Today, Twitter has added the Lead Generation Card to its stable of Twitter Cards, a format that brings a rich media experience to the stream. The Lead Generation Card allows for the creation of an in-stream landing page on which the user, with one click and without having to leave Twitter, can request more information from the marketer.
When the user clicks, their name, email and Twitter handle are sent to the marketer who can then add that information into their marketing automation process for further nurturing.
The Lead Generation Card reveals itself in an expanded Tweet where the marketer can provide an image, text and call-to-action that exceed the usual 140 character limit. Any tweet can contain a Lead Generation Card and it can also be turned into a promoted tweet.
The offering is currently being tested with a few brands including New Relic (@newrelic), Full Sail (@fullsail) and Priceline (@priceline). The offering will first roll out to Twitter's managed clients and then to its self serve ad platform.
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Today, it's all about the hump. No, not that hump. Hump Day. As in Wednesday. Created by The Martin Agency -- on Hump Day -- and featuring a witty camel (you see where this is going now?), the ad is part of the brand's Happier Than campaign.
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In an effort to tout Samsung's new Evolution Kit, some kind of device that makes your tired, old TV awesome and new, the brand has dipped its toe into the anti-objectification of women waters with Evolutionary Husband.
In the ad, a wife, tired of her slovenly husband's burping, farting, Neanderthal ways, plugs the Samsung Evolution Kit into his back and, poof, he instantly becomes...a stereotypically 1950's housewife who effortlessly cooks, cleans, babysits and generally serves his wife's every need...much like the stereotypical 1950's housewife did for her husband.
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It's sort of expected drug-related PSAs will shock, disgust and make you squirm. After all, it's the whole scared straight thing, right? Here's one from Bungalow25 for the Spanish Foundation Against Drug Addiction that aims to prevent alcohol abuse among Spanish youths.
In the ad, a girl begins to puke on the sidewalk. Then she REALLY begins to puke. And then the commercial turns into an Alien movie. And finally, the ad closes with "Every time you get drunk you separate yourself from the things that matter most."
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Yesterday, the marketing world was up in arms over Nutella sending a cease and desist to the brand's biggest fan, Sara Rosso. Seven years ago, Rosso created World Nutella Day which now has 40,000 followers on Facebook. Nutella claimed the page was an unauthorized use of their intellectual property and trademarks.
Oh how quickly the tide turns for brands when they realize lawyers are clueless and consumers run the show. Following the kerfuffle, Nutella has dropped its cease and desist order and issued an apologetic statement to Italian news site Corriere della Sera which the Huffington Post translated:
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Today's tempest in a teacup comes to us courtesy of NYC-based Frames Bowling Lounge which wants to make a big deal out of the fact the New York Times has pulled one of its ad banners because it's too racy.
The ad banner shows a woman lying on a pool table (because, of course, all women do this) along with the copy, "Gentleman, It's Playtime" (because, of course, all men understand hot blonds who lay on pool tables want to have sex).
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You would think that after all these years of highly publicized social media screw ups and popular SXSW panels that highlight such screw ups, brands would finally get the message; Don't be a jackass and alienate your biggest fans.
Sadly, it seems there will always be an idiot in the mix. This time it's Italy-based Ferrero SpA, parent company to Nutella, a hazelnut spread loved by many The brand sent a cease and desist to Sara Rosso, founder of World Nutella Day, a 7-year-old event and organization that is all about the love of Nutella.
Rosso launched World Nutella Day in 2007 to "celebrate Italy's edible treasure with online and offline tributes." The event's Facebook page has 40,000 likes.
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This is hilarious! And so welcome. After years of trashing the anti-smoking Truth campaign for its idiotic use of anachronistic quotes from tobacco company executives and Derek Beckles, this new work from Arnold Worldwide made us laugh. Of course, it's 4th grade bathroom humor but no one ever really grows out of that.
Take a look at how Arnold conveys the fact methane is found in dog poop and cigarette smoke and urea (aka carbamide which is an organic chemical compound and the waste produced by the body after metabolizing protein) is found in cat pee and cigarettes. Good stuff.
While we're pretty sure John Williams movie soundtracks wouldn't be classified as classical music by most purists, when you're the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (OSB) trying to boost attendance before your entire audience dies, bending the rules a a little bit isn't an issue.
Combating the fact most of the OSB's orchestra is over the age of 65, Brazilian agency Artplan shot the OSB playing classic (again. a stretch of the word) movie soundtracks, linked to it from YouTube clips and, as a result, claim to have increased the number of young people attending OSB concerts by 40%. As well as achieving a sell out for the entire season.
Not bad for a little rule bending.
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As a parent, you no doubt experience pangs of trepidation -- no, horror -- when you leave your children with a babysitter you may not know very well. You wonder if your children will be well cared for, whether they will be fed properly, whether they go to bed on time.
But, if you've ever had any of the three types of babysitters featured in this BBDO Atlanta-created, Tool-produced commercial, your concerns are a bit more serious and you'll want to make sure your next babysitter has take the American Red Cross' Babysitting Basics course before leaving the house.
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