and design chief." He asks, " Bacon. Is there anything more noble?" Of course there isn't.
360i, which has done wonders to bring Oreo into "the social age," aims to do the same for bacon. Although we think bacon does quite well on its own in internet circles.
The video, which centers on the theme "Say it with bacon," goes on and on and on obsessing over the qualities of the perfect strip of bacon and how, well, bacon just might be the perfect gift, shoving aside such other mundane gifts as diamond rings and pendants.
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Dollar Shave Club, which recently introduced a whole new way for men to buy razor blades, has introduced One Wipe Charlies. Yes, butt wipes for men. Apparently, it's a thing. That thing being men wiping their ass with wet baby wipes instead of toilet paper.
Capitalizing on that trend, and furthering his quest to "own the bathroom," Dollar Shave Club CEO Michael Dubin is out with another crazy, poop joke-laden promotional video which he, of course, refers to as "number two."
All manner of bear shitting in the woods humor ensues.
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It's alway cool to have a major film shot in one's home town. That is, until you have to drive to work and a 15 minute commute turns into an epic two-and-a-half hour road rage. To ease tensions, Cleveland-based Brokaw worked with Cleveland's RTA this morning to hand out vouchers for free rapid transit passes.
Cute as this promotion is, we're thinking a giant billboard of Scarlett Johansson might have done more to calm the nerves. But, hey, who doesn't love a free ride on public transportation?
Ever hang around with your buddies or girlfriends the morning after and trade stories about last night? Ever realize the stories are usually grander and more epic that they were in real life? Kind of like a beer commercial? Oh wait...
UK agency Shiny Red is out with a, ahem, beer commercial that harkens the brand's 80's and 90's commercials and even features the original duo that appeared in the brand's "I Bet He Drinks Carling Black Label" ads, Stephen Frost and Mark Arden.
In this new ad, one half of a new duo attempts an epic pool shot but his epicness is short lived as, akin to most epic stories, this one has a not so epic finish.
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It's fairly evident there's a tectonic shift going on in the workplace today. From telecommuting to collaboration to cloud-based workflows, everything is changing. So what's a marketer supposed to do in the face of all this change?
Thankfully, there are experts on this topic who can help guide you and your company through these changes. In this Central Desktop eBook, to which I contributed, you will learn how these changes are affecting marketing organizations, why the remote workplace is growing in importance, how telecommuting can actually give your company a competitive edge, how agencies and marketers are reinventing their creative teams to meet these changes and why collaboration is becoming an integral component of successful companies.
Download the eBook now and stay ahead of the curve.
JWT New York is out with new work for Vonage which dumps testimonials in favor of a new spokesperson. Perhaps doing Geico a favor and giving the caveman a new job -- OK, OK, it's not the caveman -- JWT has introduced a street character who rants about phone companies "living in the stone age" and foisting "barbaric pricing models" on an unsuspecting public.
Our caveman -- OK, OK, let's call him Homeless Man -- is seen by, presumably, a Vonage executive and and Grumpy Cat's newfound fame...becomes the brand's Chief Generosity Officer. And he's all about being crazy generous.
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The Martin Agency is proud to present its first work for Benjamin Moore since winning the account in February. Entitled Main Street Matters, the new campaign features a television commercial voiced by Brad Pitt with support from social media and digital ads.
The campaign urges Americans (or anyone, really) to vote for their favorite Main Street to be entirely repainted by Benjamin Moore. It's not very clear at first how to vote. (Click a state or provence on the map and then select a town within.)
Voting will be open through June 30 and painting and renovations will commence in 20 cities from July 2013 through May 2014
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