« Last week 14-Feb-10 | This archive, pg:  1  |  2  |  3  | Next week 28-Feb-10 »

KLM Levitates, Toyota Won't Stop Advertising


- While the dude probably has an incredibly string piece of mettle running up his pant leg, this levitation stunt by Dutch magician Ramana for KLM is impressive. No matter how he does it, it's gotta take a certain amount of stamina.

- Saatchi & Saatchi wants Toyota to stop advertising until its current recall drama has subsided. Toyota isn't listening and will continue to advertise.

- So here's a :30 Pedigree commercial extended to 1:50 because the whole thing is in slow motion. It's kinda beautiful. Much more so than normal speed. Then again, that's what the slo-mo cheat offers.

- Guys, want to learn how to be an alpha male and get what you want out of life? Even your best friend's girlfriend? Les Singer has the answer.

by Steve Hall    Feb-23-10    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Guerilla

Tebow Founds, Marijuana Dispensed, Moms Appreciated


- Tim Tebow now has a Foundation.

- Even medicinal marijuana shops need ad campaigns.

- P&G and Walmart love moms. The same way. In similar commercials.

- Who cares about your best ad. We want to see your first ad. And so does Freshman Ads, a new blog that highlights the first efforts of creatives the world over.

- Face it. Guys are assholes.

- Good God! Is there enough business babble speak in this Beet.tv interview with MediaVest's Amanda Richman?

- Tums tames overactive chicken. Saves guy from getting a a wing to the face.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause

Alvin and the Fraud Squad Squeak Out Credit Card Safety Message


So what's the latest and greatest in credit card fraud protection? It involves helium and a lot of laughing. Funny as that might sound, it's not. There's something missing in this ANZ Fraud Squad commercial. We're not sure what though. Come to think of it, we're not even sure what the commercial was selling.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Commercials

Minnesota Lottery Gets Weird With Giants and Confetti


OK. This is a little bit dirty. We know the possibility of winning the lottery can, indeed, be exciting. But, Colle + McVoy, did you really have to allude to the creepiness of a guy self-pleasuring himself in his vehicle? OK, perhaps we're reading way too much into this but you have to admit there are people out there who think this way.

Think of our commentary as a service to you, Colle + McVoy. We just don't want to see anyone write the headline "Guy Jacks Off With Giant to Win Lottery" or "Minnesota Makes Merriment For Masturbating Macrophiliac." Honest. We're just trying to help.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Campaigns

Public Invited to Improve GoDaddy Advertising


While we are loathe to give GoDaddy any more publicity than it's already achieved, our dedication to journalistic principles outweighs our knee jerk reaction to click delete on this one. As if maximizing to death the whole banned commercial thing weren't enough, GoDaddy is now stealing a move from the Doritos playbook with the launch of a social media-fueled consumer-generated commercial contest.

First place will net the winner $100,000 with second and third bringing in $50,000 and $25,000 respectively. Hmm. Seems like Bob Parsons is willing to part with more money than he did to produce his Super Bowl commercials.

Parsons and GoDaddy Girl Danica Patrick will choose the winners. OK, everyone, click here to enter. And please. Do the industry justice and give us something better than Bob has given us over the years

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Consumer Created, Promotions

Autotopsy Explores Car Crash Details


Like to witness graphically horrific car accidents? Well there's a TV show just for you and a website to go with it. While not as violent as it could be, this work from Toronto-based Jam3 for Showcase's Cra$h and Burn takes you inside the gritty details of a car accicent. From approach to impact to aftermath, all angles and characters are explored.

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Online

The Beauty of Female Genital Mutilation


This very beautiful spot about very beautiful women calls attention to the horrific practice of female genital mutilation. While our culture can't conceive of such a practice, there are cultures out there where this is the norm. A decidedly unbeautiful thing to do/

by Steve Hall    Feb-22-10    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Racy

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