Looks like Footlocker is up to their old tricks again. After having explored the sneaker spanking fetish and the orgasmic qualities of footwear, the brand is now exploring drug use, teen pregnancy and masturbation. Yea. We're not making this up. Check out the three new commercials below. Never before have sneakers been sold with such...hmm...such blunt abandon.
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vSplash has introduced BuzzBoard, a digital marketing and analytics platform that gives small business advertisers an overview of their digital presence across websites, search engines, blogs and social media and helps them to monitor, measure and track their online performance.
Of the offering, Founder and CEO Umesh Tiberwal said, "BuzzBoard offers a holistic view of the digital world of an SMB. It not only allows SMB aggregators to help their customers understand how they are performing across digital media, it provides aggregators empirical market data for targeting their sales efforts."
If this new video from Heineken represents your nightlife then you are, in fact, a hipster. That or you work in the advertising industry and go to a lot of industry events. But, unlike the guy in this commercial who learns sobriety (or at least responsible drinking) gets the girl and a glorious sunrise, you're more likely to end up at some dive bar in Vegas sitting next to some fat guy eating greasy eggs and bacon for breakfast. Unless, of course, you heed the advice in this commercial. Then you get the hot DJ.
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OK. OK. So this awesome piece of work from Amsterdam-based digital agency Pool won't really help you kill your boss but it will help you virtually to do and, perhaps, place some of your ill-focused aggression at bay. Let us introduce you to Shootview, a Google Maps mashup and adds first person shooter capability to Google Maps technology.
Head over to Shootview and check it out. Then be sure to search for the address closest to your boss's location and shoot the shit out of whatever's nearby. Or check out the intro video below. Your boss may not actually be within your view but you'll feel a lot better anyway.