Hip Hop Hotties Hype Bavarian-Themed Tourist Destination
Miss us? Yea, it's been quiet here for a few days. But it was for good reason., We were at a conference called SocialFresh and it was held on a cruise ship with seriously limited internet access. More on that later. For now, let's talk about Woody Goomsba and Leavenworth Washington. Never heard of it? Well, you will have after you've viewed this video promoting the Bavarian-themed destination.
Unlike your average tourism video which barfs up transitional imagery of a destination's supposed beauty, Leavenworth takes a different approach. it's not a new approach but it works. The strategy? Hot women dressed in sexed-up Dirndle wear who hang with crackin' nutcracker Woody Goomsba and gyrate to the sounds of some beat heavy hip hop rap.