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Skittles Faced, Ad Week Opens, Wine-Loving Moms Get FB Love


- Using its Facebook fan page with a membership of 3.7 million, Skittles' "Valentine the Rainbow" lets users create a digital valentine for an unsuspecting, hand-picked meter maid, one of the most hated professions in the country and one that deserves some sweet lovin'.

- Registration for Advertising Week 2010 has opened.

- Yea, yea, yea, That Belgian advertising agency strike.

- Check out The Incredibly Boring Web Content Challenge from Captains of Industry. Enter your submission for the most mind numbing product descriptions.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Social

Winter Olympics Bore You? Samsung Can Help


Skiing? Skating? Bobsledding? Basketball? Snowboarding? The Winter Olympics? Boring, right? Not if you're Cheil Worldwide and you're creating a campaign for Samsung Electronics. Nope. When you're an ad agency, you don't have to live within the confines of Olympic Rule.

Nope. You can create sports like Snowboard Basketball and Beat Box Ice Skating. Snowboard Basketbal we can see. Beat Box Ice Skating not so much.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Video

Cause Group Thanks Denny's For Telling World About Suffering Chickens


Yup. It was predictable. A cause group has, in a way, thanked Denny's for bringing the plight of chickens to the forefront of the public's mind. As you recall, Denny's poked fun at what chickens would have to go through to lay all the eggs needed for the company's Grand Slam breakast promotion.

Farm Sanctuary President and Co-Founder Gene Baur said, "In a surprise move, Denny's, home of the Grand Slam breakfast, inadvertently delivered a powerful animal protection message to millions of Super Bowl fans during Sunday's game between the Saints and the Colts. I say 'surprise' because it's not every day that a major restaurant chain makes a public acknowledgment (and during the Super Bowl no less) of the animal suffering that goes into the creation of their menu items, but that is precisely what Denny's did with their 'Chicken Warning' ads."

Baur added, "Denny's (however unintentionally) made the connection between animal suffering and the food on their menu, giving viewers a glimpse at the nasty truth behind eggs."

Will anyone think twice the next time they order scrambled eggs? We think not.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Cause, Super Bowl 2010

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. Says Rich Media Can Kill You


Remember back in the day when the click was king and animated banners were all the rage? Back when Geocities sites ruled? Yea, they were quaint times. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Well, some of us have. Not the Council of Responsible Advertisers Promoting Accepted Digital Solutions or C.R.A.P.A.D.S. No. C.R.A.P.A.D.S. thinks it's still all about the click and all this rich media stuff is, well, crap. After all, who wants bloated images floating across the screen?

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. wants us to appreciate the "beauty and effectiveness of traditional ad banners. Company Chairman Charles Letchwell says they're reliable and "better suited for real internet people."

C.R.A.P.A.D.S. Creative Director Eldred Tosveck says rich media is "gratuitous and obscene" and "only 98 percent of the web browsers are enable with The Flash. Who's looking out for the other two?"

You'll be surprised when the responsible party behind this campaign is outed. We know who it is but we're not saying. After all, that would take the fun out of the hunt, right?

And now...FULL DISCLOSURE: This company advertises on Adrants. And they pay us money to do so. OK? We good?

Now come on, who can be the first to name the company?

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Online

With Each Inhale, Another Wrinkle Will Cross Your Brow


While the concept could be a bit more dramatic, this commercial from DDB Toronto for Canada's Smoker's Helpline does an adequate job making the point cigarettes can take years off your life. With each puff of the cancer stick, another wrinkle may appear.

It's not as dramatic as, say, images of a man who's entire face is falling off (which we will spare you the sight of), but it does deliver the message.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Cause

No Slogans. No Sequins. This is The Man


Love this new French Connection video called "The Man." It casts aside all the over the top blather we see in far too many fashion ads. In this one, we have a man. And he has clothes. And he is a regular man. Well, a regular man with a (fake?) beard who can't seem to get the elevator to work. But a man with a fashion sense none the less. Just, thankfully, not for sequins. Which is really code for over the top fashions brands try to sell me but only end up selling to the three people who actually respond to their ads in GQ.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-10    
Topic: Brands, Good, Strange, Video

Even Tampa Has Social Media Conferences


On Monday, SocialFresh held a conference in Tampa at the Doubletree Hotel. There were about 250 attendees or the day-long event. The usual social media-related topics were covered but, more importantly, we all gathered to watch the Super Bowl together Sunday night before the conference began.

Once the conference did begin, keynote speaker Maggie Fox from Social Media Group touched on how her company handles social media and uttered an all-important notion we've said over and over again here: Viral is a thing that happens. Not a strategy. Indeed. While you can certainly plan and make every conceivable effort to enable something to go viral, until it goes viral, it ain't viral.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-10-10    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

Winning Consumer-Generated Content Not Created by 'Real' Consumers


MIT Advertising Lab has an interesting story that highlights the not so secret fact many of the consumer-generated commercials that made there way to the Super Bowl and elsewhere aren't created by "regular" consumers but by consumers who also happen to work in creative industries.

The winner of this year's Doritos Crash the Super Bowl consumer-generated ad contest, Joshua Svoboda, is a creative director at 5 Point Productions.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-10-10    
Topic: Consumer Created

Ladies, Heineken Beer Gloss Will Get Your Man. And Every Other Man Too


Ladies, you might want to be careful with Heineken's new Ber Gloss. It might be one thing to attract your man with the scent of beer like a Neanderthal attracted to his woman after a week-long hunting and gathering trip. It's another thing entirely when complete strangers walk up to you and start uncontrollably kissing you.

Yet another ad which portrays men as idiot savants who are easily manipulated by beer and the chance of sex with hot, unattainable women.

Might as well capitalize on the axiom though. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach...or his penis.

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-10    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Strange

Red Tettmer Gives Us Valentine's Day Sexting


As we sit here, stranded and lonely, on a miserably cold and rainy day in a Doubletree hotel in Tampa, we'll take any form of excitement and warmth we can get. So when we saw this Valentine's Day sexting thing from Red Tettmer, we jumped at the chance for human interaction. Sadly, Red Tettmer doesn't care how stranded and lonely we are. Our texts to the nimble-fingered Red tettmer hottie went unanswered. What's a person stuck in a hotel room to do?

by Steve Hall    Feb- 9-10    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless

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