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Leo Burnett Leaves Laundry Detergent Cliches Behind


Now here's a campaign we can get behind. For years we've rallied fof work that just tells it like it is minus all the ridiculous bells, whistles and buzzwords advertisers can't help but employ. So it is with a breath of...ahem...fresh air we share with you this new P&G campaign for Bonux laundry detergent from Leo Burnett Brussels.

Yes. The whole "trash advertising platitudes" thing has been done many time before but this approach, which mocks laundry detergent advertising platitudes just seems to work. Give the campaign a look.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

Eric Roberts Meets Doritos Crash the Super Bowl


OMG! Is it that time again? Has it been a year already? Is it time to engage in all manner of over blown Super Bowl hype? Yes, friends, it is time, once again, for the Coritos Crash the Super Bowl craziness.

We have two entries to share with you. They come from Ringleader and each is a unique approach. One employs Eric Roberts. The other, a dog. Give them both a watch and let us know what you think. The first is The Eric Roberts Show. The second is Disturbance.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-11    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity, Super Bowl 2012

Agency Launches Catvertising Division


Now this is some good old fashion tongue-in-cheek hilarity. Take a look at agency john st. and its launch of Catvertising. Yes, Catvertising. As inventive as this is, they didn't coin the term.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-11    
Topic: Agencies

Advertising is Worth Writing About


Former Adrants Editor Angela Natividad who now lives in Paris, works for CB'a, writes for AdVerve and hosts the AdVerve podcast was sent a screen shot of a conversation between Mark Wnek and Edward Boches. The conversation debated the merits or writing about advertising as a profession. Boches is pro on the topic. Wnek is con.

Angela, with her unique ability to ad spice and intelligent insight to anything she touches, takes a deep and introspective look at life as an advertising journalist and the purpose it serves. And, contrary to what Wnek might say, it most certainly serves a purpose. Chiefly, it plays an integral part in everyone's lives...even if most hate seeing ads.

Explaining this, Angel writes, "We wed ourselves to brands, see ourselves in the things we purchase because they become personal objects that we invest time and care in. We give them as gifts, wear them on our bodies, use them to facilitate our lives. It makes sense to want them to reflect something quality we have, or aspire to have, from the get-go."

Give her entire story a read, It's insightful and gives purpose to those of us who work in and rite about advertising each and every day.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-11    
Topic: Opinion

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Sony Gets Us That Much Closer to Star Trek's Holodeck


Hmm. It looks like Star Trek's Halodeck technology may be here sooner than we thought. Or at least a really cool new way to experience movies. It comes from Sony and highlights the brand's PlayStation Move controller.

The technology is described thusly, "In the past, projection mapping worked only from a single, static view point, and thus was very limited. By attaching the PlayStation Move to the camera, we can track projections to screens in real time, enhancing the effect of spatial deformation and false perspective on the projections and allowing viewers to look round (virtual) corners, bend walls, create a hole in the wall, or remove the walls altogether to reveal vast expanses of virtual worlds."

Check it out below. Will we all have holodecks in our home within the next 50 years? Sooner?

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-11    
Topic: Video

Condom Campaign Tests Limits of Facebook TOS


In a controversial effort to promote the use of condoms among young men, Age Isobar created a Facebook campaign which involved the creation of baby profiles that were then used to send friend requests to young men. The friend request came with the text, "Avoid surprises like this one. Use Olla Condoms."

One one hand, this is an ingenious way to literally frighten young men into buying condoms. After all, if you're not ready to have a child the notion of having one is pretty scary. On the other hand, some have taken issue with the campaign calling it a breach of Facebook's TOS (babies aren't 13 years old) and dubbing it spam.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-11    
Topic: Social

Uggcitrin Cures Irrational Obsession With Ugg Boots


Anytime anything shifts from underground cool to mass adoption in a short period of time it also becomes ripe for parody and backlash. Take Ugg boots. The footwear used to be the coolest thing. Now you can buy them at Walmart. And that's a problem. In fact, it's a disease. But there is a cure. And it's called Uggcitrin. Check it out below. And yes, we know the video has been out for a while.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-11    
Topic: Spoofs

Social Media Can Destroy Your Personal Life


No doubt, we've all been caught in compromising positions from time to time and with the rise of digital devices and the preponderance of social media, getting caught with your proverbial pants down has become even more of a risk.

But thanks to Norte Beer's Photoblocker, you might escape such labels as cheater, floozy, loser, photo bomber, dirty old man and a host of other less than admirable labels. So make sure you grab a Norte the next time you're out at a club during a conference or on a random weekend when you're supposed to be home behaving.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-11    
Topic: Commercials, Social

Car Brands Still Using Sex to Sell


The car industry has sometimes been accused of using sexually provocative ads to sell cars and there are plenty of recent examples that support that accusation. And, recently, many companies have been turning to a more tongue in cheek approach.

Many decades ago there were a number of overtly sexist ads from car manufacturers which made frequent references towards the fact that women were unsafe drivers. Examples include the ad below from Goodyear.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-11    
Topic: Brands

Game Allows Players to Control Car With Head Movements


Here's a new game for you game lovers. Red Bull is out with Red Bull Formula Face, an online racing game created by Buzzin Monkey that allows the player to control race cars with their head. Bob left, the car goes left. Bob right, the car goes right. Check out the full video here to see all manner of facial gyrations that control the car as it makes its way around the track.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-29-11    
Topic: Games

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