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Kaley Cuoco Makes Super Bowl Debut in Toyota Ad


Big Bang Theory hottie Kaley Cuoco will appear in a Saatchi LA-created Super Bowl commercial for Toyota next month. As a run up to the ad, consumers will be offered the chance to have their picture appear in the ad as part of the brand's Get in the Big Game promotion.

From January 4 through January 12, people can submit their photos to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #wishgranted (hmm, that sounds dangerous) for a chance to appear in the February 3rd ad. One photo will be chosen.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-13    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy, Super Bowl 2013

App Helps Guys Make Marriage Proposal


The big question. One many guys are both excited to ask and horrified to perform. Jeweler Helzberg Diamonds, with help from Rosetta, is out with Proposal Pro, an iPhone app that aims to reduce the stress associated with popping the question. The app offers:

- Tips on choosing the perfect ring
- A ring sizer to make sure it fits
- Tips on how to ask her parents
- How to find the best location to propose
- How to write a memorable proposal
- How to share the news with friends and family

There's even a timeline to tie the whole process together. Sadly, the app can't guarantee a positive response but it sure can improve one's proposal skills. Oh, and sell a few diamonds too.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-13    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless

Hunter Boots Offers Free Footwear to Weather Picture Posters


Working with We Are Social, UK-based Hunter Boots has created a Facebook app, Together Through Any Weather, that asks people to post weather pictures. Each day, the brand will choose its favorite picture and award that person its prize of the day; various clothing items and footwear.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-13    
Topic: Social

Report: 2012 Twitter Trends


Here's a snapshot at Twitter share of voice and sentiment for top companies in several major industries: Media & Entertainment, Finance, Retail, Telecommunications, Quick-service restaurants, Health, Auto, Nonprofits, Alcohol, Travel, Tech, and CPG.

For each industry, social insight firm Topsy made a chart showing the share of voice for the top 10 businesses or brands with the share of Twitter mentions for each brand across the entire year including events that caused particular spikes.

The charts also show a list of the brands (combining name and Twitter handle) ranked by Topsy's social sentiment score. To compute the sentiment score, Topsy analyzes about 200 million English-language tweets each day, computes minute-by-minute sentiment for every term in every tweet, and creates scaled scores for all terms, such as the brands and businesses listed here. The scores range from 0 (negative) to 100 (positive), with 50 as neutral.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-13    
Topic: Research

Infographic Explains What We Already Know: People Distrust Ads


A new infographic produced by market researcher Lab42 reveals a stunning discovery; 76 percent of people think ads are somewhat or very exaggerated. Well slap me upside the head with an SRDS book. Who knew?

In other stunning findings, 96 percent of the 500 folks Lab42 surveyed believe half or more of all weight loss ads are photoshopped. Bet this makes Jessica Simpson pretty angry.

While it's obvious the majority of people distrust advertising, just 17 percent wish there were more laws to regulate advertising. Guess everyone's fine with being duped.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-13    
Topic: Research

Airport Bag Tags Form Expedia Campaign


Some ad campaigns are developed based on sound insight and detailed research. Others rely on "the big idea." Both approaches have merit. Sitting squarely in the "big idea" category is this brilliant new campaign from Ogilvy for Expedia which combined airport IATA codes (the three letter tags they put on your checked bags) into words and phrases.

Of the campaign's genesis, creative team members Jon Morgan and Mike Watson told Creative Review "It all started when we saw a woman walking through Heathrow with the word FUK hanging from her suitcase. Turned out she'd just flown in from Fukuoka in Japan. That got us thinking, 'maybe there are more'."

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-13    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine

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