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Nando's Little Hotties Campaign Escapes Censorship


Australian burger joint, Nando's, has long pushed the boundaries of good taste when it comes to their advertising. You may remember the commercial the brand ran a few years ago in which a woman with rather large breasts complained to her server there were no fries on her plate when, in fact, there were. She just couldn't see them because her breasts stuck out so far they blocked her view of the plate.

This summer the brand pushed boundaries again with its Little Hotties campaign which got into hot water with Australia's Advertising Standards Authority. A radio ad voiceover included the copy, "Tight buns. Great breasts. And oh so saucy. These little hotties have got it all. Print and online executions featured a woman dressed in burlesque wear.

While the campaign received a fair amount of complaints, the ASA ruled the campaign was not in breach of their code of ethics. Nando's Marketing Director Kim Russel defended the campaign saying the work was meant to be "sassy not sexy."

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-11    
Topic: Policy, Racy

Google Acquires Motorola, Winnebago Man on Hulu


- Google has acquired Motorola Mobility for $12,5 billion in cash giving added boost the to the Android platform.

- On Monday morning Buddy Media announced $54 million in Series D funding from a group of leading late-stage investors.

- Alienware is out with a kooky episodic thing. The first installment is called "Once A Gamer Now A Lamer."

- Orbit gum is out with an odd little gem that, among other things, includes bobbing for panties.

- Doug E Fresh pimps his gig at Affiliate Ball.

- Remember Winnebago man? No? Google it. Hilarious shit. His documentary is streaming on Hulu for free the next two weeks.

- Wow! Rick Webb is leaving Barbarian Group. "Inconceivable!" as some Princess Bride loved to say. But best to you my man!

by Steve Hall    Aug-15-11    
Topic: Brands, Industry Events, Video

Cathay Pacific Cancels Ad Campaign After Cockpit Cockup


This one gets a big laugh. Cathay Pacific has postponed the launch of a campaign with the tagline "Meet the team who go the extra mile to make you feel special" because photographs surfaced of crew members having sex in the cockpit...which when you think about it, brings a whole new level of meaning to the word "cockpit." Reportedly, the photographs were published in Chinese newspapers.

Of the Cathay Pacific employees caught in the act, Cathay Pacific CEO John Slosar said, "I can confirm that two members of our crew shown in compromising situations in photographs published recently in Chinese-language daily newspapers are no longer employees of the company."

Apparently, oral sex was involved between a flight attendant and a pilot. Attempting to downplay safety concerns, Cathay Pacific has said there was no indication the sex act was performed while in flight.

The NSFW photos can be viewed here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-15-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy

Twilight Hotness Other Than Kristen Stewart Fronts Denim Campaign


If you follow the Twilight series then you are familiar with Kellen Lutz who plays the Emmett Cullen character. If you're a fan of his hunky hotness then we have something special for you. He's front and center in a new campaign for denim brand Abbott + Main.

As with every other fashion ad on the planet since time began, he's frolicking with some hot chick in bed who can't wait to pull his pants off and catch a glimpse at the prize package within. Check out all of Lutz's hotness here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-15-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy

Sprite Zero Goes (Non) Interactive With Skater Video


On the one hand, this Sprite Zero video in which a skater goes airborne to do a few stunts is impressive. On the other hand, it's terrible because it looks totally fake. Upon take off, the skater tells the viewer that pushing keys four through nine will choose the stunts he performs while in the air. But all those keys really do is act as markers making the video jump to the segment where a particular stunt is performed. There's really nothing interactive at all.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-15-11    
Topic: Video

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