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Nudists Horrified by Bikini-Clad Hotties


Flipping the table on the notion "nude beaches are gross" because, well, they are since the fantasy of seeing hot naked naked men and women is usually slapped down with the harsh reality most people aren't hot and should never take their clothes off at the beach...is this new work for Club La Senza.

We open on a nude beach filled with saggy, hairy people. Then, all of a sudden, six hot chicks emerge from the ocean and, to the horror of the nudist, are wearing bikinis. The sight is just too much for them to take. It's like...well...looking in the mirror.

Anyway, mild hilarity ensues. And the work has something for the ladies too. A hunky, six-packed lifeguard. Something for everyone to enjoy here.

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by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Commercials, Racy

Apparently Five Agencies of the Year Are Better Than One


As if the advertising business weren't already overrun with awards for everything from best pencil engraving to loudest infomercial, New York Festivals has seen fit to expand its Advertising Agency of the Year to Advertising Agency of the Year - By Country. Yes, now agencies the world over can grab the title. Well, at least at least in five countries on which the organization decided to bestow the honor.

The five winners are BBDO in the US, Forsman & Boedenfors in Sweden, Jung von Matt in Germany, Leo Burnett Sydney in Australia and TBWA in France.

As background, New York Festivals International Advertising Awards honors advertising's creative community with the following special awards: Advertiser of the Year, Network of the Year, Advertising Agency of the Year by Country, and The World's Best Idea.

by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Industry Events

PSA Highlights Dangers of Red-Light Running


Not quite as emotional and horrifically gut wrenching as that PSA from Ireland's Road Safety Authority but this road safety PSA from the National Coalition for Safer Roads which explores the familial devastation running a red light can cause.

The PSA centers on three women who share their story about how their loved ones were lost because someone ran a red light and killed them.

"No one ever thinks it will happen to their family," said David Kelly, president and executive director of NCSR. "Unfortunately, it's far too common. Every day, innocent lives are lost because of red-light running. This new PSA helps educate motorists about the dangers of red-light running and shows people how to get involved in our national coalition to make our roads safer."

A recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found that 113,000 people were injured and 676 were killed in crashes that involved red-light running in 2009 - two-thirds of the victims were pedestrians, bicyclists and occupants of vehicles hit by the red-light runners.

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by Steve Hall    May-19-11    
Topic: Cause

Fish Sing, Skelotons Walk, Snoop Dog Smells


- Fish sing for depressing. Strange. Very strange.

- Two R/GA creatives, Fabian Berglund and Ida Gronblom. have just joined Wieden + Kennedy.

- A single click can help change the world. Some nice work that's part of the YouTube Cannes Young Lions Ad Contest. It comes from Schacar Aylon in Israel.

- Lymbix hopes to call attention to email misunderstandings and miscommunication with ToneCheck, a site that tests the tone of your email before you send it.

- If you were wondering why there were skeletons on the walk/don't walk sign in New York, here's an explanation for you.

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by Steve Hall    May-18-11    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity, Guerilla, Promotions, Strange

Pissalyzer Urges Men to Call A Cab


By now, we've seen all manner of urinal advertising but this one serves a beneficial purpose. While not actually measuring alcohol content, the Pissalyzer from Publicis Milan delivered a "take a cab" message to men who pissed in the urinal long enough for it to be assumed they'd consumed a pint of beer. While we're sure this is helpful, we have to wonder if a dude whose just down a few shots is going to piss long enough to get the message.

Anyway, it's a worthy effort and who doesn't like to read stuff while taking a piss. It's better than wondering if the guy in the next stall is checking out your junk.

by Steve Hall    May-18-11    
Topic: Guerilla, Specialty, Video

Montana Film Office Wins Silver ADDY


The Montana Film Office's 2010 online campaign to introduce filmmakers to the backdrops of the Big Sky state won a Silver ADDY at the District 11 ADDYs competition, sponsored by the American Advertising Federation. The campaign features five Web short videos that highlight Montana's most film-worthy locations.

Called "Montana. The Ultimate Location," the series follows Marty Katz, Hollywood film producer and winner of Montana Film Office's Studio 406 Familiarization Trip Giveaway, as he explores Montana's Rocky Mountain peaks, vistas, light and its Old West.

The online campaign won Gold in Montana's ADDY Awards competition earlier this year and then went on to compete at the Northwest's regional ADDY competition this spring, among entries from Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. The campaign was produced by Montana-based advertising agency PartnersCreative.

by Steve Hall    May-18-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Peg-Legged Rabbit Wants Its Feet Back


There's strange commercials and then there's this commercial from production company OPC Detroit for Poker Wingman, a site which promises to be your wing man as you gamble your life savings away.

Every once in a while we need some luck. Every once in a while we believe rabbits feet will bring us that luck. And every once in a very great while that rabbit comes calling. And he wants his feet back.

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by Steve Hall    May-18-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

14th Annual Dead Radio Contest Announced


Oink Ink Radio has opened its call for entries for its 14th annual Dead Radio Contest, a celebration of radio ads that never made it to broadcast. According to the organizers, the event addresses what happens "when bad things happen to good ideas." We've all had great work shot down. Work that should have made it outside the confines of the conference room. But, for whatever reason, it was killed.

Along the lines of the Killed Ideas project we were involved with a while back, the Dead Radio Contest promises to give glory to work that should have seen the light of day.

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by Steve Hall    May-18-11    

Audi Owners Are Crazy!


We all know some people can get pretty crazy over the cars they love. But all this Audi commercial does is illustrate how idiotic its customers are. In the ad, people risk life and limb to jump out of their BMW's, Luxus' and Mercedes' - while on the highway - and hop into the seat of a brand new Audi atop a car carrier.

Yes, the ad is meant to illustrate the "extraordinary" things people will do to get their hands on an Audi but really? It's much easier - and far less dangerous and stupid - to walk around an Audi car dealer lot to check out a new vehicle. But, of course, that would be a really boring ad so idiotic stupidity will always reign supreme in advertising.

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by Steve Hall    May-18-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Creative Commentary

Walmart Gets Rapped With New Orleans Bounce


We're going to go out on a limb here to say Walmart had nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of this video in which New Orleans rapper Mr. Ghetto, accompanied by two booty shaking dancers, prattles on about the wonders of shopping at Walmart. All we can say is it's pretty fucking strange. But it will likely get Walmart more for their money than any recent marketing effort has.

With almost 56,000 views on YouTube in one day, the video is equally liked and disliked by viewers. Predictably, several comments center on race and the sad state of rap. Over at Walmart, we have to believe the marketing folks are either high fiving each other right now or shaking their heads in embarrassment they're associated with this dreadful oddity.

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by Steve Hall    May-18-11    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Opinion, Strange, Video

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