We absolutely love the approach Cake New York took when creating this Volvo XC60 and XC90 ad. The agency recruited some of the automotive world's toughest critics, kids. They placed the kids, not child actors, in the back seat and had them talk about the vehicle.
Of course the kids were prompted to highlight certain things but the presentation is very natural and who doesn't love a few cute kids talking about stuff? Not you? If you don't you're not ready. And you're not ready for this vehicle. Which, of course, is perfectly fine because Volvo doesn't want you. Yet.
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Here's an interesting approach that calls attention to skin cancer prevention. Of course, it's flawed because the sun can reach you even when you are in the water. Anyway, in this Peruvian ad, we see a bikini-clad lady make her way into the water. She is accompanied by the theme from Jaws. We here the theme song until she dips under water signaling the danger is over. That, of course, is the flaw but we get what the creators intended. Cover up. Keep yourself shielded from the sun's harmful rays.
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Yes, fellow ad geeks. Your favorite TV show is coming back. On April 7, AMC will debut season 6 of Mad Men, the Matthew Winer show that chronicles the advertising business in the 1960's.
The promo is very quick and consist of black and white stills. Don does not look happy.
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Touting its U.S. edition, UK-based newspaper The Guardian has launched its first U.S. ad campaign. The paper is well known for its Three Little Pigs and Own the Weekend ads.
The Guardian partnered with BBH New York to launch #VoiceYourView, a campaign that merges the Guardian's editorial voice with its strategy of open journalism.
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Describing its new work for UK mobile network Three, Wieden + Kennedy London said, "Shot against the dramatic backdrop of the Shetland Islands, the :60 spot follows the story of a stocky little pony. But this is no ordinary Shetland pony. With the scrape of a hoof, and a flick of his Tina Turner-esque mane, he effortlessly moonwalks along to the sound of 'Everywhere' by Fleetwood Mac."
Which is all that really needs to be said about this new commercial that touts a "pony mixer" that lets people remix the pony to dance any way they choose. Except, of course, that it already has over 1.4 million YouTube views since being released February 28.
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There is an article over on the HubSpot blog written by your truly that you really should read. It's well understood that most, if not all, of us who have toiled in the world of marketing and advertising understand that what we do is supposed to sell stuff, not win awards. Alas, sitting on the Carlton Terrace in Cannes sipping rose is hard to pass up if one is lucky enough to have that experience.
Winning awards is all well and good and can greatly benefit one's career and an agency's ability to win new business. We won't dispute that but too much emphasis is placed on the glamour of advertising rather than its intended purpose; to create a smooth, gentle pathway that moves people along to a point at which they decide to open their wallets and hand over their hard earned cash for your (or your client's) products or services.
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