Here's a funny one. Ever been in that painful situation in which you say something to your significant other you wish you could take back? Well, Fallsview Casino Resort understands and is leveraging that notion in its ongoing campaign. The latest entry takes us to the beach where a man doesn't quite respond appropriately to his wife/girlfriend's statement, "I can't believe this bikini still fits me."
But thanks to a little luck and a coconut, our man is rescued from having his nuts handed to him on a platter. Toronto-based Blammo Worldwide created the campaign.
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To call attention to Dupuytren's disease, an ailment that affects the use of one's hands, 200 people dressed in skin-colored body suits formed a giant hand in Covent Garden to visually illustrate the contracting effects of the disease. Observers are directed to a website for more information
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Hoping to capitalize on people's obsessive use of Twitter, Euro RSCG Amsterdam along with Perfect Fools has launched a Twitter race to promote the new Citroen DS5. Beginning November 17, Twitter users will have a chance to win their own Citroen DS5 by directing the car's drivers. The most prolific tweets will encourage the driver, Dutch TV and radio presenter and car enthusiast, Froukje de Both, to travel to the tweeter's locale.
At the end of the "race," which is timed and can be monitored on a Facebook page, the driver will stop, hold up a sign with the most recent Twitter message and the first person who sees it and tweets back wins the car.
Well now. Here's a "liquor ad' that takes an unexpected turn. We've seen many alcohol brands - out of public and political pressure, of course - urge people not to abuse alcohol in a way that results in harm to oneself or to others. But we've never seen a brand do it so honestly and abruptly in the middle of a commercial that lulls you into the beauty and elegance of the brand.
The ad calls attention to the fact one in five parents in Sweden drink too much causing their children to suffer, eight out of ten acts of violence in public places are alcohol related and more than 325,000 Swedes are addicted to alcohol. It's just a good thing that the country has rehab centers where alcohol Addicts can get help from when they need it.
And in a twist on it's own tagline, the commercial closes asking, "How smooth is that?"
We love the ads honesty. We love its fearless deliverance of a sales and safety message all in one. We love the blunt, sudden, mid-commercial shift from the sales message to the safety message. And we love the fact it tricked us into thinking Taman was an actual liquor brand.
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You have to be pretty old to remember the original slew of soap operas. While many are currently suffering cancellation, there was a day when soap operas ruled the airwaves with millions upon millions of viewers. And while they were always advertiser supported, they got there name from the fact household brands such as P&G, Lever, and Colgate-Palmolive sponsored and produced the shows when they were first broadcast on radio and then television.
As daytime television audiences dwindled, soap operas lost their luster and, sadly to many, have been getting cancelled after 25 - 35 year runs. But, leave it to the web to rescue and rejuvenate just about anything. While episodic online shows aren't a new thing and have been produced for quite some time, the genre is far from the mainstream glory days of televised soap operas.
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There's a reason Apple doesn't have to build gigantic replicas of its phones, hire an army of street artists and host a full on concert in New York City to promote it's latest gadget. Windows on the other seems they have to go the extra step whenever they want to call attention to their latest gadget. And that's exactly what Wexley School for Girls recently did for a windows Phone launch. Witness all the craziness here.
Looks like it was a great time. A lot of fun. But still. Why does Microsoft have to do this and Apple never does?
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In this wacky Johan Renck-directed video, the unbelievably freaky looking Donatella Versace has her way with a collection of automaton hotties, played by Lindsey Wixson and Daphne Groeneveld, who Versace controls with stings and levers. Appropriately gap-toothed and puffy-lipped, the pair are guided through the machinations of Versace's inner freakishness as they model fashions for the brand's new line of affordable clothing.
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Well here's another strange one. UK ginger beer brand Ginger Joe's created a billboard with a giant mustache on it. The mustache consists of hair from redheads or, as they are referred to in England, gingers.
A set of videos accompanies the billboard and gives insight into where all that red hair came from.
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Hey this is a cute McDonald's commercial but let's analyze all that's wrong and odd with this spot. If a boy is out fishing in the middle of nowhere with his father/grandfather, how likely is it they'd have McDonald's take out? It'd be pretty cold by the time they got to the fishing hole. How wrong is it the boy uses a french fry as bait knowing even if the fish bit it, it'd kill it. Oh wait. strike that. And how likely would it be a crowd of crazed kids would come crashing out of the middle of nowhere at the mere sniff of a McDonald's french fry? Oh wait. Strike that too.
Apparently, we are completely wrong on this one. The power of the McDonald's french fry is so overpowering most people would do anything to get their hands on one. Guess Leo Burnett is a lot smarter than we thought.
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We'd really like to have been walking the hallways of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners while they were developing this new campaign for Comcast XFINITY. The campaign, which rebuts claims made by satellite providers, urges people not to be a Dish Head. We just wonder how long it took before everyone in the agency began referring to it as the dick head campaign.
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