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For Some, Extra Long Condoms Are A Necessity


Yea. Everyone was all over this one yesterday. We were too busy using the product to write about it. Anyway, Publicis India is pimping Adams Extra Long Condoms in some really strange ads that highlight the fact the truly endowed can have sex in public without anyone knowing.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Strange

Dance Anomoly From Diesel Has the Stink


Doesn't everyone randomly get up in the middle of a cafe an break into dance? If you're in a Diesel commercial you do. All hipsteresque and all, this commercial highlights both the supposedly hipsterrific qualities of Diesel as well as its fashions. All we really care about is the curvaceous girl in the yellow bikini/shorts with the killer ass and legs.

more »

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-10    
Topic: Brands, Strange, Video

Grab the Diapers! The E*Trade Babies Are Coming to A Theater Near You!


Please make it stop. Geico tried it with the caveman dude and it failed miserably. Is there any reason to believe a movie about the E*Trade babies won't equally suck? The babies are (occasionally) funny because they are a gag. And a tired one at that. It's like Saturday Night Live turning a skit into a movie. Most fail.

Of course, we'd love for Lindsay Lohan to make an appearance halfway through the flick and wreak havoc when Lindsay the milkaholic pops in. Now that would make the movie worth watching.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-10    
Topic: Brands, Worst

Heading to ad:tech San Francisco? Here's Your Party Schedule


In the weeks leading up to the ad:tech San Francisco conference, the party invites begin to roll in and it's our job (well, someone has to do it) to gather them together, place them on an easy to access Google calendar and share the details of each party with you.

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-10    
Topic: Industry Events

Magner's Method, Stop the Sag, Politics Crowdsourced


- There's method in the Magner's.

- New York Senator Eric Adams says "Stop the Sag" in hopes youth will collectively pull up their pants.

- Adland says, "Really now, a user generated campaign for a political party? Yeah, that'll end well. Actually, it just might - it's being overseen by Saatchi & Saatchi after all."

- Pepsi has partnered with Eva Longoria Parker to direct and produce a documentary based on the most inspiring stories posted on YO SUMO, a site which will highlight the contributions Latinos have made to the United States.

- Blogging for shrimp lovers. Yes, it's as strange as it sounds. Even stranger knowing Taco Bell is behind it.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Online, Outdoor, Strange

Solis! Hall! Newlands! Louie! Party With Us At ad:tech


If you're attending ad:tech or if you're in San Fransisco, you'll want to be sure to attend the Opening Night Party held the first night of ad:tech San Francisco, April 19 at 7:30PM at Roe Restaurant and Nightclub. Hosted by Marissa Louie, Murray Newlands, Brian Solis and myself, Steve Hall, there will be a brief half hour panel followed by lots of drinking and mingling.

Come and be social. There's more information on a facebook page and you can register to attend on this Eventbrite page.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Industry Events

How to Make It As An Advertising Creative


Of his new book (entitled How to Make it as an Advertising Creative), BBH's Simon Veksner, publisher of the Scamp blog, tell us, "I know there's a lot of ad books out there, but I'm hoping mine's a little different. There's nothing in it about what makes a good ad, or how to write a good ad. Instead, it's all about what you need to know to be a successful creative, above and beyond being good at writing ads. So it's not about craft, it's about guile. It's about how to get the best out of directors, how to find the right partner, and how to sell more of your ideas to your CD."

In writing the book, Veksner spoke with Trevor Beattie, Jeremy Craigen, Paul Silburn, Flo Heiss, Jeff Benjamin (interactive ECD at Crispin Porter), Amir Kassaei (chief creative officer of DDB Germany) and Aussie creative entrepreneur Siimon Reynolds. And the book's forward is written by David Droga.

Once we give it a read, we'll tell you more about it but we like the approach. We don't need any more "how to make a great ad" books.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Publishing

Anti-Litter Effort Appeals to Sense of Pride


"These streets are reflections of ourselves." That's a line in one of the commercials from a new LevLane-created campaign for the Philadelphia Recycling Office. There are five spots in all. Each is the result of a 75-person audition of word performances from Philadelphia area artists.

With the tagline, Un Litter Us, the campaign aims to get people to care about their neighborhoods by informing them they are what the residents make of them.

In addition to TV, radio, transit and, the campaign will also include street poetry events, Facebook and Twitter presences, signage-designated "Litter Free School Zones," and block-by-block community mobilization drives.

Three of the commercial can be seen here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials

Man Obsessed With Smoking Oblivious to Shark Attack


Um. Where is the logic in this spot? Guy sits on dock. Guy chants, "Cigarette. Cigarette. Cigarette." While chanting, shark jumps out of water and begins to tear guy's arm off. Guy continues to chant, oblivious to shark tearing his arm off. That is until he pops a Nicorette lozenge which, one assumes, helps him stop obsessing about smoking a cigarette. So he can realize a shark is tearing his arm off.

Of course, by the time this idiot realized he was obsessing about a cigarette while a shark was attacking him, quite a bit more than his arm would have been torn of.

OK, yea, we get the whole cigarette obsession thing. It's over-powering. It distracts. It's a desire that must be met. And Nicorette is supposed to help assuage that desire ostensibly so you can come to the realization your arm is being torn of by a shark.

Of course in a scenario like this, you'd be dead before you came to that realization.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Lingerie is Love Jewelry


Hey we love lingerie as much as the next ad blog but we never really thought of it as jewelry. Of course that's irrelevant because any way you think of lingerie is always a good way. So even if a brand wanted to tout it's lingerie as, oh, say, Live Bait, we'd be down with that as well.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy

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